Watching DNC delegates plug their ears, singing la la la while the names of myrdered children were being read out, filled me with revulsion. They know. They don't care. 'Murikkka.

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When people show you how ugly they are, I suggest you should believe them.

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Thank you Feral,

I grew up in Kamala's neighbourhood. She went to Leonard Cohen's High School and for the first time since that bastard and quisling Ronald Iscariot Reagan made his Time for Choosing speech HOPE is back in my Pandora's Jar. I love America. I first visited Silver Springs in 1950. I am autistic. I live in Quebec. In Quebec Autism is real and race, gender and religion are 20th century fantasy and have been for three decades.

At Kamala's High School healthcare, education and welfare are human rights and abortion and euthanasia are healthcare.

This is frozen Latin America and if you visit the Westmount PUBLIC High School site you can read this ESMB statement:

Territorial acknowledgement

The English Montreal School Board is located

on unceded, unsurrendered Indigenous territory,

traditional lands of the Kanienʼkehá:ka

and other First Nations

Westmount High was thirty years ahead of Hyde Park Academy when we arrived back in my hometown from Woodlawn Chicago and Barrack Obama was conservative way to the right of Quebec’s government. Bernie Sanders is to the center right of Quebec’s CONSERVATIVE MAJORITY GOVERNMENT and our CONSERVATIVE ECONOMIST PRIME MINISTER FRANCOIS the Senile LEGAULT. All our Big City Mayors are MAYORETTES even in Montreal and all our opposition leaders are LAs not LEs. We love Kamala and Walz.

Leonard led the country band at Westmount and dreamed of a career in stand-up.

My wife and I both need walkers but when we hear Leonard sing Tennessee Waltz we grab each other. My partner was born in Commodore Vanderbilt’s heart of Darkness in Nashville. Here is Cohen introducing his finale in Warsaw, Poland.


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I was brought up in Kamala's Montreal Jewish ghetto and I found it revolting and I lived in Woodlawn Chicago for over a decade where they are building a shrine to Obama. I know what Woodlawn really needs is Kamala's Westmount High School and I know the residents of Woodlawn in 2002 agreed with me.


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''BINGO''.... I will not be voting for either Harris & Co., or Trump and Co,. because of me being a-dyed-in-the-wool American, I feel I have no right interfering in the internal affairs of a foreign nation, Israel. I will vote for the the American candidate [also voted for her, I believe in 2016] Jill Stein. I rather ''throw away'' my vote on her and not have all the guilt of having blood on my hands. We find ourselves in this pickle because we don't have the brains to fund our elections by ''We the People'', instead of being funded by warmongers and tax bandits. We have met the enemy, and he is us.

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That kinder, gentler genocide . . . with patent pending must be the reason for the explosive enthusiasm displayed by the trained seals in the galleries at the DNC convention in response to the endless rounds of rubbish delivered by wealthy hypocrites like Michelle Obama. My diagnosis of their illness occurs at three levels:

At the brain system level — Endorphin Ecstasy, mimicking the activity of those neural systems during a fantastic orgasm (just study their faces/eyes in any video thereof)

At the behavioral level — a Manichean struggle against grotesque evil

At the societal level — pure cult phenomenology

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To answer John Kirby's jawdroppingly cynical question (cynical, even by the standards of liberals and democrats, because Kirby knows full well that the United States bullies anyone seeking to aid Gaza into submission) - Yemen.

Not only that, but the United States and its catamites have attacked Yemen for having the temerity to do something.

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Feral ,

What do you think it would cost to clean up the Chicago River and Clean up the beach in Gary Indiana to what it was when The Musicman was about the richest city in the world?

When I was born Montreal's beaches were sewage outlets. Today they are overcrowded with young families. In Montreal the people are better educated, healthier, wealthier and more optimistic than their USA counterparts and we are more democratic and democracy is a journey not a destination.


