This is hard to read, we actually pay taxes to this death cult don't we?

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

Humanitarianism was just the pretext. Regime change was the goal. Once that was accomplished, the oh-so-totally defensive alliance called NATO went home.

Unless the United States attacked Saudi Arabia for its far worse human rights record and nobody told us.

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Libya had the highest standard of living in the entire Africa.

It tried to transform the country by using huge underground water aquifers by building an enormous water infrastructure -- first to be destroyed by NATO bombing -- itself a major war crime and among many country tragedies.

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Thank you for not forgetting Palestine and, in specific, Gaza!

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Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for gathering and speaking these truths Chris! I knew this must be the back story when I read phrases like "neglected infrastructure" in a once thriving country but I searched google and the press in vain and could find next to nothing. All I would add is that Humanitarian really should be "Humanitarian" in quotes because it degrades a good word and perhaps to add a subtitle right up front that could be something like: "The U.S. and NATO'S Cruel and Insatiable Greed for Oil, Profit, Power and Domination at any Cost."

I'm endlessly grateful for your work and your courage. These are terribly hard truths, and it repeatedly breaks my heart to be an American - what Libya is and will be going through is agonizing - but you validate here that I am neither paranoid nor insane in what I believe to be true in Libya based upon hints, the strange lack of coverage, and knowing the number of countries who have shared a similar fate at our hands. I think of Lady Macbeth. Again, I cannot thank you enough.

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This really truly is so hard to read. so many pieces fall right in place place telling a horror story; painting a true picture of the USA. Like Dorian Gray ´The painting is a vile record of guilt, something ‘bestial, sodden and unclean’ (chapter 10)

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Thank you for mentioning Gaddafi's benefits to his people None of the articles I have seen do that, but I'm not sure why you would bother to call him brutal. He seems to me to be much less brutal than the last few US presidents also the leaders of France, Netherlands Uk etal who have no compunction to kill tens of thousands of innocent people in order to get the oil or metals or whatever it is they want from a country and proceed to lie totally to do it. You might want to talk to Diana Johnstone who wrote about this in her book about Hillary "Queen of Chaos" - she points out that an important Dutch person ( I forget his business or job) totally made up the story about Gaddafi planning to attack some protesters in his country, and France and the UK took it up, and without checking to see if any of the story was true (it wasn't) Hillary took it up and persuaded Obama to bomb the country. As we bombed, one million Libyans went out in protest against what we were doing and stood up for Gaddafi but we ignored that. BTW, that's one fifth of the total population of Libya which had a population of around 5 million. That is a pretty strong protest - I can't imagine one fifth of the US protesting about anything. Gaddafi was a good man and a good leader who was generous to his people and was also a good neighbor to other African countries. I suspect that is a major reason why the US and NATO wanted him dead.

I hope you will maybe contact Ms Johnstone and discuss with her what she knows, and then maybe you could tell the world a little more about our appalling acts in Libya, which as you casually point out are as God awful as the lies we invented to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. It's important to get this info out, because Africa is an area the US is focusing on and I think African nations need to understand that we are clearly not to be trusted in any way.

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It was NATO that invaded Afghanistan too. What the hell is wrong with the EU? They’ve shamed themselves.

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The Death Star commonly referred to a the ‘untied states of America’ is the root cause of all evil. If there is a goddamn satan, he would reside in Washington DC, home of pedophile murderous creatures who worship at the altar of the military industrial complex.

Fuck all politicians and bootlickers who do their bidding

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Your closing paragraph hit home hard, Chris, and reminded me of this quote I included in my Croatian Weekly (Hrvatski Tjednik) interview:

“The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office. Every man but one a subordinate clerk in a bureau. What an alluring utopia! What a noble cause to fight!”

—Ludwig von Mises, “Bureaucracy” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/my-croatian-weekly-hrvatski-tjednik)

Your statement that “Human rights advocates have become a vital cog in the imperial project” called to mind the UK’s proposed replacement of the Human Rights Act 1998 with a “Modern Bill of Rights,” which of course proceeds to strip away human rights as I describe in this letter:

• “Letter to the UK Government” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-uk-government)

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

Evil never shows it true face. Evil needs to lie to trick and manipulate nice people into being complicit.

Jim Crow system asserted that blacks were better off separate. They called it "separate but equal;" a blatant lie. They said the blacks were happy that way, and they were incapable of having the better jobs that whites monopolized anyway. Just recently, the covid vaccine money machine/power grab over human health, cloaked the aggressive mandates in moralistic language. You get vaccinated to protect others. Really? How is that possible with a vaccine that makes the disease milder, supposedly, but doesnt prevent infection or transmission? What happened to "My body, my choice"?

We destroy Ukraine to save Ukraine. Because Putin is a bad man. It's the right thing to do.

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Good historical summary analysis, history to remember, basis to future action

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Suggestion for US readers and intrepid journalists:

Under federal law, State Governments must prepare "Hazard Mitigation Plans" to qualify for FEMA disaster aid.

I strongly urge you to Google and read your State's "Hazard Mitigation Plan" - there are incredible hazards that are documented, yet very little is being done to prevent and reduce those risks and have more effective response programs, like universal warnings, et al.

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As one who has spent much time in Haiti, and who now misses it terribly because US-generated chaos prevents spending time now, I can appreciate the truth and value of this report. Don't believe the media that report that Haiti has been in a state of chaos since the assassination of its president in 2021. It's been in that state since the ancestors were kidnapped from Africa. It's been in heightened chaos since the US invasion and occupation of 1915. Seeing it is difficult, but not seeing it is dangerous. Once more, Chris, thank you.

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“Incapable of taking responsibility for the carnage they inflict, they clamor for more destruction and death to save the world.”

At 17 or 18, I became became aware of Hedges’ ending comment in his report, more than a half a century ago in Vietnam on hearing the ubiquitous chatter then, ‘We had to destroy the village to save it.’ The chatter was habitually, grammatically mendacious, thus wrong and thus conceptually false, in as much the accusative noun was not numbered in the plural, and thus Hedges concluding remark more than a century later yet obtains - multiplied now in the dysfunctional shades and shadows of the Nuremberg Trials displaced by this nation’s manufactured, global Hell.

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You da man, Chris. Don’t stop your brilliant analysis under any circumstances. We will support you.

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