I live less than an hour from St Johnsbury and have read Reverend Hedges since he wrote for all the Bull that's fit to print. I love Chris' writing but St Johnsbury was almost as bad a Mississippi. I am 76 and when I was 5 years old Vermont was known in my family as Mississippi North and Gentiles Only was de rigeur.
I live less than an hour from St Johnsbury and have read Reverend Hedges since he wrote for all the Bull that's fit to print. I love Chris' writing but St Johnsbury was almost as bad a Mississippi. I am 76 and when I was 5 years old Vermont was known in my family as Mississippi North and Gentiles Only was de rigeur.
George Orwell 1903-1950 said religious Zionism would result in a FASCIST STATE.
Kamala Harris grew up in Montreal not Oakland.
In Montreal in 2024 at Westmount High School not a single student has a race other than Homo Sapien., At Westmount High School gender is fluid and not a single student has a gender because gender is FLUID. Not a single student has a religion because Quebec Bill21 says religion is fantasy and has no business in politics and abortion is NONE OF OUR FUCKING BUSINESS.
Mila Mulroney widow of Brian the unbeloved Prime Minister of Canada was a Progressive Conservative and in 2024 conservatism; both the noun and the adjective are suicide. Mila went to Westmount High and it is still a showpiece for tax funded Public education being the greatest investment in future happiness.
AIPAC is fascist "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise." Gomer Pyle USMC.
BIBI is a Jewish NAZI.
Surprise, Surprise, quel Surpris.
In 1939 Roosevelt, the Vatican, Mackenzie King and Lord Beaverbrook helped Hitler engineer the Final Solution in Havana Cuba and Europe.
Not all Jews are fascists just like not all Mississippians are retarded just the ones television wants us to pity.
"In 1939 Roosevelt, the Vatican, Mackenzie King and Lord Beaverbrook helped Hitler engineer the Final Solution in Havana Cuba and Europe" Moe, can you remind me of how the Roosevelt administration helped to the final solution? I read once (don't remember where) that the American Zionists convinced Roosevelt to no accept the Jewish refugees because the Zionist where at the time trying to direct them to Palestine, but they wanted to go to other countries instead. Do you know if this is true? Yes, I agree with you that not all Jews are fascists on the contrary, Jews have distinguished in the whole world for being very progressive and here in America have always rejected fascism just like the Jewish organizations that have been protesting the war in Gaza.
Canadian Supreme Court Justice retired Rosalie Silberman Abella is teaching at Harvard. She is the greatest legal philosopher I ever listened to. Watch her depose Elena Kagan at Kagan's honorary doctor of laws at Toronto.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/None_Is_Too_Many but the riots over Jews landing in Havana were the Vatican's Final Solution first proposed by St Thomas Chrysostom and Saint Augustine 1600 years ago.
We are a Latin American country just like Haiti but we are rich, educated healthy and optimistic and Bill 21 says religion is bullshit and I am proud to be a Canadian living in Quebec where I was born.
Thank you, Moe, for the links. IMO, Kagan explained the court procedures but failed to venture her opinion on ways to improve it and she did not answer the relevant questions from the students affirming that she was not going to talk against her court. If Bill 21 really says that religion is BS I have to applaud it because the Abrahamic religions are the sources of all the wars and injustices between their followers.
I am 76 and almost blind my wife is 86 and is as oddistic as ever. She sleeps she reads, she studies and listens to music 24/07. I helped with her doctoral before I learned how to write. It took a faculty of education and an autistic keyboard for me to write. I need to focus on each letter and type for ages and age then look up to see the monitor. I type with my Quebec driving finger the middle digit of my right hand.
I went to Northmount High School in Montreal which; thank the Creator; is no more. There is no PROTESTANT SCHOOL BOARD or CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD . There is no such thing as abortion at Westmount High in 2024 because we had a revolution that said evolve or go extinct.
Christianity and Islam are not Abrahamic they are Persian third century Manichean. Judaism is more North American Aboriginal. All land is sacred life is cyclical but we are slaves to the Earth.
When school opens in September the religious zealots and carpetbaggers will go apoplectic because Westmount is what Benjamin Franklin's life was allm about. They all want Teslas and think Elon is scum of the Earth.
I am autistic . They said i8 was a genius at logic aned linguistics 69 years ago
Bill 21 is opposed by our ACLU and your extreme right wing religious zealots. The ACLU was our number one charity until it launched an appeal with our Supreme Court. My father in law ran as a Democrat in the fascist part of Michigan and I always loved Cervantes.
I love Twain and hate what that Franco loving fascist Walter Disney did to his reputation.