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Amazing work, I will share this far and wide!❤️🕉️

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There is a beacon of hope in this hour of darkness. China has reportedly brokered a deal with the 14 different groups within Palestine, among which Hamas is one. By consolidating the disparate groups under one umbrella, Hamas is no longer a lone wolf. For Israel to argue that Palestinians are only killed because Hamas is hiding behind them is no longer factually correct.

In addition, the inability of the hegemon to exact a desired outcome in Gaza, i.e., the cessation of hostilities there, is not only a major embarrassment for the hegemon, but a clear sign of receding power. This is no small thing. The slaughter in Gaza is rippling across the planet. The dirt poor Houthis in Yemen are taking on the responsibility to act, as mandated by the International Court to act to end genocide when possible. They are closing off access to the Red Sea which is impeding U.S. naval vessels and Israeli staples. They are bombing the forces committing the slaughter. They are heroes.

Add to this the words of Vladimir Putin, who, following the Kiiv incursion into Kursk. NATO will be punished at a time of his choosing. His response will be asymmetrical. So Russia has given defensive weaponry to Iran to protect them when they respond to Israel's assassination of the lead Palestinian negotiator. Iran already possesses missiles that can defeat the Israeli shield.

Moreover, in case Americans are not getting the message, their state is awash in criminal blood, and the Palestinians are bravely standing up across the globe to be heard. They don't make threats, they are armed with the truth. They are the tip of the anti-imperialism spear. The hegemon depends on the control and death of their people to exacerbate the regional fear of the Israelis. That time has come and gone. If there is a President Harris, she will get no quarter. She will be shellshocked with protests and pleas and condemnation. She will be blamed for losing the empire!

Lastly, I heard Shahid Bolsen claim that the notorious MBS, the reviled leader of Saudi is in hiding because the Americans want regime change. Mohammed Bin Salmen was approached by the West, to offset Saudi's enlisting in BRICS, asking him to make a deal with Israel. MBS agreed, but ONLY if the deal achieves the creation of a Palestinian State. So if this is the case, the hegemon now wants regime change in Israel to end the genocide, in Saudi to preserve the apartheid state, and in Russia to re-loot that state. Typical of waning empires, the appetite for control grows as the capacity to control withers. God help us all.

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Blinken is Bibi's de-facto lawyer.

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I'm hoping that when Kamala becomes president and does not need to follow Biden's policies, she will do the right thing.

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Would that hope be based on her record of false evidence used as prosecutor & refusing court ordered release of prisoners because they served as slave labor in California?

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You are smoking what is called "hopium."

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I don't know what to say any more about American "journalism".

I know Kamala's ghetto schools I went to them. It took tremendous ability for Kamala to catch up in Montreal's Jewish ghetto. My wife and I lived in Woodlawn next to Hyde Park Career Academy where my partner taught after earning *her Master's degree in Science education at The Chicago School of Greed Avarice and objectivism words people with autism like me normally cannot use but autism is real in Quebec they are having a symposium at Kamala's High School where race , gender and religion are 20th century superstition and religion not books are banned in the classroom. Our schools runneth over our temples are for sale from Cathedrals to 18th century wood. Old Montreal turned churches into shopping malls and condos.

At Westmount High School healthcare, education and welfare are human rights not government or clerical indulgences.

We love Kamala Harris and my wife and I love Bernie Sanders and we wore out Springsteen's Nebraska and Warren Zevon's Excitable Boy, yesterday, when we were young.

I haven't been hopeful about America's survival since the Reagan coup of 1964 when he called liberal democracy America's worst nightmare in his time for choosing speech and by the way


Territorial acknowledgement

The English Montreal School Board is located

on unceded, unsurrendered Indigenous territory,

traditional lands of the Kanienʼkehá:ka

and other First Nations.

Funny thing here in frozen Latin America tables and chairs have genders citizens are citizens.

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Check out The Prime Minister of Manitoba "wab" Kinew. Manitoba is Minnesota's Northern neighbour and Churchill the closest North American seaport to China and the Orient. Wab is Canada's favourite politician a New Democrat (Democratic Socialist) twice convicted of felonius assault of his business partner and a rap artist and tv celebrity, economist and best selling author.


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