It’s a tragic reality that, once this is over and the hostages likely all dead, few will remember the indifference of the Israelis to their fate. All they will speak of is that hostages were taken to Gaza, and none came home.

I believe this is the intention of Netanyahu. I also believe that while Hamas wanted hostages, Israel wanted corpses. Hostages are useful for negotiating, but Netanyahu has no use for that. This was the motivation for the Hannibal directive: not to prevent hostages, but rather to create corpses. Corpses which will automatically be blamed on Hamas. Barring an international investigation into the deaths of 10/7, these lies will prevail. The truth is be Israel’s greatest enemy, and its greatest victim.

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Many LOVING and precious JEWS in Israel, and the U.S., are certainly not just INDIFFERENT.


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I think you can include Biden to your list. He could have stopped this by not selling weapons to Israel. He has always been a warmonger......I remember him in the Senate when he was yelling for Bush to invade Iraq.........

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Yes, you’re right. I meant the government, of course.

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Israel's nazi behavior is no secret. They learned three lessons from 1933-1945 - 1) Be the aggressor, not the victim; 2) make sure you are on the winning side; 3) tribe trumps everything else.

So what does anyone propose to do about it? The good guys do not win because they deserve to win. They win, only if they do what is necessary to win, and being good has nothing to do s with it.

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The word TRIBE is inappropriate, IMHO

TRIBES tend to lead to KINGDOMS , EMPIRES, and possibly in the near future a single DAMMED GLOBAL EMPIRE of Worldly Death.

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Excellent and very informative. It's been clear for quite some time that Israel is its own worst enemy. The Gaza war is likely to be their undoing.

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Thank you. At this juncture with deaths continuing apace and American politicians spreading magical thinking tropes, you remain steadfast. Eyes on the reality.

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Did David Hearst just figure out there is genocide against the Palestinians in Israel?

If you’re in the US it means nothing especially for people that support Trump.


Trump said those Palestinian hate Israelis so all of them need to die and Trump took a large sum of money from AIPAC to insure that Trump would help with the genocide in the West Bank too.

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ALARMING -- Open Terror in the US (after Tulsi Gabbard was placed on Terror list)

Today, on August 7, 2024, the FBI conducted a raid on the Delmar, New York, home of Scott Ritter, a former UN weapons inspector and geopolitical analyst known for his criticism of U.S. foreign policy and allegations of corruption in Ukraine. Ritter, who has also been a controversial figure due to past convictions and appearances on Russian state-funded networks, was the subject of a federal investigation, the details of which were not immediately disclosed. The raid has sparked a range of reactions on social media -- but, of course, and like with Tulsi Gabbard outrage, silence in state-controlled media.

In meantime the bipartisan US genocide of Palestinians - continues...

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Dear Chris Hedges and Robeert Reich<

Dear, Robert Reich:

The absolute WORST PERSON is not among your choices!

The MEGALOMANIAC GENOCIDAL, NUTANYHU, is without any doubt the most FUCKING NUTANYAHU, #1, in charge of blowing the whole fucking world up and to HELL, against GOD's WISHES!

Israel is NOT a member of NATO ---- and thus the wonderful, compassionate and loving people in Israel should really fast and post haste either kill that Mother Fucking Maniac or VOTE NUTANYAHU OUT OF OFFICE before "we the American people" throw NUTANYAHU's 'Sorry Ass' into the same BURIAL HOLES that NUTANYAHU has thrown hundereds of thousands of defence-less and slaughtered Palestian: men, women, and PRECIOUS LITTLE CHILDREN, over DECADES, have been thrown like trash --- because of you, you #1 ASS-HOLE!



BTW: FUCK AIPAC ----- Get a Majority VOTE of Israel's and American Loving Jewish People to get rid of NUTANYAHU ---- or you, IMHO, are on your OWN.

AIPAC Defined

By Alan MacDonald

Sanford, Maine


For me, AIPAC should stand for American-style Imperialism Political Action Committee:

I still believe that the number one reason that AIPAC should not have undue influence on this matter is, as I wrote to "The Nation" in 2007, that "AIPAC (the American Israel Political Action Committee) and others, which are together termed "the lobby," are not really speaking for the majority of Israeli nor American Jews--but are actually speaking nearly the opposite. I have long believed and written that the acronym AIPAC should rightly stand for American-style Imperialism Political Action Committee, since it does not reflect the honest desires and needs of the vast majority of the people of Israel but the aims of a global corporate Empire, which reduces the people of both Israel and America to living in its twin facades of "Vichy America" and "Vichy Israel."

