No words for how angry it makes me, can’t imagine what you are feeling. Very sorry. Is there a new platform you’ve moved to, or will be moving to, where we can look for regular video posts from you?

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All episodes back to 2019 are here (for now) https://www.portable.tv/series/oncontact

I think all are available here (for now): https://www.rt.com/shows/on-contact/

I always expected this day was coming. Years ago, I downloaded the first few episodes with the intention of burning them onto dvds to preserve them, a project I had to put on hold to care for family. Hopefully someone else can also do this so that we can share Chris's work with people who need to hear it. If you can do it, do it now before the feds find some reason to block the RT websites

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It is somewhat ironic that we must depend on Russia for free speech.

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Russia will let you speak as long as you don't talk about them.....

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i advise you to go to any of the comment sections at RT.com and deliver the most scathing invective you can muster against Russia. i promise you will be unpleasantly surprised that your screed will remain along with the doodlings of other amerikaners'.

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Thank you for the info

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In additon to Chris' programs all of the favorites such as Lavelle's Crosstalk are available. It is an expansive archive even including RT America news casts. I believe they haven't blocked it counting on low traffic due to Russophobia, and american nationalism. On the contrary they may have left it in the open to identify free thinkers. It is far worse than you can imagine so caveat emptor. This is a battle between capitalists, and they always wage the very worst wars. Also live RTs programming is avail;able on three additional sites https://odysee.com/@RT:fd/RTlivestream:8, https://rumble.com/vwbbjn-putin-announces-special-operation-in-donbass-special-coverage.html, and https://www.portable.tv/ Enjoy, but at your own risk

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Thanks for the additional info

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Apr 1, 2022
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"The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few!"

Star Trek Socialism 101

Selfish opportunism is jeopardizing humanities continued existence on many avenues. Is satisfying the greed of the few worth the sacrifice of the species?

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Wow, HUGE thanks!!!

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Belated massive props/ups/whatever the kids say these days -- to Alexander! As an IT person who understands that All is Ephemeral that is Not Backed Up, I urge all 'content creators' -- have your own copy -- actually, have two -- on two different media (CDs and DVDs are not forever, but they can't be destroyed by being de/magnetized, either*), in two different places.

Meanwhile, All Hail the Archivists! Archive what you really love. AND - tell the Wayback machine to do it for you, too: http://blog.archive.org/2017/01/25/see-something-save-something/

* Although their inks can become magnetized: https://www.gcaudio.com/tips-tricks/cd-dvd-demagnetization/

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"Challenge the official lie, as I often did, and you will soon become a nonperson on digital media. Julian Assange and Edward Snowden exposed the truth about the criminal inner workings of power. Look where they are now. This censorship is one step removed from Joseph Stalin’s whitewashing of nonpersons such as Leon Trotsky out of official photographs. It is a destruction of our collective memory. "

It is equally infuriating and heartbreaking with the pace of censorship accelerating by the day. When we were first taught the evils of Nazis in grade school what bothered me most was the question of how so many regular people allowed it to happen. The question nagged at me for decades until manufacturing consent concepts helped explain in part.

Now it's palpable and scares the flippin tar out of me to see, once seemingly rational folks turned to sanctimonious, venomous purveyors of the toxic mantras. God bless the truth tellers, every priceless one, may we prevail to forgive them.

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Hear, hear.

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You’re not an outcast Chris, you’ve just found the rest of us.

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On Contact was one of my favorite YouTube shows. Excellent content. Really well done.

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Hello. I’m wondering if you could cover a story on climate in relation to large scale animal farming? I’ve read it’s the major ecosystem and climate destroyer and certainly an uncomfortable subject for most since the majority of us still consume these products.

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I have a little different understanding of these issues. If someone is opposed to eating meat, that’s a personal choice and I respect it. But ecologically, grazing animals can be a great asset.

