Israel has descended into total barbarism. Both the US and the EU are deeply complicit. The Palestinian trauma produced by this barbarism will last for decades. It will generate deep animosity toward the US and EU as well as long-term violence against the Israeli state.

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Complicit? Let us not mince words. They actively and knowngly aid and abet a conscious genocide.

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Complicit a bit too forgiving. Collusive or conspiratorial might be better. Definitely directly participant. Nor is the word "callousness" adequate to describe the Israeli attitude. Thing is, it's difficult to find an adequate one. Ruthlessness, merciless? Soullessness might come closest to it, if one believes that all beings are endowed with some sort of soul, as a vital essence, élan vital, because to then call Israelis soulless puts them completely outside the realm of organic life into that of automaton, killer robot, which is really not so off the mark if you listen to their packaged supremacist drivel.

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"Nor is the word "callousness" adequate to describe the Israeli attitude. Thing is, it's difficult to find an adequate one."

The word I would choose is "Nazi".

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Yeah that would be an obvious choice. Nazis often described as soulless killing machines; but damn, I only know them from documentaries. Because Israel is constantly in my face now, they seem so much worse in a gut-level way. It really sucks.

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Israel on many levels emulates Nazi Germany. The Defense Minister's exhortation that soliders would be subject to no law in Gaza and that he would protect them is directly from Himmler's orders in Barbarossa, as every Israeli knows.

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Your right, and I feel the same way, and where is the outcry from it's people.

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How about soulless, and I'm not only talking about those elected into power who are implementing all the death and destruction, but the relative silence of it's people.

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I honestly question whether sociopaths have souls.

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You're right, they don't. What also bothers me is the relative indifference of Israels. I don't get it. It's happening in your own backyard, so to speak, and where is the outrage from it's people? The majority are silent. That's also disturbing. Even if they were looking at it from a self severing perspective they must know that Israel will become a pariah state.

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Humans are herd animals to rival any sheep or lemming.

And Israel is certain that their American thug will quash any dissent.

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This also says a lot about our elected officials. This is a big shame on them. They'll sell their souls for money and power.

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Power always eventually winds up in the hands of sociopaths, because sociopaths will do Whatever It Takes to get power.

This is the underlying principle of The Iron Law Of Oligarchy. It also is why most political and economic systems can be made to work tolerably well, if and to the extent power is kept out of the hands of sociopaths.

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Thanks, since I never heard of The Iron law of Oligarchy. Sounds really interesting. Really thanks.

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People living in Israel will be severely punished if they dare to speak out against Nasty Netty and his ilk. They can do nothing but hide in fear or be attacked. Zionists attack the family and loved ones of any who speak against them. Saying the Israelis support the Zionists is like saying North Koreans love their leader. Slaves have little choice but to follow.

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There are protests against Netanyahu all the time in Israel.

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But never about Gaza or he Palestinians. Always about their own rights.

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Many of the Israeli citizens object to the Zionist's treatment of the Palestinian people. There was to be an organized protest against the genocide and a united call for peace at the Nova Rave. Two days before the festival date, the venue was changed to a location much closer to Gaza. The Zionists tried to set up those they saw as guilty of dissent to be attacked by HAMAS, However, HAMAS did not take that bait and in fact, rescued many of the protesters from Zionist attacks. This is why the protestors who were freed by HAMAS were killed by the Zionists. They were punished for going against the Zionists and silenced to keep the truth from being exposed. Those still with HAMAS know, and they will tell the world what really happened once the "war" is over and they are free.

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I'm sure there are a number of Israeli's who do, as there are a number of American's who speak out against not only Israel's genocide, but our complicity in it. In both cases a mere handful, so to speak. It was true in the US with our multiple middle eastern wars based on lies, and it's true of Americans on this issue as well. Perhaps you would like to hear what our former president, Bill Clinton, had to say. Scroll down the page. He's disgusting in his excuses for this genocide. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bill-clinton-justifies-murder-palestinians-israel-michigan-kamala-harris_n_6723f929e4b0871068feb074

P.S. I've never read anything about what you said. Do you have a source that i can read?

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Here is one of many articles on the matter.


It is not on MSM as they are big fans of the whole "murder them and take their resources" scam.

