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I appreciate your comment, Jeff. I believe JennyStokes has no intention of saying anything anti-Semitic.

This said, I take issue with any statement that implies that AIPAC is control of the US because it aligns too closely with the racist "Jews are secretly running the world" fear promulgated by anti-semiticists, and also because the US is clamping down on free speech and other civil rights in areas that have nothing to do with Israel, such as equating environmental activism with terrorism.

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No one person or entity is ever in control of anything, regardless of what anyone thinks. That's not the point here. AIPAC has far too much influence over U.S. government decisions, and in fact stokes the flames of antisemitism of the type that you mentioned. I've heard the "Jews run the world" BS too, but AIPAC is evil nevertheless and must be stopped. People in Congress are supposed to be making decisions for the good of Americans, not for the good of Israel, and doing the latter is no less than treason where it conflicts with the former.

Conflating getting an illegitimate foreign lobbying group like AIPAC, which has far too much influence, under control, on one hand, with censorship of Americans and cancel culture, on the other, is nonsense. Prohibiting censorship and stopping cancel culture is easily done while at the same time not allowing those who lobby for foreign governments to do so except with strict limitations and transparency. We're not talking about diplomatic relations here, which would be done by the executive branch, we're talking about illegitimately influencing members of Congress and Congress as a whole to make decisions that are contrary to the interests of Americans.

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I can almost like your far-ranging comment Jeff. It did give me much food for thought.

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YOU mentioned my name.

I do not live in 'racist' USA

Yes the Zionists are running the USA which is why you can never have a 3rd Party. In essence you are done and over.

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I live in a small Town in France.

I would like it if you read what I say.

The French here in this Town have expelled a local Rabii for speaking his mind. I did not like what he said but I also do not like what our local Synagogue said. BOTH of them are speaking their mind.

BUT the Arab from the local Mosque was disenfranchised but the Jewish Rabii was not!

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