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I know I’ve heard that, and if human population numbers were merely in the tens of millions worldwide I could see this scientifically as a possibility, but when you’re talking about the United States and it’s national population of both rich and poor who can take for granted a daily oversupply of meat and other animal products the science shows this is unsustainable. Even the free range grass fed method of animal farming for such a large population of human consumers is not possible with the lands needed for this. I look at the science. We’ve been duped, all of us, by the propaganda of the meat industry as much as the war industry if you trace the history of advertising and our complete separation of the psychological pain and physical trauma of raising and slaughtering animals. Chris Hedges thankfully understands and has brought this to light more than once. We need to liberate animals from our exploitation as much as we need fair trade and the end of human slavery. The environmental movement that I have supported since childhood in the 60’s has rightfully been called out on this because the myth of the need for animal protein is so profitable and so well entrenched in the U.S. and other societies.The healthiest societies overall always have next to no animal flesh in the diet, and now we know most of us are not only healthier without it when done right but end animal slavery.

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All due respect, I cannot embrace your conclusions. Not sure how much you want to engage on this. I can do a zoom or phone call but there are too many interconnected issues to resolve this via written exchange.

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I meant no disrespect, I know this is an unpopular issue, hopefully we can discuss it in another form later. Thanks for replying. Correction, what I should have said is it’s unpopular with some, but in reality, veganism is growing and gaining more popularity all the time.

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Of course. Thank you as well.

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Allow me the presumption of cutting to the chase.

You are not willing to or prepared to accept that the science is settled on Animal Agriculture being utterly unsustainable. That Animal Agriculture is a huge contributor to Greenhouse Gas production, is the largest spoiler of fresh water, and the largest culprit to deforestation.

The ethical consideration and morality of killing another living being to satisfy selfish desires is not a part of the equation.

So, if beings from somewhere in the Universe, beings that consider themselves superior to human beings, find Earth and visit here with the intention of satisfying their hunger with humans, you are okay with the sock being on the other shoe.

The last film I viewed to speak to this whole human eating issue was "They're Trying To Kill Us" . . . . ought to be required viewing for every adult.


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You wouldn’t survive five minutes in an actual debate.

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I watched the clip. Thank you for posting this! I donated about 12 vegan cookbooks to my local libraries, one called Afro-Vegan that discusses the concept of food justice. Very important film.

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I appreciate you adding your comment to this exchange Freeman. Hope you’ll check out my comment on the work of Animal Rebellion on Chris’ latest article and look at their recent YouTube video.

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I can’t find your comment about your response about the science regarding livestock farming but wanted to ask you, can you explain to me in a way most people can understand where the flaws are in coming to a conclusion that large scale livestock farming is unsustainable? Another thought to consider about continuing this course of continuing to consume large amount of meat and other animal products is, wouldn’t it be easier on workers to process plants rather than stand in an inch or more of blood and look at corpses all day, when it has been proven eating this is not a biological necessity? Except in times of desperation of course.

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From an ecological standpoint, it’s important to ask where your food comes from. Do you know where your food comes from?

Plant based versus meat is not a meaningful distinction. There are too many variations in each theme. Either can be destructive and either can be regenerative.

If you plow a field, this process kills thousands of animals per acre, actually millions of animals per acre.

I am not thrilled that an animal has to die to feed me, but where does vegan food come from? Is it ethical? Sustainable? Regenerative?

Annual crops grown in tilled soil and/or grown with chemical pesticides and fertilizers are terrible for the environment, including lots of animals.

I feel better eating meat, milk and eggs where the animals are humanely raised. I consume meat with sadness, respect and gratitude.

And I try to eat meat that was raised locally, regeneratively and humanely. That part is very important. But it’s a growth area. Progress not perfection.

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From an ecological standpoint, it’s important to ask where your food comes from. Do you know where your food comes from?

Plant based versus meat is not a meaningful distinction. There are too many variations in each theme. Either can be destructive and either can be regenerative.

If you plow a field, this process kills thousands of animals per acre, actually millions of animals per acre.

