All universities in the US are at least partly government funded. Prestigious private universities often get even more government funding than public universities, so that per capita, the education of students at these top-level private universities might be subsidized at a rate several times that of students at public universities.
All universities in the US are at least partly government funded. Prestigious private universities often get even more government funding than public universities, so that per capita, the education of students at these top-level private universities might be subsidized at a rate several times that of students at public universities.
Corporate greed is indeed a problem. It used to be said that "Silicon Valley eats its young." Now all corporations seem to have adopted a dehumanizing outlook, even to the extent of universities criminalizing their own students for standing up for international human rights conventions and laws against genocide.
However, I must challenge your glib assertion that the US is "owned by AIPAC." It reeks of anti-Semitism and willful ignorance.
We should not forget the funding by the MIC for many universities, see Joan Roelofs book The Trillion Dollar Silencer (no wonder there is no peace movement and no fact based reporting - only half stories, no stories or outright lies - who attacks the hand that feeds him?)
No it smells of the truth to me. Simple statistics back it up. At least 60% of amerikans surveyed believe that there should be a ceasefire in Occupied Palestine yet the politicians at state & federal level are practically unanimous in their support of the genocide continuing. One of the few congresstypes who called for a ceasefire was then censured for doing so.
AIpAC owns amerika and does whatever is needed to ensure the zionist entity continues with its killing and/or expulsion of the entire population of Palestine. To ignore that reality and call those who acknowledge it as 'anti-semitic' is both semantically and factually incorrect,. Next time try 'judeophobic', although calling all those who state that describing amerika as being run by aipac as reeking of judeophobia would also be an untruth, best you drop the whole subject eh.
I prefer to rely on facts and logic as opposed to stats that don't confirm the involvement of anyone except US state and federal politicians. Israel's existence provides Western interests with a foothold in the oil-rich Mid East, not to mention keeping the Suez Canal available for our use, so in my opinion, there's no need to look anywhere else for culprits. As Pogo says "We have met the enemy, and he is us."
Far too easy, I'm the first to admit that amerikan support for the zionist entity wouldn't have got anything like this bad/far if self interest wasn't a major player in the relationship; unfortunately amerikan zionists colluded with zionist entity's leaders and took control of the levers of amerikan government in fear of that which has occurred happening.
It is obvious to blind Freddie that amerikan politicians no longer care a damn what citizens think, the views of their donors are far more important. Aipac is the most blatant and perverted example of this. Saying so is not anti anything, it is pro all human beings are entitled to a life.
And Biden is at the top of the list of receiving AIPAC $$$. I saw an article with the members of Congress who have taken $$ from AIPAC.......a long list....
Well, I'm Jewish and I don't at all think that comment is anti-Semitic. It may by hyperbolic, but that's it. AIPAC has a huge influence on U.S. political decisions -- it even removed Cynthia McKinney from Congress for daring to stand up for the Palestinians -- and it should be banned from the U.S., at least as far as lobbying and inside influence.
I appreciate your comment, Jeff. I believe JennyStokes has no intention of saying anything anti-Semitic.
This said, I take issue with any statement that implies that AIPAC is control of the US because it aligns too closely with the racist "Jews are secretly running the world" fear promulgated by anti-semiticists, and also because the US is clamping down on free speech and other civil rights in areas that have nothing to do with Israel, such as equating environmental activism with terrorism.
No one person or entity is ever in control of anything, regardless of what anyone thinks. That's not the point here. AIPAC has far too much influence over U.S. government decisions, and in fact stokes the flames of antisemitism of the type that you mentioned. I've heard the "Jews run the world" BS too, but AIPAC is evil nevertheless and must be stopped. People in Congress are supposed to be making decisions for the good of Americans, not for the good of Israel, and doing the latter is no less than treason where it conflicts with the former.
Conflating getting an illegitimate foreign lobbying group like AIPAC, which has far too much influence, under control, on one hand, with censorship of Americans and cancel culture, on the other, is nonsense. Prohibiting censorship and stopping cancel culture is easily done while at the same time not allowing those who lobby for foreign governments to do so except with strict limitations and transparency. We're not talking about diplomatic relations here, which would be done by the executive branch, we're talking about illegitimately influencing members of Congress and Congress as a whole to make decisions that are contrary to the interests of Americans.
The French here in this Town have expelled a local Rabii for speaking his mind. I did not like what he said but I also do not like what our local Synagogue said. BOTH of them are speaking their mind.
BUT the Arab from the local Mosque was disenfranchised but the Jewish Rabii was not!
I used the word that I meant to use. I'm not splitting hairs, but it's one thing to question Zionism in the context of the destructive campaign that Israeli leadership is waging against Palestinians in Gaza today, whereas the assertion that AIPAC is "controlling" US leadership eminates from the "Jews are controlling the world" conspiracy theory, which is fundamentally racist and harkens back to Nazism.