Obviously, anyone with a soul would object to the greed-based wholesale slaughter of an entire population. Also obviously, the demons perpetuating said slaughter do their very best to justify their horrific behavior.

You know, if the Zionists would have just agreed to help develop and share the resources, the whole region would be a wonderful paradise. They could have taken that path....the path of cooperation and peace. If only they had the wisdom to do so.

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Thanks for that quick reply and couldn't agree more.

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Every time you use the word "Nazi" in my opinion is 'null and void.'

We at the moment are looking at a 'species' of people in their own STATE who are ALL completely complicit.

NOT every German was complicit as you well know.

My mother-in-law to name but one was NOT complicit.

She fled to UK because she was being hunted down for supporting and feeding and helping Jews.

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It's an important distinction because Israel does seem to be a unique case of complete group sociopathy, or maybe it's group misanthropy toward the rest of the non-Zionist human species based on a solidly inculcated group belief in supremacy; a unique sociological experiment in authoritarian mind-fuckery. I mean really, Orwell would be proud.

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@jenny stokes:

i do not think they "are ALL completely complicit."

there are many jews who say: "not in my name!", there's b'tselem, there are other advocacy groups, part of the IfNotNow movement, maoz inon & aziz abu sarah have gained some fame hoping to convince the world that mutual respect and understanding are the only way forward ...

although, the way things are going - and in view of tens of thousands of people being maimed for life, traumatized for decades to come - i'm afraid the way forward will continue to be full of violence.

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I don't think I ever said that "German = Nazi" or anything of the sort.

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No you did not.

But being honest: What do you think of when you say Nazi?

Remember a lot of people are dim.

I don't use this word because it is wrong.

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I think of Nazis when I think of Nazis. I don't think of Furtwaengler.

Don't put words in my mouth.

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I'm sure you are right and no doubt there were those who didn't even know of the many atrocities he committed. Many American's had little to say about our Middle Eastern wars, although they got coverage, but they couldn't care less. The people of Syria, including it's children are still suffering due to US!

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Yes: Syria. Iraq.many south American countries. Now US messing about in Europe! Ukraine. Georgia

Bangladesh.....more to come just can't think of them all.

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I find this even worse, since the US is complicit in a genocide, and there is nothing, in my mind, more ugly and heartbreaking since death and extermination of a people is their goal. I wonder how the world will see us after this. I do believe that since this century began we have followed a neocon agenda which has led to this. The only one I know who talks about the neocons and their agenda in a very meaningful way is Jeffery Sachs. I think he is right on target. This is no more then a continuation of the wars we started in the Middle East, and this is their end game, well at least in this part of the world. They of course have had their sights on Russia, which didn't go well, and this won't either. No doubt down the line they'll be more war and more death. Maybe Taiwan and China. It's never going to end, or maybe it will end with us all.

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Pretty much agree.

This intervention in Georgia is extremely worrying.

It is so obvious to me that this is yet another attack toward Russia.

Drop a bomb on Washington DC when everyone is there! Don't know any other solution.

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Brutal regime.

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Your right, Israel would not be able to implement this genocide without our bombs and without our approval and those of others. Also the number of dead far exceeds the 40 or so thousand often stated and more likely well over a hundred thousand are dead. When I was reading the litany of atrocities implemented at some point it became surreal. Soulless.

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I believe that the "40,000" number counted only persons whose identities and deaths were offocially confirmed.

An Israeli bomb hits an apartment building, collapsing it, nobody knows how many people and cats were buried under the rubble, nor are their names necessarily confirmed, but those people and cats are still just as dead.

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I know and I wish when providing the number of dead they would reference that fact because they say it's well over 100 thousand. Usually I don't take all the horror in at one sitting, but this article did that and it was so overwhelming, to even listen to it.

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We're not "complicit". We're actively committing genocide. We have U S troops on the ground now, in Israel, manning THAAD missile batteries which encourage Israel to further attack Iran, and our Navy has been attacking Yemen on Israel's behalf for months. We went form "complicit" to actively engaging in genocide when we cut off UNRWA funding.

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"Deeply complicit"?