I went to St Johnsbury for High Holiday Services when I could drive at night. In St Johnsbury the Synagogue looks like the world but I still feel like a Jew with horns and tail in Chris's hometown. My father grew up in Poland and landed in NYC in 1926 after finishing Polish PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL administered by Jesuit Priests.
My father said all religion is Papal Bull excrement he was a secular human like Jesus of Nazareth as in The Jefferson Bible: The life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth available free at the Smithsonian.
We go to services to be with people and we pray only in our own separate closets.
We lived in Woodlawn Chicago for more than a decade. Obama lost the primary because in my opinion he is too conservative. My old high school is no more thanks to the Creator. There is no Northmount High School teaching antihuman theology and useless sophistry it is a career Academy like the one in Woodlawn that my wife once called her school where Mel Torme sang and once metal detectors were de riguer near Michelle's South Shore and Barrack's School of Economics across from the Obama Center not in Hyde Park or Kensington.
My wife's grandfather was IBEW. He wired the midway in 1893 for the exposition that made America great. My father in Law was named Eugene after his godfather Eugene Victor.
Now the Midway separates Rockefeller's School of business, law economics and objectivism from humanity. The Chicago School said education is old superstition business is Number one with a bullet.
Eugene Victor was a great philosopher and a great American. He went to prison for violating the first amendment and running for President.
Chris writes well . He didn't ask to be born in what my father called Mississippi North.
Our Friends Doctorate is in English translation from Quebec's Roman Catholic (Latin) French. We were an English Colony in 1759 and occupied by the USA in 1775 by the greatest mind of the enlightenment the Patriot and Scoundrel and HUMOURIST and stand-up Bonhomme Richard. Marx credited Bonhomme with founding Marxism.
But I am Canadian, Autistic Senile and my history says your revolution was anti-democratic and John Adams was an oligarch and an Alice through the looking glass Humpty Dumpty. The Quebec Act 1773 was the last straw for Massachusetts and Connecticut it gave Roman Catholic full citizenship.
Voltaire was Bonhomme's friend in Paris and Jonathan Swift's friend in Mayfair
He said "Perception is reality" Descartes said I think therefore I am.
Kamala is loved in Westmount and Westmount High School is English Montreal's Pride and Joy and Donald J Trump's worst nightmare. America that looks like the reality.
Robert Burns said it best
He was brilliant singer song writer and stand -up.
I've celebrated life for 76 years and my wife and I are joyful. Kamala and Tim are the Chidren we wished for but were stuck with the ones we got and try to imagine how things might have worked out better.
What does the Talmud say: He who thinks on such things it might have been better if he had not been born. Thinking about what really was Thinking about what was, what is and what will be is positively unAmerican. I remember when Americans greatest export was culture . It is 2024 and it was 1893-2024 when America's greatest export was culture and now that culture is corrupt and demented. Celebrity Apprentice is not Noblesse Oblige and screw anything you can is not the meek shall inherit the Earth.
The Doubter's Companion : A Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense. Viking 1994 page 256
I am very slow at transcribing but
Responsibility: Nobody is Reponsible in a Corporatist Society.That is because the real citizens are corporations. Individuals only work for them and follow orders. It follows that individuals see themselves as chosen. {My edit: chosen 2024 The Chosen} and next
Cardinal Richelieu whose name is ubiquitous under every rock in Quebec
Rich and elieu Chosen
Richelieu Cardinal: Father of the Modern Nation State, modern centralized power, the modern secret service and a major civil building boom brought on by a glut in the dressed stone market following Richilieu's dismantling of defensive city walls.
my add on
My beliefs are mine and I can't believe or think a Deity would be less confused than I am.
Take your the Evening and Morning December or June North Pole or South Pole. We arrived at 3AM and the kids were playing baseball and swimming in the subArctic.
I am autistic. Navigating the web is a job for Captain James T Kirk of our ghetto. Steven Pinker of Harvard is today's Chomsky a polymath with reason and understanding. Leonard Cohen sang Tennessee waltz and wanted to be a stand-up comedian when he went to Westmount High School where Kamala was to be a student. We have it all on videotape. Westmount High is Progressive conservative not a oxymoron like radical/liberal or a fascist kind of center center.
Westmount High School is not in America. It is America as it is supposed to be. That is a September I want to remember when grass was green and
I think even your Corrupt legal system Judiciary and rancid Supreme Court would have trouble with this. We already lost one Supreme who refused to even consider the case and recused.
How is this for an English translation which neither Murdoch nor MSNBC could distort.
Religion is Bullshit in the eyes of our constitution.
Westmount High Students speak James T Kirk and Steven Pinker.
Our government is liberal and democratic and CONSERVATIVE.
We are a Jeffersonian Democracy. Our Washington served under Roosevelt in World War Two.
