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I’m not in favor of chemical fertilizers either. I’ll start sending more studies to support my claims but the world now, largely because of the video exposure of animal farming and slaughter is losing popularity because the gruesome reality of it is not something most people want to be a part of. How many people here recall Chris Hedges’ interview with the makers of Cowspiracy? Until they just pulled all his reports, you could see it just a few days ago on YouTube. Put in the title Cowspiracy and you should be able to find it with a search engine.I think it makes pretty good sense that if we were meant to be carnivores there wouldn’t be so much resentment about veganism. We would feel no more guilt or have to repress that emotion than a tiger does when killing an animal it has no choice but to eat. The vegan movement is growing fast worldwide.

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I haven’t seen Cowspiracy. I WOULD take time to watch it if I had someone who was interested in a serious dialogue and was also willing to watch a video of my choice.

For people who want to promote veganism from an ecological standpoint, I think they should understand the basics of how grazing animals help store carbon and can play an important role in a functioning ecosystem.

Here is Gabe Brown whose ranch has been thoroughly examined over the course of time by qualified scientists. He has stored a lot of carbon in the ground and has restored water cycles and ecosystems on his ranch.


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I am with you Hart - I have read Gage Brown as well and my stepdaughter is practicing as much of what Brown proposes as she can. It is difficult to understand where people think how the stuff if life can be created without organic soil creation.

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I’m back. Here’s a video by Chris Hedges himself who did this interview over 5 years ago which is still available for free on YouTube. It is an interview with the makers of Cowspiracy that focuses on the refusal of environmental groups to deal with the impact on climate with large scale animal agriculture. At least one of the producers is in favor of regenerative agriculture as well, only plant based. Please watch: https://YouTube.be/ynWHUmRzNBA

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I choose not to debate people who refuse to answer my reasonable questions, like: Why is your food more humane or more ecological than mine?

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It’s more humane because there is no scientific evidence that plants have nervous systems and therefore, to our knowledge, don’t feel pain. As far as ecology, the large scale intensively overcrowding of tightly confined animals to supply the millions of humans who want animal products in large supply 24 hours a day means giving massive doses of antibiotics to farmed animals to keep them from dying of disease from living in filth, which is already making contagious diseases more resistant to antibiotic treatment leaving humans vulnerable to more pandemics far worse than the ones we’ve already had. It’s not about who’s better than who or who’s wrong or right. I offer the suggestion to go vegan if people are interested. Some are and some aren’t. I don’t try to coerce people because in the rare case it works, it’s not a good thing. I offer it with the best info available I can get such as from the medical team at Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine and hope people will be interested. Veganism is growing in support because the activists who have the greatest effect on people are the ones that help people decide for themselves based on knowledge of all aspects of the subject such as health, nutrition, safety, concern for animals and environment, etc.

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Too many issues to respond to in writing. Too many generalizations. I think all living beings are sentient. Plants and microbes are sentient.

I avoid CAFO meat, imperfectly. but I routinely pay a premium for humanely raised meat.

Where does your food come from? Do you ever buy food that kills mice, birds, worms, fish, insects? How is that possible?

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I can’t prove I’ll watch it but I will today.With all respect to you I’m not here to keep an argument going, I know the water usage alone to raise flesh from living creatures is greater than what is necessary to grow grain, and eliminates the need to kill and confine animals. Would the health science alone on veganism alone not make you consider there is some correlation between the health of ecosystems? My opinion is we should spay and neuter all the domesticated animals consumed and give most of the land back to the Buffalo, maybe work with Native tribes, even if they kill and consume Buffalo similar to their old ways.

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Properly raised, grazing animals restore water cycles. Therefore they do not “use” water that they do not replace.

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No matter what you say, I’m going to continue to ask the world to go vegan and show mercy to the animals as much as possible. I forgot to mention that according to some studies, veganism is the fastest growing peace movement in the world.U.S. vegans currently are around 10% of the population according to Veganoutreach.org. I don’t know exactly who they got to do the research but you are welcome to ask them. Thank you again for your contributions to the world but I think it’s best to end the conversation here as I wish to avoid any resentment by defending what I stand for. Have a good day.

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I agree to end the conversation. I only ask that you be factual.

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I was factual. That was a cheap shot. If you’re so happy to eat meat and animal products I have no power to stop you. Public demand for it is still too strong anyway. My only hope of success is to help people make up their own minds about what or who they’ll eat.

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Ok thanks Kelly, I will find Cowspiracy. Tim

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Check out my comment showing the link to Chris Hedges’ broadcast with the makers of Cowspiracy over 5 years ago. As of today at least, it’s still available for free on YouTube.

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The entire Cowspiracy movie is on YouTube for free if that helps.Correction: the free documentary is Cowspiracy: the sustainability secret. The movie itself is available for a cost.

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