Partners in crime is apt, enablers fits too. This would not be possible without western partnership. Israel doesn't have the power/weapons/cash/impunity/standing to go it alone. Israel supplies the intent to commit genocide and a degenerate society that is all in, except for the Israelis (unfortunately in the minority) who have stood up to Israel's barbarism for decades and still do so.

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Pretend that Russia, or any other country that the Empire doesn't like, were doing anything on remotely the same scale.

Imagine the howls of outrage from every weestern diplomat, every MSM mouthpiece, every think tank "scholar in residence" , every artist.

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The caption is grotesque but does not hold a candle to what Israel is doing. Perhaps no illustration can capture the magnitude and depravity of what Israel continues to do and what the West continues to aid and abet. This is evil beyond comprehension. Perhaps Zionism has metastasized to what Nazism never comprehended.

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The very fact that this ongoing genocide is enabled by the so-called civilized societies with ZERO end in sight tells me that Homo sapiens are on their way out and much sooner than later. Homo sapiens are nothing but a brutal violent species that will never grow beyond that instinct to literary kill everyone and everything, including the very environment upon which all life depends. While there may be handful of truly caring folks, they are in a minority and have no power to stop the majority who care more about their bottom line than life itself. Humans are a failed species and the sooner we are gone the better off the world will be.

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We are the monsters. We don’t learn from our past mistakes, at least not in a timely manner. We are savage and brutal animals, inflicting pain and suffering upon ourselves and virtually every other species on the planet.

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The only saving grace for me is that the base of microorganismal life will ensure that the biosphere will recover once we're gone, but, you're right that it'd be better were it sooner, leaving more un-poisoned biological base to facilitate planetary recovery.

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Who has the power?

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The military industrial complex and the corporate oligarchs and all those who keep on voting for their political puppets.

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Who has the power to stop it? If anyone, it will be those with wisdom as well as compassion. The perpetrators may be clever, but at root they are stupid - they are destroying themselves and the earth, their host. Such infestations self-exterminate. The wise might be able to recover. Or not.

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Power is granted by the Almighty to whosoever he wills. He is The Wise, The Knowing, All Hearing, and He is the Best of Planners. Trust in Him . All of creation is in His hands.

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I always cheered up watching Star Trek. It envisioned a future where the best of humanity existed. I like to think we are capable of that. Someday. In some bright future time.

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Thanks! We need some optimism. Live long and prosper.

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additionally, why is the world tolerating this mass murdering trash?

Who is responsible for the world and America not stopping this?

somebody some group of people are responsible

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Every cityzen who doesn't vote out our bribed politicians. They are responsible.

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I just finished reading The Hundred Years' War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi, and it makes very clear the Zionist goal of a Greater Israel without Palestinians. Netanyahu and his right-wing allies saw October 7 as an opportunity to achieve this long-held aim. It will fail, in time, because the Palestinians will never simply vanish. As an American, I'm appalled at the complicity of my government, which has the leverage to halt this mass killing and refuses to act. This isn't new, as Khalidi documents in his excellent book.

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I talk to so many but they are more interested in the cost of living and whatever BS mainstream media spews.

I feel powerless.

Is this why no one stopped Hitler's holocaust? I will vote for an anti war candidate in Oregon.

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This is the Zionist project unveiling. It has been planned since the late 1800's. This is not Judaism. The world needs a Nuremberg style court to be set up to convict those that have ordered, taken part in, actively supporting and complicit in this genocide, namely the genocidal regime in occupied Palestine, the US and collective west spineless "so called" leaders

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Nuremberg explicitly did not adhere to the Rule of Law or of Evidence. We’ve got masses of evidence and can be scrupulous about proper justice.

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This is indeed a grim read. Having encountered reports of parts of it from time to time it’s only when you are confronted with the totality of the barbarism - as presented here - that you realise how truly awful it is. And yet still the West does nothing. I feel the West would continue to do nothing even if the Israeli military nuked Gaza such is our helplessness before the authority of Israeli/US imperialism and its wilfull imposition of suffering. It/they have effectively imposed an implicit form of martial law in most Western countries which severely restricts our legal freedoms to protest with further restrictions almost certain to follow. (And, as it involves Israel we can ‘rest assured’ that such restrictions are currently being prepared by stealth).

