Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for gathering and speaking these truths Chris! I knew this must be the back story when I read phrases like "neglected infrastructure" in a once thriving country but I searched google and the press in vain and could find next to nothing. All I would add is that Humanitarian really should be "Humanitarian" i…
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for gathering and speaking these truths Chris! I knew this must be the back story when I read phrases like "neglected infrastructure" in a once thriving country but I searched google and the press in vain and could find next to nothing. All I would add is that Humanitarian really should be "Humanitarian" in quotes because it degrades a good word and perhaps to add a subtitle right up front that could be something like: "The U.S. and NATO'S Cruel and Insatiable Greed for Oil, Profit, Power and Domination at any Cost."
I'm endlessly grateful for your work and your courage. These are terribly hard truths, and it repeatedly breaks my heart to be an American - what Libya is and will be going through is agonizing - but you validate here that I am neither paranoid nor insane in what I believe to be true in Libya based upon hints, the strange lack of coverage, and knowing the number of countries who have shared a similar fate at our hands. I think of Lady Macbeth. Again, I cannot thank you enough.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for gathering and speaking these truths Chris! I knew this must be the back story when I read phrases like "neglected infrastructure" in a once thriving country but I searched google and the press in vain and could find next to nothing. All I would add is that Humanitarian really should be "Humanitarian" in quotes because it degrades a good word and perhaps to add a subtitle right up front that could be something like: "The U.S. and NATO'S Cruel and Insatiable Greed for Oil, Profit, Power and Domination at any Cost."
I'm endlessly grateful for your work and your courage. These are terribly hard truths, and it repeatedly breaks my heart to be an American - what Libya is and will be going through is agonizing - but you validate here that I am neither paranoid nor insane in what I believe to be true in Libya based upon hints, the strange lack of coverage, and knowing the number of countries who have shared a similar fate at our hands. I think of Lady Macbeth. Again, I cannot thank you enough.