Yes, AIPAC accomplishes precisely the inverse of the noble purpose it claims to serve--to protect the people of Israel--and is instead a great danger to the people of Israel through its singular focus on the unsustainable and inevitably sorrowful strategy of militarist Empire. But AIPAC is neither the only nor the worst deceiver and denier of the aspirations of peoples whom it claims to speak for. That title of champion guileful mis-guider and destroyer of people's democratic purpose is the corporate global Empire, which has metastasized from an initial tumor in the United States itself (although it shows no nationalism nor patriotism) and which can best be described as the Empire behind the curtain of "Vichy America."

Just as AIPAC disregards the real interests of the people of Israel in favor of its own agenda of militant imperialism, so the domestic-grown pathology of the US-centered corporate/financial Empire even more contemptuously and arrogantly disregards the democratic and peaceful interests of all Americans and displaces their dreams with its own sordid nightmare of global domination by force of arms and economic exploitation under the false flag of "Vichy America."

At the end of the day, it needs to be understood that the global corporatist Empire which hides behind the facade of "Vichy America" is the heart of the destructive unitive Empire that "the lobby" lobbies."

Since my 2007 criticism of AIPAC's undue and FALSE viewpoint in claiming to speak for any majority of Jews, I have further thought that from the humanist and empathetic 'democracy thinking' of the majority of Israeli and American working-class citizens, that "it's hard to imagine, in this very modern 21st century, that we are still looking toward the end of the last of tribal 'empire-thinking'.

We are a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-racial, even post-racial, sectarian, mixing-pot-world of democracies on a small fragile planet --- and yet, we are still not beyond the danger of existential death at the hands of ancient and irrelevant tribal 'empire-thinking'.

As only Kurt Vonnegut's sense of ironic black humor might envision, "It is as if the whole human race was about to sit down to a celebratory picnic for successfully reaching our 21st century, when we are all unexpectedly killed by one remaining giant dinosaur."

The last people in the world who should want to stay in (or ever promote) a world of tribalism, are the Muslims and Jews ---- based on how they have been abused by various nationalist and other modern "-ism" Empires.

Fighter pilots have a saying that, "speed is life". But, for all the rest of us, "inclusiveness is life" --- and tribalism is death by the oldest lie of empire.

Racism is another deadly old lie of empire, as is aggressively fundamentalist religion.

Nationalism is a somewhat newer lie of empire, proving particularly deadly in the 20th century.

While, economic ideology is the newest, and current, lie of empire (which is causing our economic and environmental collapse).

But all the lies and deceptions of "empire-thinking" lead ineluctably to the very same grave --- so choose your empire poison, stupidly. Or choose your inclusiveness, wisely.

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Israel must immediately repair the Palestinian people. The settlements must be turned over to the Gaza people still living. It’s not enough but a start. It’s the beginning of a one state solution.

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That is the fairest thing for everybody, unfortunately it will not happen until America stops voting for Zionist politicians.

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A great interview and a lot of information about what’s happening on a local level in Jordan too.

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Chris thank you for this interview. David Hearst providedus with lots of information and perspectives I have not heard before.

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The excellent Hedges/Hearsy Report was great but also simultaneously an unnamed review of the genocide this country perpetrated in Vietnam, in the memory of many of us still alive- 3.8 million deaths of the innocents there, wherein thus, the U.S. political class historically achieved, earned, and rendered our country as an exemplary and leading member of the world’s Mega-Genocide Hitler Club by focusing themselves solely on their masters, the American Corporate-Capitalist Death Cult Oligarchy, which slowly coalesced after World War II and finally became routinely functional under the John Roberts Gang of Six, invalid, gangster, insurrectionary and at War with the U.S. Constitution, Court.

The American Political Class trained Netanyahu in his superb achievements in applied genocide war, mass murder applications in the Gaza.