Let's talk Thomas More. I belong to the Thomas More Institute committed to life long learning.
The Thomas More Society is a corrupt oxymoron lying Federalist Catholic malcontents arguing the meaning of documents where they were considered scum and vermin.
I am listening to Springsteen. Our copy of Nebraska was worn down to unplayable and Warren Zevon brought back yesterday when we were young and foolish and thanks for the memories.
John and Yoko stayed at the Queen Elizabeth hotel on Rene Levesque Boulevard. Rene Levesque is Quebec's George Washington. He was a journalist in Roosevelt's European Command and covered the liberation of Dachau.
In Quebec in 2024 there are no such divisions as race, gender and religion. They are all banal and all evil. The Banality of Evil as described by Hannah Arendt.
Sir John Ralston Saul one of my favourite still living philosophy Saul wrote Voltaire's Bastards dedicated to Hannah Arendt published in 1993 and I watch him regularly. He served consecutive terms as head of PEN International.He was my point man on Covid. Chris wrote the foreword of some Anniversary edition.
Our constitution is fluid not carved in stone. "We are standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Issac Newton
I am scared shitless for my countrymen Thomas Jefferson: The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth 1820 Smithsonian
I live less than an hour from St Johnsbury and have read Reverend Hedges since he wrote for all the Bull that's fit to print. I love Chris' writing but St Johnsbury was almost as bad a Mississippi. I am 76 and when I was 5 years old Vermont was known in my family as Mississippi North and Gentiles Only was de rigeur.
George Orwell 1903-1950 said religious Zionism would result in a FASCIST STATE.
Kamala Harris grew up in Montreal not Oakland.
In Montreal in 2024 at Westmount High School not a single student has a race other than Homo Sapien., At Westmount High School gender is fluid and not a single student has a gender because gender is FLUID. Not a single student has a religion because Quebec Bill21 says religion is fantasy and has no business in politics and abortion is NONE OF OUR FUCKING BUSINESS.
Mila Mulroney widow of Brian the unbeloved Prime Minister of Canada was a Progressive Conservative and in 2024 conservatism; both the noun and the adjective are suicide. Mila went to Westmount High and it is still a showpiece for tax funded Public education being the greatest investment in future happiness.
AIPAC is fascist "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise." Gomer Pyle USMC.
BIBI is a Jewish NAZI.
Surprise, Surprise, quel Surpris.
In 1939 Roosevelt, the Vatican, Mackenzie King and Lord Beaverbrook helped Hitler engineer the Final Solution in Havana Cuba and Europe.
Not all Jews are fascists just like not all Mississippians are retarded just the ones television wants us to pity.
"In 1939 Roosevelt, the Vatican, Mackenzie King and Lord Beaverbrook helped Hitler engineer the Final Solution in Havana Cuba and Europe" Moe, can you remind me of how the Roosevelt administration helped to the final solution? I read once (don't remember where) that the American Zionists convinced Roosevelt to no accept the Jewish refugees because the Zionist where at the time trying to direct them to Palestine, but they wanted to go to other countries instead. Do you know if this is true? Yes, I agree with you that not all Jews are fascists on the contrary, Jews have distinguished in the whole world for being very progressive and here in America have always rejected fascism just like the Jewish organizations that have been protesting the war in Gaza.
Thanks Julio
Canadian Supreme Court Justice retired Rosalie Silberman Abella is teaching at Harvard. She is the greatest legal philosopher I ever listened to. Watch her depose Elena Kagan at Kagan's honorary doctor of laws at Toronto.
Irving Abela was a great CANADIAN HISTORIAN.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/None_Is_Too_Many but the riots over Jews landing in Havana were the Vatican's Final Solution first proposed by St Thomas Chrysostom and Saint Augustine 1600 years ago.
We are a Latin American country just like Haiti but we are rich, educated healthy and optimistic and Bill 21 says religion is bullshit and I am proud to be a Canadian living in Quebec where I was born.
Thank you, Moe, for the links. IMO, Kagan explained the court procedures but failed to venture her opinion on ways to improve it and she did not answer the relevant questions from the students affirming that she was not going to talk against her court. If Bill 21 really says that religion is BS I have to applaud it because the Abrahamic religions are the sources of all the wars and injustices between their followers.
I am 76 and almost blind my wife is 86 and is as oddistic as ever. She sleeps she reads, she studies and listens to music 24/07. I helped with her doctoral before I learned how to write. It took a faculty of education and an autistic keyboard for me to write. I need to focus on each letter and type for ages and age then look up to see the monitor. I type with my Quebec driving finger the middle digit of my right hand.