I know this well. What you and others who are myopically focused on AIPAC do not seem to recognize is that there are other enormous concentrations of wealth and power in this world, many of which are at odds with AIPAC. As far as the USA, AIPAC is only one of the groups applying influence. If there is a dominant faction, the MIC seems the most likely to me.
There is a relationship, isn't there? But the MIC is an alliance of corporations and US government that extends beyond AIPAC and reportedly includes white supremacist blocs that are at the least highly skeptical of Jewish influence, and some of which are entirely hostile to Jews and Judaism.
JennyStokes, some are called "friends." My social circle is diverse, and includes Palestinian Americans and Israeli peace activists. My heart hurts for them all. I feel deep shame for the genocide in Gaza, which I see as an irreversible and appalling strategical blunder by the Netanyahu administration, as well as being utterly horrific on a humanitarian level. As an American, I'm even more ashamed that my Congress approved more US military aid in the face of a clear pattern of genocide backed by statements from top-ranking Israelis.
BTW, I never accused you of being an anti-Semite, but merely echoed back your own words. Assuming that you aren't anti-Semitic, I'm trying to help you refine your messaging so that you don't [edit: unknowingly or carelessly] cross that line. There are all kinds of people reading and commenting on Hedge's posts, and some of them are rabidly anti-Semitic. I don't like to see people imagining that AIPAC or any other entity is somehow entirely responsible for decisions being made in Washington DC, as to me that is passing the buck. I think this responsibility is something that US leadership owns themselves.
How and why has the US ALLOWED AIPAC to become your Govt?
You Americans sat back for years, not bothering to vote after Reagan. I imagine the 1/4 of the population has absolutely NO idea what is happening.
I lived in the US for 23yrs and eventually had to pull my daughter out of public school in the LA school district because she was learning nothing but American History over and over again. NO Geography/critical thinking.
All universities in the US are at least partly government funded. Prestigious private universities often get even more government funding than public universities, so that per capita, the education of students at these top-level private universities might be subsidized at a rate several times that of students at public universities.
Corporate greed is indeed a problem. It used to be said that "Silicon Valley eats its young." Now all corporations seem to have adopted a dehumanizing outlook, even to the extent of universities criminalizing their own students for standing up for international human rights conventions and laws against genocide.
However, I must challenge your glib assertion that the US is "owned by AIPAC." It reeks of anti-Semitism and willful ignorance.
We should not forget the funding by the MIC for many universities, see Joan Roelofs book The Trillion Dollar Silencer (no wonder there is no peace movement and no fact based reporting - only half stories, no stories or outright lies - who attacks the hand that feeds him?)
Excellent point, Elisabeth, thank you. Adding this book to my reading list.
So many numbers and details - I loved it!
No it smells of the truth to me. Simple statistics back it up. At least 60% of amerikans surveyed believe that there should be a ceasefire in Occupied Palestine yet the politicians at state & federal level are practically unanimous in their support of the genocide continuing. One of the few congresstypes who called for a ceasefire was then censured for doing so.
AIpAC owns amerika and does whatever is needed to ensure the zionist entity continues with its killing and/or expulsion of the entire population of Palestine. To ignore that reality and call those who acknowledge it as 'anti-semitic' is both semantically and factually incorrect,. Next time try 'judeophobic', although calling all those who state that describing amerika as being run by aipac as reeking of judeophobia would also be an untruth, best you drop the whole subject eh.
I prefer to rely on facts and logic as opposed to stats that don't confirm the involvement of anyone except US state and federal politicians. Israel's existence provides Western interests with a foothold in the oil-rich Mid East, not to mention keeping the Suez Canal available for our use, so in my opinion, there's no need to look anywhere else for culprits. As Pogo says "We have met the enemy, and he is us."
Far too easy, I'm the first to admit that amerikan support for the zionist entity wouldn't have got anything like this bad/far if self interest wasn't a major player in the relationship; unfortunately amerikan zionists colluded with zionist entity's leaders and took control of the levers of amerikan government in fear of that which has occurred happening.
It is obvious to blind Freddie that amerikan politicians no longer care a damn what citizens think, the views of their donors are far more important. Aipac is the most blatant and perverted example of this. Saying so is not anti anything, it is pro all human beings are entitled to a life.
And Biden is at the top of the list of receiving AIPAC $$$. I saw an article with the members of Congress who have taken $$ from AIPAC.......a long list....
Well, I'm Jewish and I don't at all think that comment is anti-Semitic. It may by hyperbolic, but that's it. AIPAC has a huge influence on U.S. political decisions -- it even removed Cynthia McKinney from Congress for daring to stand up for the Palestinians -- and it should be banned from the U.S., at least as far as lobbying and inside influence.
I appreciate your comment, Jeff. I believe JennyStokes has no intention of saying anything anti-Semitic.