Painting himself into the preverbal wrong corner of the room, a room filled with the corpses his murder factory produced, his ways out seems extremely limited: 1. The Israeli trial of Adolph Eichmann which resulted in Mr. Eichmann’s hanging comes into view, or 2. Hitler’s own, personal, Final Solution, putting a bullet in his head in 1945. While these alternatives hardly addresses the monstrous crimes Netanyahu knowingly delivered to his victims, with any one of the two solutions,

perhaps the world can now focus on the needs of the remaining, barely surviving victims of Netanyahu, including the Israeli American bombs that he also used to murdered innocent Israeli hostages, and return to ourselves to our shelved humanity for the last 10 months, pull our almost forgotten humanest selves down from said shelf and get busy rebuilding our humanity, recognizing how easily, how momentarily human beings can switch to monstrous barbarism while stupidly thinking we’re doing the will of the divine when actually we’ve done the evil always lurking within ourselves, that what humanity has done to our brother and sister Palestinians, we have done to ourselves. We all are in need of healing, understanding that without this understanding, we all condemn ourselves to human engineered human extinction.

Please explain all the above to all your children and all those you love. Study that racism comes from the University of the Satanic, that the Satanic is much too much ubiquitous in this nation, and that the Satanic has captured so many too many souls of this nation, that our work now required may be the last and greatest chance that we may remain human beings that those millions before us made possible and that we may make possible for the millions that may follow us if we don’t make it maniacally impossible by being the last generation who chose to bow, falling on our knees to Lord Evil. Let it not be so.

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I live less than an hour from St Johnsbury and have read Reverend Hedges since he wrote for all the Bull that's fit to print. I love Chris' writing but St Johnsbury was almost as bad a Mississippi. I am 76 and when I was 5 years old Vermont was known in my family as Mississippi North and Gentiles Only was de rigeur.

George Orwell 1903-1950 said religious Zionism would result in a FASCIST STATE.

Kamala Harris grew up in Montreal not Oakland.

In Montreal in 2024 at Westmount High School not a single student has a race other than Homo Sapien., At Westmount High School gender is fluid and not a single student has a gender because gender is FLUID. Not a single student has a religion because Quebec Bill21 says religion is fantasy and has no business in politics and abortion is NONE OF OUR FUCKING BUSINESS.

Mila Mulroney widow of Brian the unbeloved Prime Minister of Canada was a Progressive Conservative and in 2024 conservatism; both the noun and the adjective are suicide. Mila went to Westmount High and it is still a showpiece for tax funded Public education being the greatest investment in future happiness.

AIPAC is fascist "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise." Gomer Pyle USMC.

BIBI is a Jewish NAZI.

Surprise, Surprise, quel Surpris.

In 1939 Roosevelt, the Vatican, Mackenzie King and Lord Beaverbrook helped Hitler engineer the Final Solution in Havana Cuba and Europe.

Not all Jews are fascists just like not all Mississippians are retarded just the ones television wants us to pity.

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"In 1939 Roosevelt, the Vatican, Mackenzie King and Lord Beaverbrook helped Hitler engineer the Final Solution in Havana Cuba and Europe" Moe, can you remind me of how the Roosevelt administration helped to the final solution? I read once (don't remember where) that the American Zionists convinced Roosevelt to no accept the Jewish refugees because the Zionist where at the time trying to direct them to Palestine, but they wanted to go to other countries instead. Do you know if this is true? Yes, I agree with you that not all Jews are fascists on the contrary, Jews have distinguished in the whole world for being very progressive and here in America have always rejected fascism just like the Jewish organizations that have been protesting the war in Gaza.

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Thanks Julio

Canadian Supreme Court Justice retired Rosalie Silberman Abella is teaching at Harvard. She is the greatest legal philosopher I ever listened to. Watch her depose Elena Kagan at Kagan's honorary doctor of laws at Toronto.


Irving Abela was a great CANADIAN HISTORIAN.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/None_Is_Too_Many but the riots over Jews landing in Havana were the Vatican's Final Solution first proposed by St Thomas Chrysostom and Saint Augustine 1600 years ago.

We are a Latin American country just like Haiti but we are rich, educated healthy and optimistic and Bill 21 says religion is bullshit and I am proud to be a Canadian living in Quebec where I was born.