I am not thrilled that an animal has to die to feed me, but where does vegan food come from? Is it ethical? Sustainable? Regenerative?

Annual crops grown in tilled soil and/or grown with chemical pesticides and fertilizers are terrible for the environment, including lots of animals.

I feel better eating meat, milk and eggs where the animals are humanely raised.

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I might have mistakenly deleted part of our conversation. Feel free to repost the link you shared with me.

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what created this problem is the fact that now most people live in the cities.

They don't have a garden and a few of chickens. Get people to rip their lawn and grow a garden. Fight to have city by-law changed so people can have chickens. Buy local meat if you can. Urbanization is the source of the problem. In the mean while the Gates , ihh, Zukerberg and the very rich are buying all the farm land. They want to control the food supply.

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I agree it’s a crime billionaires can have such control over so many people, especially the food supply. I think ripping up the yard and growing a garden is the way to go, and at this point I think people are going to realize soon it’s imperative. I would ask though, to reconsider keeping chicken or other animals for slaughter and find protein sources from plants. Certainly the birds raised at home can have better lives than the factory farmed ones, but how about when they’re sick? Isn’t important they get necessary medical treatment, even if the cost far exceeds the price of the animal? With an unprecedented wealth of knowledge worldwide available, we are more aware of the sentience of such creatures and I would ask that we be merciful and care for them as our children or favorites pets than as livestock. Your back to the land idea is an important one to share.

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Not only a great asset, but a necessary one as livestock is the best way to keep and grow organic soil, in order to grow anything. Chemical Fertilizer is a highly oil dependent product that does not benefit the soil in the long run, its application just help ones years crops and then has to be applied again next year. There is an abundance of pasture land that is not good for growing anything else. This pasture land can sustain an incredible amount of livestock, thereby feeding many, many people.

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I’m not in favor of chemical fertilizers either. I’ll start sending more studies to support my claims but the world now, largely because of the video exposure of animal farming and slaughter is losing popularity because the gruesome reality of it is not something most people want to be a part of. How many people here recall Chris Hedges’ interview with the makers of Cowspiracy? Until they just pulled all his reports, you could see it just a few days ago on YouTube. Put in the title Cowspiracy and you should be able to find it with a search engine.I think it makes pretty good sense that if we were meant to be carnivores there wouldn’t be so much resentment about veganism. We would feel no more guilt or have to repress that emotion than a tiger does when killing an animal it has no choice but to eat. The vegan movement is growing fast worldwide.

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I haven’t seen Cowspiracy. I WOULD take time to watch it if I had someone who was interested in a serious dialogue and was also willing to watch a video of my choice.

For people who want to promote veganism from an ecological standpoint, I think they should understand the basics of how grazing animals help store carbon and can play an important role in a functioning ecosystem.

Here is Gabe Brown whose ranch has been thoroughly examined over the course of time by qualified scientists. He has stored a lot of carbon in the ground and has restored water cycles and ecosystems on his ranch.


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I am with you Hart - I have read Gage Brown as well and my stepdaughter is practicing as much of what Brown proposes as she can. It is difficult to understand where people think how the stuff if life can be created without organic soil creation.

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I can’t prove I’ll watch it but I will today.With all respect to you I’m not here to keep an argument going, I know the water usage alone to raise flesh from living creatures is greater than what is necessary to grow grain, and eliminates the need to kill and confine animals. Would the health science alone on veganism alone not make you consider there is some correlation between the health of ecosystems? My opinion is we should spay and neuter all the domesticated animals consumed and give most of the land back to the Buffalo, maybe work with Native tribes, even if they kill and consume Buffalo similar to their old ways.

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Ok thanks Kelly, I will find Cowspiracy. Tim

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Check out my comment showing the link to Chris Hedges’ broadcast with the makers of Cowspiracy over 5 years ago. As of today at least, it’s still available for free on YouTube.

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The entire Cowspiracy movie is on YouTube for free if that helps.Correction: the free documentary is Cowspiracy: the sustainability secret. The movie itself is available for a cost.

