I used the word that I meant to use. I'm not splitting hairs, but it's one thing to question Zionism in the context of the destructive campaign that Israeli leadership is waging against Palestinians in Gaza today, whereas the assertion that AIPAC is "controlling" US leadership eminates from the "Jews are controlling the world" conspiracy theory, which is fundamentally racist and harkens back to Nazism.
I know this well. What you and others who are myopically focused on AIPAC do not seem to recognize is that there are other enormous concentrations of wealth and power in this world, many of which are at odds with AIPAC. As far as the USA, AIPAC is only one of the groups applying influence. If there is a dominant faction, the MIC seems the most likely to me.
There is a relationship, isn't there? But the MIC is an alliance of corporations and US government that extends beyond AIPAC and reportedly includes white supremacist blocs that are at the least highly skeptical of Jewish influence, and some of which are entirely hostile to Jews and Judaism.
Personally I don't care if it 'reeks of antisemitism.' The word you should be using is Zionism I am not anti semitic in any way.
I used the word that I meant to use. I'm not splitting hairs, but it's one thing to question Zionism in the context of the destructive campaign that Israeli leadership is waging against Palestinians in Gaza today, whereas the assertion that AIPAC is "controlling" US leadership eminates from the "Jews are controlling the world" conspiracy theory, which is fundamentally racist and harkens back to Nazism.
[Edit: changed "but" to "whereas"]
Look up Rothchilds!
I suggest that you start looking on Wikipaedia/or other sites where you will find huge amount of Banks and corporations owned by AIPAC.
IF this does not satisfy you: Look at the people funding US Duopoly!
I am not going to do your work for you.
I know this well. What you and others who are myopically focused on AIPAC do not seem to recognize is that there are other enormous concentrations of wealth and power in this world, many of which are at odds with AIPAC. As far as the USA, AIPAC is only one of the groups applying influence. If there is a dominant faction, the MIC seems the most likely to me.
There is a relationship, isn't there? But the MIC is an alliance of corporations and US government that extends beyond AIPAC and reportedly includes white supremacist blocs that are at the least highly skeptical of Jewish influence, and some of which are entirely hostile to Jews and Judaism.
Could be, I don't know and until I do I can't speculate.
We seem to have definitely been taken over by something huge and I don't count religion in any form, out of this.
What a mess.
Taking your response at face value, you've just admitted that you're not concerned if your comment is antisemitic.
You might not care about this or think about it, but others who read your comment and mine might care.
Go and do something useful!
I just did.
You can 'split hairs' all you want. I am NOT anti-Jewish but I am anti Zionist!