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Thank you, Moe, for the links. IMO, Kagan explained the court procedures but failed to venture her opinion on ways to improve it and she did not answer the relevant questions from the students affirming that she was not going to talk against her court. If Bill 21 really says that religion is BS I have to applaud it because the Abrahamic religions are the sources of all the wars and injustices between their followers.

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I am 76 and almost blind my wife is 86 and is as oddistic as ever. She sleeps she reads, she studies and listens to music 24/07. I helped with her doctoral before I learned how to write. It took a faculty of education and an autistic keyboard for me to write. I need to focus on each letter and type for ages and age then look up to see the monitor. I type with my Quebec driving finger the middle digit of my right hand.

I went to Northmount High School in Montreal which; thank the Creator; is no more. There is no PROTESTANT SCHOOL BOARD or CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD . There is no such thing as abortion at Westmount High in 2024 because we had a revolution that said evolve or go extinct.

Christianity and Islam are not Abrahamic they are Persian third century Manichean. Judaism is more North American Aboriginal. All land is sacred life is cyclical but we are slaves to the Earth.


Orthodox Judaism is post Christian and Greco Roman. Jesus was a Jew and we don't rise from the dead. There is no Heaven no Hell Imagine


When school opens in September the religious zealots and carpetbaggers will go apoplectic because Westmount is what Benjamin Franklin's life was allm about. They all want Teslas and think Elon is scum of the Earth.

I am autistic . They said i8 was a genius at logic aned linguistics 69 years ago

Bill 21 is opposed by our ACLU and your extreme right wing religious zealots. The ACLU was our number one charity until it launched an appeal with our Supreme Court. My father in law ran as a Democrat in the fascist part of Michigan and I always loved Cervantes.

I love Twain and hate what that Franco loving fascist Walter Disney did to his reputation.

I went to St Johnsbury for High Holiday Services when I could drive at night. In St Johnsbury the Synagogue looks like the world but I still feel like a Jew with horns and tail in Chris's hometown. My father grew up in Poland and landed in NYC in 1926 after finishing Polish PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL administered by Jesuit Priests.

My father said all religion is Papal Bull excrement he was a secular human like Jesus of Nazareth as in The Jefferson Bible: The life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth available free at the Smithsonian.

We go to services to be with people and we pray only in our own separate closets.

We lived in Woodlawn Chicago for more than a decade. Obama lost the primary because in my opinion he is too conservative. My old high school is no more thanks to the Creator. There is no Northmount High School teaching antihuman theology and useless sophistry it is a career Academy like the one in Woodlawn that my wife once called her school where Mel Torme sang and once metal detectors were de riguer near Michelle's South Shore and Barrack's School of Economics across from the Obama Center not in Hyde Park or Kensington.

My wife's grandfather was IBEW. He wired the midway in 1893 for the exposition that made America great. My father in Law was named Eugene after his godfather Eugene Victor.

Now the Midway separates Rockefeller's School of business, law economics and objectivism from humanity. The Chicago School said education is old superstition business is Number one with a bullet.

Eugene Victor was a great philosopher and a great American. He went to prison for violating the first amendment and running for President.

Chris writes well . He didn't ask to be born in what my father called Mississippi North.

Our Friends Doctorate is in English translation from Quebec's Roman Catholic (Latin) French. We were an English Colony in 1759 and occupied by the USA in 1775 by the greatest mind of the enlightenment the Patriot and Scoundrel and HUMOURIST and stand-up Bonhomme Richard. Marx credited Bonhomme with founding Marxism.

But I am Canadian, Autistic Senile and my history says your revolution was anti-democratic and John Adams was an oligarch and an Alice through the looking glass Humpty Dumpty. The Quebec Act 1773 was the last straw for Massachusetts and Connecticut it gave Roman Catholic full citizenship.

Voltaire was Bonhomme's friend in Paris and Jonathan Swift's friend in Mayfair

He said "Perception is reality" Descartes said I think therefore I am.

Kamala is loved in Westmount and Westmount High School is English Montreal's Pride and Joy and Donald J Trump's worst nightmare. America that looks like the reality.

Robert Burns said it best

He was brilliant singer song writer and stand -up.