This said, I take issue with any statement that implies that AIPAC is control of the US because it aligns too closely with the racist "Jews are secretly running the world" fear promulgated by anti-semiticists, and also because the US is clamping down on free speech and other civil rights in areas that have nothing to do with Israel, such as equating environmental activism with terrorism.
No one person or entity is ever in control of anything, regardless of what anyone thinks. That's not the point here. AIPAC has far too much influence over U.S. government decisions, and in fact stokes the flames of antisemitism of the type that you mentioned. I've heard the "Jews run the world" BS too, but AIPAC is evil nevertheless and must be stopped. People in Congress are supposed to be making decisions for the good of Americans, not for the good of Israel, and doing the latter is no less than treason where it conflicts with the former.
Conflating getting an illegitimate foreign lobbying group like AIPAC, which has far too much influence, under control, on one hand, with censorship of Americans and cancel culture, on the other, is nonsense. Prohibiting censorship and stopping cancel culture is easily done while at the same time not allowing those who lobby for foreign governments to do so except with strict limitations and transparency. We're not talking about diplomatic relations here, which would be done by the executive branch, we're talking about illegitimately influencing members of Congress and Congress as a whole to make decisions that are contrary to the interests of Americans.
I can almost like your far-ranging comment Jeff. It did give me much food for thought.
YOU mentioned my name.
I do not live in 'racist' USA
Yes the Zionists are running the USA which is why you can never have a 3rd Party. In essence you are done and over.
I live in a small Town in France.
I would like it if you read what I say.
The French here in this Town have expelled a local Rabii for speaking his mind. I did not like what he said but I also do not like what our local Synagogue said. BOTH of them are speaking their mind.
BUT the Arab from the local Mosque was disenfranchised but the Jewish Rabii was not!
Personally I don't care if it 'reeks of antisemitism.' The word you should be using is Zionism I am not anti semitic in any way.
I used the word that I meant to use. I'm not splitting hairs, but it's one thing to question Zionism in the context of the destructive campaign that Israeli leadership is waging against Palestinians in Gaza today, whereas the assertion that AIPAC is "controlling" US leadership eminates from the "Jews are controlling the world" conspiracy theory, which is fundamentally racist and harkens back to Nazism.
[Edit: changed "but" to "whereas"]
Look up Rothchilds!
I suggest that you start looking on Wikipaedia/or other sites where you will find huge amount of Banks and corporations owned by AIPAC.
IF this does not satisfy you: Look at the people funding US Duopoly!
I am not going to do your work for you.
I know this well. What you and others who are myopically focused on AIPAC do not seem to recognize is that there are other enormous concentrations of wealth and power in this world, many of which are at odds with AIPAC. As far as the USA, AIPAC is only one of the groups applying influence. If there is a dominant faction, the MIC seems the most likely to me.
There is a relationship, isn't there? But the MIC is an alliance of corporations and US government that extends beyond AIPAC and reportedly includes white supremacist blocs that are at the least highly skeptical of Jewish influence, and some of which are entirely hostile to Jews and Judaism.
Could be, I don't know and until I do I can't speculate.
We seem to have definitely been taken over by something huge and I don't count religion in any form, out of this.
What a mess.
Taking your response at face value, you've just admitted that you're not concerned if your comment is antisemitic.
You might not care about this or think about it, but others who read your comment and mine might care.
Go and do something useful!
I just did.
You can 'split hairs' all you want. I am NOT anti-Jewish but I am anti Zionist!
It appears evident to me that the US is a client state to Israel. How enraging that is!
I can be antisemite to you BUT what do YOU call Arabs?
JennyStokes, some are called "friends." My social circle is diverse, and includes Palestinian Americans and Israeli peace activists. My heart hurts for them all. I feel deep shame for the genocide in Gaza, which I see as an irreversible and appalling strategical blunder by the Netanyahu administration, as well as being utterly horrific on a humanitarian level. As an American, I'm even more ashamed that my Congress approved more US military aid in the face of a clear pattern of genocide backed by statements from top-ranking Israelis.
BTW, I never accused you of being an anti-Semite, but merely echoed back your own words. Assuming that you aren't anti-Semitic, I'm trying to help you refine your messaging so that you don't [edit: unknowingly or carelessly] cross that line. There are all kinds of people reading and commenting on Hedge's posts, and some of them are rabidly anti-Semitic. I don't like to see people imagining that AIPAC or any other entity is somehow entirely responsible for decisions being made in Washington DC, as to me that is passing the buck. I think this responsibility is something that US leadership owns themselves.
How and why has the US ALLOWED AIPAC to become your Govt?
You Americans sat back for years, not bothering to vote after Reagan. I imagine the 1/4 of the population has absolutely NO idea what is happening.
I lived in the US for 23yrs and eventually had to pull my daughter out of public school in the LA school district because she was learning nothing but American History over and over again. NO Geography/critical thinking.
You deserve everything that is happening to you.