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Many of the Israeli citizens object to the Zionist's treatment of the Palestinian people. There was to be an organized protest against the genocide and a united call for peace at the Nova Rave. Two days before the festival date, the venue was changed to a location much closer to Gaza. The Zionists tried to set up those they saw as guilty of dissent to be attacked by HAMAS, However, HAMAS did not take that bait and in fact, rescued many of the protesters from Zionist attacks. This is why the protestors who were freed by HAMAS were killed by the Zionists. They were punished for going against the Zionists and silenced to keep the truth from being exposed. Those still with HAMAS know, and they will tell the world what really happened once the "war" is over and they are free.

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I'm sure there are a number of Israeli's who do, as there are a number of American's who speak out against not only Israel's genocide, but our complicity in it. In both cases a mere handful, so to speak. It was true in the US with our multiple middle eastern wars based on lies, and it's true of Americans on this issue as well. Perhaps you would like to hear what our former president, Bill Clinton, had to say. Scroll down the page. He's disgusting in his excuses for this genocide. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bill-clinton-justifies-murder-palestinians-israel-michigan-kamala-harris_n_6723f929e4b0871068feb074

P.S. I've never read anything about what you said. Do you have a source that i can read?

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Here is one of many articles on the matter.


It is not on MSM as they are big fans of the whole "murder them and take their resources" scam.

Obviously, anyone with a soul would object to the greed-based wholesale slaughter of an entire population. Also obviously, the demons perpetuating said slaughter do their very best to justify their horrific behavior.

You know, if the Zionists would have just agreed to help develop and share the resources, the whole region would be a wonderful paradise. They could have taken that path....the path of cooperation and peace. If only they had the wisdom to do so.

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Thanks for that quick reply and couldn't agree more.

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