I've celebrated life for 76 years and my wife and I are joyful. Kamala and Tim are the Chidren we wished for but were stuck with the ones we got and try to imagine how things might have worked out better.

What does the Talmud say: He who thinks on such things it might have been better if he had not been born. Thinking about what really was Thinking about what was, what is and what will be is positively unAmerican. I remember when Americans greatest export was culture . It is 2024 and it was 1893-2024 when America's greatest export was culture and now that culture is corrupt and demented. Celebrity Apprentice is not Noblesse Oblige and screw anything you can is not the meek shall inherit the Earth.

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Interesting life, I believe we are brothers in un-faith.

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John Ralston Saul

The Doubter's Companion : A Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense. Viking 1994 page 256

I am very slow at transcribing but

Responsibility: Nobody is Reponsible in a Corporatist Society.That is because the real citizens are corporations. Individuals only work for them and follow orders. It follows that individuals see themselves as chosen. {My edit: chosen 2024 The Chosen} and next

Cardinal Richelieu whose name is ubiquitous under every rock in Quebec

Rich and elieu Chosen

Richelieu Cardinal: Father of the Modern Nation State, modern centralized power, the modern secret service and a major civil building boom brought on by a glut in the dressed stone market following Richilieu's dismantling of defensive city walls.

my add on

My beliefs are mine and I can't believe or think a Deity would be less confused than I am.

Take your the Evening and Morning December or June North Pole or South Pole. We arrived at 3AM and the kids were playing baseball and swimming in the subArctic.

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I am autistic. Navigating the web is a job for Captain James T Kirk of our ghetto. Steven Pinker of Harvard is today's Chomsky a polymath with reason and understanding. Leonard Cohen sang Tennessee waltz and wanted to be a stand-up comedian when he went to Westmount High School where Kamala was to be a student. We have it all on videotape. Westmount High is Progressive conservative not a oxymoron like radical/liberal or a fascist kind of center center.

Westmount High School is not in America. It is America as it is supposed to be. That is a September I want to remember when grass was green and


This is what lucky looks like. Pandora's box is filled with hope for the first time since Reagan sold his soul to the Devil for thirty shekels.

Warren Zevon, Springsteen Nebraska was unplayable we wore out the groves our grandson lives with the werewolves in London.

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I suspect your English can easily accommodate a PhD thesis from your comments.

This is precise but still just a translation from one culture to another.

There is only one word for snow but no written language and no adjectives.

Bill21 Affirming a Democratic Nation


I think even your Corrupt legal system Judiciary and rancid Supreme Court would have trouble with this. We already lost one Supreme who refused to even consider the case and recused.

How is this for an English translation which neither Murdoch nor MSNBC could distort.

Religion is Bullshit in the eyes of our constitution.

Westmount High Students speak James T Kirk and Steven Pinker.

Our government is liberal and democratic and CONSERVATIVE.

We are a Jeffersonian Democracy. Our Washington served under Roosevelt in World War Two.

Let's talk Thomas More. I belong to the Thomas More Institute committed to life long learning.

The Thomas More Society is a corrupt oxymoron lying Federalist Catholic malcontents arguing the meaning of documents where they were considered scum and vermin.

John Adams was an English Protestant Supremacist.

The meaning of religion in 1789.


John Adams was virtuous Jefferson studied at William & Mary

Jefferson was a fan of Sir Issac Newton a founder of Unitarianism.

Nothing has changed since the election of 1800.Jefferson the Democratic Republican vs Adams the virtuous Federalist.

I am a retard I could not finish DeVry and America is still disputing 1800 and the good old days.

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I am listening to Springsteen. Our copy of Nebraska was worn down to unplayable and Warren Zevon brought back yesterday when we were young and foolish and thanks for the memories.

John and Yoko stayed at the Queen Elizabeth hotel on Rene Levesque Boulevard. Rene Levesque is Quebec's George Washington. He was a journalist in Roosevelt's European Command and covered the liberation of Dachau.

In Quebec in 2024 there are no such divisions as race, gender and religion. They are all banal and all evil. The Banality of Evil as described by Hannah Arendt.

Sir John Ralston Saul one of my favourite still living philosophy Saul wrote Voltaire's Bastards dedicated to Hannah Arendt published in 1993 and I watch him regularly. He served consecutive terms as head of PEN International.He was my point man on Covid. Chris wrote the foreword of some Anniversary edition.

