"Evil" and "nice people" do not exist beyond an individual's particular belief system. Better to identify how peoples actions objectively affect others. The sooner you realize are able to take stock of that, the easier it is to identify fake news. Just because Hedges interviewed Khaddafi once in the 80;s, does not make him a perfect chro…
"Evil" and "nice people" do not exist beyond an individual's particular belief system. Better to identify how peoples actions objectively affect others. The sooner you realize are able to take stock of that, the easier it is to identify fake news. Just because Hedges interviewed Khaddafi once in the 80;s, does not make him a perfect chronicler of actual events (and causes for them) in Libya. The most salient and accurate viewpoint I heard from Hedges is that non incremental change can lead to explosive change. Not usually for the better. America saw this phenomena in the overnight outlawing of slavery (abolitionism coupled with Emancipation Proclamation--an illegitimate executive order which is not unlike many issued by modern day Presidents) whereas slavery was formerly legal, embraced, and heavily exploited even by our own founding fathers. This overnight change resulted in the beginning of a Civil War in which 3 million Americans died over the next 4 years and continues to represent a conflict that, arguably, has never ended. That is why all memorials to the CSA (Confederate States of American) have been removed. Out of site, out of mind is the modus operandi there. The reason it has not ended, IMO, is not because of slavery. Everyone knows it's a morally bankrupt economic system. The real reason the Civil War conflict has never ended is because the issue of individual State's sovereign rights prevailing over those of a centralized, federal government has never been resolved. And it likely never will be. That's because it is easier for an oligarchy to buy the influence of a smaller, centralized federal government than it is to buy off (and maintain) the government control of 50 separate States. This is, essentially, the same problem NATO grapples with today.
Southern Feudalist Lords are the reason for the Electoral system and Jim Crow that runs the US domestically and Geo Politically. The Civil War may have ended slavery of that era, but morphed into the Robber Baron north version of anti unionism, health care or public schools and any sense of government countervailing power of a progressive tax policy, rules and regulations. War or the threat of war is their biggest cash cow hands down! Some men are chronic womanizers, gamblers and power mongers, the rich are usually all of the above! Power and money go hand in hand for all three!
If you don't think the bulk of the western world participates in modern day peonage, then just try refusing to pay your property taxes next time it comes due (usually semi-annually). You'll see your "ownership" quickly tested with the threat of any illusion of equity being quickly evaporated. Bottom line: You never really own the property you live on (even if you have Title). The local 'lord' only allows you to temporarily inhabit theirs.
BTW, if you want to think of serfs serving Lordships, it apt to appreciate the full context of Feudalism whereby Lords were morally obligated to provide physical protection to those living on the property in return for bulk population peonage. In this context "war or the treat of war" has turned the 99% of the U.S. population into 'villeins'. As the saying goes: The more things change, the more they stay the same. So much for morphing.
In order to morph into "anti unionism, health care, or public schools", the U.S Feudalist South would have had to start from the antithesis of such precedents. I don't believe that was ever the case. As for Feudalistic Lords running geo politics, the U.S. is certainly no exception. I believe they just simply followed the historic rule.
"Evil" and "nice people" do not exist beyond an individual's particular belief system. Better to identify how peoples actions objectively affect others. The sooner you realize are able to take stock of that, the easier it is to identify fake news. Just because Hedges interviewed Khaddafi once in the 80;s, does not make him a perfect chronicler of actual events (and causes for them) in Libya. The most salient and accurate viewpoint I heard from Hedges is that non incremental change can lead to explosive change. Not usually for the better. America saw this phenomena in the overnight outlawing of slavery (abolitionism coupled with Emancipation Proclamation--an illegitimate executive order which is not unlike many issued by modern day Presidents) whereas slavery was formerly legal, embraced, and heavily exploited even by our own founding fathers. This overnight change resulted in the beginning of a Civil War in which 3 million Americans died over the next 4 years and continues to represent a conflict that, arguably, has never ended. That is why all memorials to the CSA (Confederate States of American) have been removed. Out of site, out of mind is the modus operandi there. The reason it has not ended, IMO, is not because of slavery. Everyone knows it's a morally bankrupt economic system. The real reason the Civil War conflict has never ended is because the issue of individual State's sovereign rights prevailing over those of a centralized, federal government has never been resolved. And it likely never will be. That's because it is easier for an oligarchy to buy the influence of a smaller, centralized federal government than it is to buy off (and maintain) the government control of 50 separate States. This is, essentially, the same problem NATO grapples with today.
Southern Feudalist Lords are the reason for the Electoral system and Jim Crow that runs the US domestically and Geo Politically. The Civil War may have ended slavery of that era, but morphed into the Robber Baron north version of anti unionism, health care or public schools and any sense of government countervailing power of a progressive tax policy, rules and regulations. War or the threat of war is their biggest cash cow hands down! Some men are chronic womanizers, gamblers and power mongers, the rich are usually all of the above! Power and money go hand in hand for all three!
If you don't think the bulk of the western world participates in modern day peonage, then just try refusing to pay your property taxes next time it comes due (usually semi-annually). You'll see your "ownership" quickly tested with the threat of any illusion of equity being quickly evaporated. Bottom line: You never really own the property you live on (even if you have Title). The local 'lord' only allows you to temporarily inhabit theirs.
BTW, if you want to think of serfs serving Lordships, it apt to appreciate the full context of Feudalism whereby Lords were morally obligated to provide physical protection to those living on the property in return for bulk population peonage. In this context "war or the treat of war" has turned the 99% of the U.S. population into 'villeins'. As the saying goes: The more things change, the more they stay the same. So much for morphing.
In order to morph into "anti unionism, health care, or public schools", the U.S Feudalist South would have had to start from the antithesis of such precedents. I don't believe that was ever the case. As for Feudalistic Lords running geo politics, the U.S. is certainly no exception. I believe they just simply followed the historic rule.