I don't know what to say any more about American "journalism".
I know Kamala's ghetto schools I went to them. It took tremendous ability for Kamala to catch up in Montreal's Jewish ghetto. My wife and I lived in Woodlawn next to Hyde Park Career Academy where my partner taught after earning *her Master's degree in Science education at The…
I don't know what to say any more about American "journalism".
I know Kamala's ghetto schools I went to them. It took tremendous ability for Kamala to catch up in Montreal's Jewish ghetto. My wife and I lived in Woodlawn next to Hyde Park Career Academy where my partner taught after earning *her Master's degree in Science education at The Chicago School of Greed Avarice and objectivism words people with autism like me normally cannot use but autism is real in Quebec they are having a symposium at Kamala's High School where race , gender and religion are 20th century superstition and religion not books are banned in the classroom. Our schools runneth over our temples are for sale from Cathedrals to 18th century wood. Old Montreal turned churches into shopping malls and condos.
At Westmount High School healthcare, education and welfare are human rights not government or clerical indulgences.
We love Kamala Harris and my wife and I love Bernie Sanders and we wore out Springsteen's Nebraska and Warren Zevon's Excitable Boy, yesterday, when we were young.
I haven't been hopeful about America's survival since the Reagan coup of 1964 when he called liberal democracy America's worst nightmare in his time for choosing speech and by the way
Check out The Prime Minister of Manitoba "wab" Kinew. Manitoba is Minnesota's Northern neighbour and Churchill the closest North American seaport to China and the Orient. Wab is Canada's favourite politician a New Democrat (Democratic Socialist) twice convicted of felonius assault of his business partner and a rap artist and tv celebrity, economist and best selling author.
I don't know what to say any more about American "journalism".
I know Kamala's ghetto schools I went to them. It took tremendous ability for Kamala to catch up in Montreal's Jewish ghetto. My wife and I lived in Woodlawn next to Hyde Park Career Academy where my partner taught after earning *her Master's degree in Science education at The Chicago School of Greed Avarice and objectivism words people with autism like me normally cannot use but autism is real in Quebec they are having a symposium at Kamala's High School where race , gender and religion are 20th century superstition and religion not books are banned in the classroom. Our schools runneth over our temples are for sale from Cathedrals to 18th century wood. Old Montreal turned churches into shopping malls and condos.
At Westmount High School healthcare, education and welfare are human rights not government or clerical indulgences.
We love Kamala Harris and my wife and I love Bernie Sanders and we wore out Springsteen's Nebraska and Warren Zevon's Excitable Boy, yesterday, when we were young.
I haven't been hopeful about America's survival since the Reagan coup of 1964 when he called liberal democracy America's worst nightmare in his time for choosing speech and by the way
Territorial acknowledgement
The English Montreal School Board is located
on unceded, unsurrendered Indigenous territory,
traditional lands of the Kanienʼkehá:ka
and other First Nations.
Funny thing here in frozen Latin America tables and chairs have genders citizens are citizens.
Check out The Prime Minister of Manitoba "wab" Kinew. Manitoba is Minnesota's Northern neighbour and Churchill the closest North American seaport to China and the Orient. Wab is Canada's favourite politician a New Democrat (Democratic Socialist) twice convicted of felonius assault of his business partner and a rap artist and tv celebrity, economist and best selling author.