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No it smells of the truth to me. Simple statistics back it up. At least 60% of amerikans surveyed believe that there should be a ceasefire in Occupied Palestine yet the politicians at state & federal level are practically unanimous in their support of the genocide continuing. One of the few congresstypes who called for a ceasefire was then censured for doing so.

AIpAC owns amerika and does whatever is needed to ensure the zionist entity continues with its killing and/or expulsion of the entire population of Palestine. To ignore that reality and call those who acknowledge it as 'anti-semitic' is both semantically and factually incorrect,. Next time try 'judeophobic', although calling all those who state that describing amerika as being run by aipac as reeking of judeophobia would also be an untruth, best you drop the whole subject eh.

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I prefer to rely on facts and logic as opposed to stats that don't confirm the involvement of anyone except US state and federal politicians. Israel's existence provides Western interests with a foothold in the oil-rich Mid East, not to mention keeping the Suez Canal available for our use, so in my opinion, there's no need to look anywhere else for culprits. As Pogo says "We have met the enemy, and he is us."

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Far too easy, I'm the first to admit that amerikan support for the zionist entity wouldn't have got anything like this bad/far if self interest wasn't a major player in the relationship; unfortunately amerikan zionists colluded with zionist entity's leaders and took control of the levers of amerikan government in fear of that which has occurred happening.

It is obvious to blind Freddie that amerikan politicians no longer care a damn what citizens think, the views of their donors are far more important. Aipac is the most blatant and perverted example of this. Saying so is not anti anything, it is pro all human beings are entitled to a life.

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And Biden is at the top of the list of receiving AIPAC $$$. I saw an article with the members of Congress who have taken $$ from AIPAC.......a long list....

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