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Hi again Hart. You said I wouldn’t stand a chance with you in a debate. I’m not offended by that at all , but your statement has made me suspicious. Why would one environmentalist, as you claim to be, debate against another environmentalist? Are you in fact a hidden mouthpiece for big Ag or other destructive industries? And when do you want to debate? If you can a arrange a radio show to debate I’m ready and you can attempt to debunk my claims about the unsustainability of animal production. You never did me or any of the readers here the favor of explaining the “sloppy” or “unclear” conclusions in the animal Ag study I showed. You’d be doing us and the whole world a favor if you could go step by step by posting a copy of the report you’re familiar with. Just waiting. Chris Hedges I’m sure would appreciate it, he interviewed the makers of Cowspiracy which is still on YouTube for free. Thanks.

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I read the whole discussion between you and Hart. You come across in the end like a zealot idiot.

Shit, you don’t even know what pain really is and yet somehow it’s a moral foundation for your entire worldview?

Outta here with your bullshit.

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What’s pain according to you?Animal Ag is a major cause of environmental destruction and pain and suffering to animals, those are the facts.Being indifferent to either doesn’t change those facts and if you don’t support or like veganism, you don’t have to be one. And my worldview and mission is to help promote it and I’m glad I have that, it’s important for me. Also, this is a public area for any opinion, you don’t have the right or the power to shut me up nor I have the power to shut you up which is what it should be. I’m not in your living room or personal space. Do you realize this is Chris Hedges’ post? He may not like my approach but he’s a vegan and opposes factory farming as well, his interview about the movie Cowspiracy is still free to watch online. Those are also just the facts.You sound very hostile. I’m sorry about that. Have a better day.

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Pain is an electrical impulse that lets animals know something is wrong.

It’s a major part of life on Earth and avoiding it not a great first principle.

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This is how freedom erodes, from within, not by foreign "autocrats."

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Too true.

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America is clearly the core cancer of this Disguised Global Crony Capitalist EMPIRE

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This country’s biggest business powers certainly seem to be. Now you just got to do something about it to change it and speak to and listen to people somewhat outside your belief system as Chris has said in different ways. I see more clearly the commonality between the Animal Agriculture industrial complex and all the others that I oppose just as fervently. It’s all a matter of trying things, working on improving our approach in communicating when necessary, and learning not to be afraid to get out there and be active and getting people on your side.Seeking knowledge is the way to greater power for the good of everyone.

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I am so sorry Chris. I honestly had no idea how horrible things had become for independent voices in our supposedly "free press" country. May this substack effort be fruitful for you; your voice is so desperately needed.

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The direction we are heading with this is f*cking terrifying. And for most? Lambs to the slaughter. Not a peep.

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Continue to network with those who have common goals. It’s only ever been a very few in any human societies that have ever cause major changes according to Margaret Mead, a well known Anthropologist.

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Chris - if you haven’t already please systematically download any and all interviews or reposts of your interviews that remain on any YouTube channel.

(There are tools that allow you pull down copies of YouTube videos)

In some cases of course it is too late. But you might be surprised at what lingers because it takes more effort to find and remove.

I would recommend transcribing them and posting them here to the extent you can find them.

Here’s an example of a lingering artifact: https://youtu.be/haWgTWJ72GI

Please make all efforts to preserve your body of work - happy to assist you offline if necessary

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Agreed. And what do you think about getting Substack (and other repositories) to create some kind of consortium of independent mirrors? ...before it's too late.

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As the great Lakota author Joseph Marshall III says..."Keep going." If you can't fly...run. If you can't run...walk. If you can't walk...crawl. Just keep going! We all need to combat this control by corporations with all we collectively have.

As a combat injured veteran, my government has turned on me and other veterans. I admit that I am now ashamed of my "service." I only served the corporations. I hang my head in shame. But, even being physically, spiritually and morally wounded...I am ready for a new fight. Sign me up to truly serve others.