Our constitution is fluid not carved in stone. "We are standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Issac Newton

I am scared shitless for my countrymen Thomas Jefferson: The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth 1820 Smithsonian

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The good thing about "democracy" is that, at least, we can write to the president knowing that quite probably he will not listen, but we leave a record in the presidential files and his subordinates will read the letter. I just sent the following message to the White House:

"Congratulations Mr. President, your U.S.-made GBU-39 small diameter bomb was used in the strike to the school, which resulted in over 100 deaths, mostly children last week. By now more than 18,000 children and babies have been murdered in Gaza because of your support for Israel. Now you have completed the carving of the history's niche at the Hall of the Infame by the right side of George W. Bush's. I'm contacting you, as my leader, to implore to you that in the remaining months of your mandate stop the genocide and doing so get in better shape when you will have to confront your Creator. I hope your health improves."

Julio Santos.

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Please keep all of the citizens of Gaza in your prayers this weekend. Please view and share this widely:


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And things are coming worse every day as our corporate press is pushing to widen the war and perhaps start the WWIII. from FAIR.ORG (8/9/24):

"The Wall Street Journal (8/1/24) maintains that the assassination of a Hamas negotiator could help peace negotiations, as “Hamas politicians remaining in Qatar now know their lives are also on the line if they continue to resist Israel’s reasonable terms.”

A second Wall Street Journal editorial (8/1/24) pushed a similar line, deploying the headline, “Israel Returns Fire on Iran and Its Proxies.” Strangely, Iranian actions are not described as “return[ing] fire” for Israel’s years of attacks on Iranian territory, which have taken the form of sabotaging the Iranian electrical grid, cyberattacks (New York Times, 4/11/21) and murdering Iranian scientists (Politico, 3/5/18). Doubling down on its demands for belligerence, the editorial’s authors argued:

The US can help Israel prevent a larger war by putting pressure on Hezbollah and Iran. Expediting weapons to Israel, including deep-penetrating bombs that would put Iran’s nuclear facilities at risk, would send a message, as would enforcing oil sanctions again. Sending US warships to the eastern Mediterranean, as after October 7, would also make Iran think twice about Hezbollah’s next move.

The Journal seems to think that doing the same thing over and over again—namely, sending more weapons to Israel, choking Iranian civilians through sanctions (Canadian Dimension, 4/3/23) and upping the US military presence in the region—will produce different results. Maybe this time, the authors seem to suggest, Iran and Hezbollah will decide to just let the US and Israel dictate what happens across West Asia.

Nor does the editorial explore the possibility that Iran might be less inclined to strike Israel if Israel were to cease carrying out assassinations on Iranian soil, bombing its embassies (Reuters, 4/4/24) or carrying out genocide against Iran’s Palestinian allies."

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Montreal is not Yohitzville Vermont and New York is small town circa 2024. We play by Elon's rules. He was born a king in APARTHEID SOUTH AFRICA. If I had Elon Money I'd put it into Pandora's box and bring America back to life.

Ninety days of scowling Vance, Thiel, Trump and Bannon and Woodie Guthrie singing Born to Lose.


It isn't Woodie he only wrote the truth and was persona non grata in New York, Nashville, Chicago and Hollywood.

There were no second class citizens in the Mexican Province of Texas in 1828. When America finished its invasion Roman Catholics were second class and non Europeans were vermin. Not much has changed at the Alamo since the occupation but I thank the creator that not all of America is Regressive Conservative.(Its a Canadian joke Mila Mulroney went to Westmount High School where the cameras may or may not focus in November)

Westmount High School loves Kamala and Walz but Cohen went to Westmount and Springsteen sang Nebraska and werewolves love London . A oooow

Ian Tyson and Sylvia's band was the Name of a Ray Acuff and his crazy Tennesseans hit. We love Stompin Tom but refuse to admit it.

"When a Man is Angry and won't admit it he always gets ANGRY." The best selling author in the English Language Thomas Chandler Haliburton A real conservative not a fascist. He made his readers laugh and smile in the bad old days before electricity. The Romans built sewers and reservoirs.


A better read than some greats like Garrison Keller and Jack Parr.

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