As if to cue I just heard on the BBC radio coverage of the Budget that some millions (two?) of pounds of public money has been ear-marked for some kind of Holocaust sensibilising measures for the first time. As if we Goyim in the UK weren’t already totally sick of hearing this word with all its manufactured and propagandised hypocrisy by the shills for Israel. Especially while it is busy ruthlessly conducting its own holocaust of the Palestinians. But such, alas, is the power of the pro-Israeli lobby at the heart of government. As we all feared.

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jews and everyone complicit, including the American government, need to be sued for allowing this to happen. it's affecting the lives of normal citizens. It's causing people to have PTSD who normally would not have PTSD because they're not in the military these videos of death and destruction and genocide for no reason against this poor population of unarmed Palestinian people is causing psychological damage globally.

how are Jews getting by with this when I can't even roll a stop sign. ???

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I agree with most of your assessment, but to say this is caused by “Jews”

Is unfair, inaccurate, and bigoted.

This is the work of Zionists and the Zionist movement. They are neither all Jewish, nor is that movement supported by all Jews. It’s very important to get this right.

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Not all muslims are zionist either.

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I don't agree

Zionism is a Jewish movement. Israel is a Jewish state.

I will add to the list of perpetrators the group called Judeo charismatic Christians

what will the body count have to be before you call a spade a spade ?

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You are speaking like a bigot. I am a Jew and could not be more against Zionism. You are lumping all Jews together, the definition of prejudice. I'm sure you're better than this.

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genocide, mass murder and ethnic cleansing, cause bigotry and racism. what do you expect with possibly 1 million dead Palestinians by years end?

it's all uncalled for all bad bad and needs to stop with reparations paid before it gets way out of control, causing a global conflict.

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all the Jews, but 2% of the citizens in Israel are for Expanding Israel through mass murder, and genocide of Palestinians.

Yes they're championing the genocide all but 2% of Israel's population you can look it up yourselves.

Mass murder and genocide along with the ethnic cleansing Are not OK I don't care if it's zionists carrying it out Jews carrying it out or unga bunga or the Boy Scouts carrying it out these activities are not OK with Global humanity.

Israel is destroying itself.

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Pure evil. And you can't even talk about it without being accused of being anti Sematic or dealing with your Jewish friends having a complete meltdown. And the USA just recently welcomed that pathetic war criminal to congress. Such a disgrace.

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Entire situation described here brought to mind words from a 1940 Churchill speech: The present situation, if Israel and its enablers and accomplices are not stopped, is that "the whole world . . . will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science."

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Enough is enough

So why isn't the American government changing its marching orders and forcing a cease-fire.

Who is next in the Jewish genocidal crosshairs?

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There you go again. You are an antisemite.

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This is so awful. I could barely read it.

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Can we please once and for all stop using the term “international law.” There is no such thing.

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How do you figure? The UN is international law, it's just toothless.

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Because there is no law if there is no way to enforce it. It’s meaningless. Just as you said. One can argue semantics all day long. I stand by my post that for all practicable purposes that there is no “international law” and the use of that term is simply nonsensical with this latest genocide which no one is able or willing to stop. That’s how I figure it. And the UN is not international law, when a rogue nation like the USA can run roughshod over it.

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Surely the VP Harris Team has read this UN report and now your excellent analysis. If they have any hope of winning this election on Tuesday, Harris must address Gaza and call for an arms embargo immediately. This act will demonstrate her "leadership in a crisis" moment that many potenetial voters question and bring those to the polls for whom Genocide is the Single Most Important Issue of our Time. Which it is.

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Harris has had plenty of opportunity to insist on an arms embargo and she has failed to do so. Her rhetoric means nothing. Vote UNCOMMITTED or be complicit in the genocide.

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Vote Jill Stein or Cornell, the only anti war candidates.

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Actually, there are others, but yes, only vote for an explicitly anti-genocide candidate!

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I did an early vote in New York yesterday. Only Trump and Harris are on the New York ballot for president. Apparently, the state's Democratic (so-called) party manipulated things by tripling the number of signatures required for ballot access. It's a move to ensure the two-party stranglehold. I had to write in Stein and Ware. We need to let go of the "our democracy" idea. We live in an oligarchy.

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"Harris must address Gaza and call for an arms embargo immediately." You are asking too much from that woman.

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everyone complicit should be sued off the planet.

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