If you want to see just one example of how the government and military are "eating their own" please go to www.defendourprotectors.com or the "Stop G-RAP Injustice" Facebook page. They have put many good men and women into jail for doing what they thought was right. I am thankful that they turned on me after 28 years of "service." It opened my eyes and got my mouth off of the fire hydrant of propaganda I had been on for so many years. Painful wisdom - but, thankful I have it now.

Chris Hedges is a fellow combat veteran of multiple zones (I was deployed multiple times as well) and has helped me with seeing the truth with clarity. His discussions, books, and clear vision has guided me to a painful...but, better place. I am deeply thankful to Chris Hedges for the new path that I am on. Let us all band together to push back against the injustices of our time. Just by opposing, we can regain some of our value and spirit.

"I see a time of Seven Generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the Sacred Tree of Life and the whole earth will become One Circle again."

– Crazy Horse

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Your effort here is not in vain. Thanks for adding your voice!

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Thank you, Kelly. Those words are good medicine. I appreciate your voice as well.

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I have just seen from my experience that people need encouragement and they’re not alone. In my years of activism it often felt futile because the people I wanted to reach seemed unmovable. If it hadn’t been for a voice in my head telling me to keep going I may have stopped. Your voice is especially persuasive now coming from actual war experience and what you learned from it. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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You have a servant heart and it warms my soul to know you are out there fighting for the good causes! Many good people still out in this world. You are a perfect example of that.

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Chris, I've read several of your books including the one you wrote with Joe Sacco and have viewed many of your YouTube videos. I especially found your interview of Sheldon Wolin to be one of the best and most enlightening I have seen. It led me to read Democracy, Inc. and come to understand how we live in a system he called Inverted Totalitarianism.

By coincidence I read a commentary today about Biden's call for regime change and went to Wikipedia to refresh my memory of the the details Wolin's term and the following was in the heading:

"This article is being considered for deletion in accordance with Wikipedia's deletion policy."

This along with what has happened to you makes me believe we're in a lot of trouble and it's going to get worse.

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Hang on for a few days more, Chris, when i get paid my pension for next month, I will become a subscriber to your substack, like I already am subscribed to Glenns and Matts substacks. I really hope you can find ways to continue doing interviews with authors, I bought a lot of the books you have recommended over the years, which i probably never would have known about, if not for you.

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me as well.

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Chris, I sent you a message to your Gmail address, but maybe you didn't get it. I have 307 episodes of OnContact in offline video format (MP4). I think this is nearly all episodes, except around 5 that I had trouble finding. I'm happy to work with you or your IT person to make these available to your subscribers and fans. Let me know if I can help.

Edit: I checked, I think there are 6 episodes I'm missing. These are the ones. There's no episode list as far as I know, so I kinda had to use informal methods to estimate and gather video.

OnContact [2016-11-08] Restrained Resistance with Bill Ayers (only on Youtube)

OnContact [2021-04-00] David Talbot, America's Secret Government


OnContact [2017-01-30] Allan Nairn, American Empire


OnContact [2018-01-18] Ojore Lutalo & Bonnie Kerness, Solitary Confinement


OnContact [2018-06-02] Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, Nature of ISIS


OnContact [2021-03-14] Dwayne Booth, Art, transcendent, transformative, revolutionary (only on Youtube)

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Thanks Mike. I have someone working on it now. If he needs shows I will have him reach out to you. Appreciate it.

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Please consider adding the videos to https://archive.org so they may be preserved in a longer-term way.

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I'm gonna leave that up to Chris. I have his show, but it is his show. If he wants it up on Archive.org, I'd be willing to put it up there, but I'll defer the decision to him.

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“They don’t gotta burn the books they just remove them” -Rage Against The Machine

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Devastating, but not surprising. Hope some can be found and saved.

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I hope you can move the archive to Rumble.

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They all loved it when conservatives got their lives ended by woke cancel culture , gleefully cheered on the censorship of anyone with a political opinion to the right of Mao ,

and here we are.

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