It’s more humane because there is no scientific evidence that plants have nervous systems and therefore, to our knowledge, don’t feel pain. As far as ecology, the large scale intensively overcrowding of tightly confined animals to supply the millions of humans who want animal products in large supply 24 hours a day means giving massive d…
It’s more humane because there is no scientific evidence that plants have nervous systems and therefore, to our knowledge, don’t feel pain. As far as ecology, the large scale intensively overcrowding of tightly confined animals to supply the millions of humans who want animal products in large supply 24 hours a day means giving massive doses of antibiotics to farmed animals to keep them from dying of disease from living in filth, which is already making contagious diseases more resistant to antibiotic treatment leaving humans vulnerable to more pandemics far worse than the ones we’ve already had. It’s not about who’s better than who or who’s wrong or right. I offer the suggestion to go vegan if people are interested. Some are and some aren’t. I don’t try to coerce people because in the rare case it works, it’s not a good thing. I offer it with the best info available I can get such as from the medical team at Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine and hope people will be interested. Veganism is growing in support because the activists who have the greatest effect on people are the ones that help people decide for themselves based on knowledge of all aspects of the subject such as health, nutrition, safety, concern for animals and environment, etc.
I realize you’re just upset and want to argue because the subject bothers you. I want to concentrate on who I can reach and not argue with who I can’t.Nobody guilt tripped me into going vegan, and the few I met who had contempt for non vegans were people I wouldn’t want as friends and I believe follow such paths for ulterior motives. I did it because I had a calling in my life and this was one of the things I felt was imperative to me. It ended up taking 4 years for me to get to vegan because I was so comfortable in not ever having any kind of health crisis that allowed me to not do any thinking about what I ate or why. I didn’t do it to please others. I did it because it fit my particular values and I hope I can have a similar effect on others, that’s all.
It’s more humane because there is no scientific evidence that plants have nervous systems and therefore, to our knowledge, don’t feel pain. As far as ecology, the large scale intensively overcrowding of tightly confined animals to supply the millions of humans who want animal products in large supply 24 hours a day means giving massive doses of antibiotics to farmed animals to keep them from dying of disease from living in filth, which is already making contagious diseases more resistant to antibiotic treatment leaving humans vulnerable to more pandemics far worse than the ones we’ve already had. It’s not about who’s better than who or who’s wrong or right. I offer the suggestion to go vegan if people are interested. Some are and some aren’t. I don’t try to coerce people because in the rare case it works, it’s not a good thing. I offer it with the best info available I can get such as from the medical team at Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine and hope people will be interested. Veganism is growing in support because the activists who have the greatest effect on people are the ones that help people decide for themselves based on knowledge of all aspects of the subject such as health, nutrition, safety, concern for animals and environment, etc.
Too many issues to respond to in writing. Too many generalizations. I think all living beings are sentient. Plants and microbes are sentient.
I avoid CAFO meat, imperfectly. but I routinely pay a premium for humanely raised meat.
Where does your food come from? Do you ever buy food that kills mice, birds, worms, fish, insects? How is that possible?
I realize you’re just upset and want to argue because the subject bothers you. I want to concentrate on who I can reach and not argue with who I can’t.Nobody guilt tripped me into going vegan, and the few I met who had contempt for non vegans were people I wouldn’t want as friends and I believe follow such paths for ulterior motives. I did it because I had a calling in my life and this was one of the things I felt was imperative to me. It ended up taking 4 years for me to get to vegan because I was so comfortable in not ever having any kind of health crisis that allowed me to not do any thinking about what I ate or why. I didn’t do it to please others. I did it because it fit my particular values and I hope I can have a similar effect on others, that’s all.
I’m not upset. I believe my choices are ethical and ecological.
Then why discuss it with me? And why hand me the opportunity to reach so many people with my message?
Why would I not discuss it? It gives me the opportunity to share where I’m coming from. And there’s a chance I’ll learn something.