I went to Northmount High School in Montreal which; thank the Creator; is no more. There is no PROTESTANT SCHOOL BOARD or CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD . There is no such thing as abortion at Westmount High in 2024 because we had a revolution that said evolve or go extinct.
Christianity and Islam are not Abrahamic they are Persian third century Manichean. Judaism is more North American Aboriginal. All land is sacred life is cyclical but we are slaves to the Earth.
Orthodox Judaism is post Christian and Greco Roman. Jesus was a Jew and we don't rise from the dead. There is no Heaven no Hell Imagine
When school opens in September the religious zealots and carpetbaggers will go apoplectic because Westmount is what Benjamin Franklin's life was allm about. They all want Teslas and think Elon is scum of the Earth.
I am autistic . They said i8 was a genius at logic aned linguistics 69 years ago
Bill 21 is opposed by our ACLU and your extreme right wing religious zealots. The ACLU was our number one charity until it launched an appeal with our Supreme Court. My father in law ran as a Democrat in the fascist part of Michigan and I always loved Cervantes.
I love Twain and hate what that Franco loving fascist Walter Disney did to his reputation.
I went to St Johnsbury for High Holiday Services when I could drive at night. In St Johnsbury the Synagogue looks like the world but I still feel like a Jew with horns and tail in Chris's hometown. My father grew up in Poland and landed in NYC in 1926 after finishing Polish PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL administered by Jesuit Priests.
My father said all religion is Papal Bull excrement he was a secular human like Jesus of Nazareth as in The Jefferson Bible: The life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth available free at the Smithsonian.
We go to services to be with people and we pray only in our own separate closets.
We lived in Woodlawn Chicago for more than a decade. Obama lost the primary because in my opinion he is too conservative. My old high school is no more thanks to the Creator. There is no Northmount High School teaching antihuman theology and useless sophistry it is a career Academy like the one in Woodlawn that my wife once called her school where Mel Torme sang and once metal detectors were de riguer near Michelle's South Shore and Barrack's School of Economics across from the Obama Center not in Hyde Park or Kensington.
My wife's grandfather was IBEW. He wired the midway in 1893 for the exposition that made America great. My father in Law was named Eugene after his godfather Eugene Victor.
Now the Midway separates Rockefeller's School of business, law economics and objectivism from humanity. The Chicago School said education is old superstition business is Number one with a bullet.
Eugene Victor was a great philosopher and a great American. He went to prison for violating the first amendment and running for President.
Chris writes well . He didn't ask to be born in what my father called Mississippi North.
Our Friends Doctorate is in English translation from Quebec's Roman Catholic (Latin) French. We were an English Colony in 1759 and occupied by the USA in 1775 by the greatest mind of the enlightenment the Patriot and Scoundrel and HUMOURIST and stand-up Bonhomme Richard. Marx credited Bonhomme with founding Marxism.
But I am Canadian, Autistic Senile and my history says your revolution was anti-democratic and John Adams was an oligarch and an Alice through the looking glass Humpty Dumpty. The Quebec Act 1773 was the last straw for Massachusetts and Connecticut it gave Roman Catholic full citizenship.
Voltaire was Bonhomme's friend in Paris and Jonathan Swift's friend in Mayfair
He said "Perception is reality" Descartes said I think therefore I am.
Kamala is loved in Westmount and Westmount High School is English Montreal's Pride and Joy and Donald J Trump's worst nightmare. America that looks like the reality.
Robert Burns said it best
He was brilliant singer song writer and stand -up.
I've celebrated life for 76 years and my wife and I are joyful. Kamala and Tim are the Chidren we wished for but were stuck with the ones we got and try to imagine how things might have worked out better.
What does the Talmud say: He who thinks on such things it might have been better if he had not been born. Thinking about what really was Thinking about what was, what is and what will be is positively unAmerican. I remember when Americans greatest export was culture . It is 2024 and it was 1893-2024 when America's greatest export was culture and now that culture is corrupt and demented. Celebrity Apprentice is not Noblesse Oblige and screw anything you can is not the meek shall inherit the Earth.
Interesting life, I believe we are brothers in un-faith.
John Ralston Saul
The Doubter's Companion : A Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense. Viking 1994 page 256
I am very slow at transcribing but
Responsibility: Nobody is Reponsible in a Corporatist Society.That is because the real citizens are corporations. Individuals only work for them and follow orders. It follows that individuals see themselves as chosen. {My edit: chosen 2024 The Chosen} and next
Cardinal Richelieu whose name is ubiquitous under every rock in Quebec
Rich and elieu Chosen
Richelieu Cardinal: Father of the Modern Nation State, modern centralized power, the modern secret service and a major civil building boom brought on by a glut in the dressed stone market following Richilieu's dismantling of defensive city walls.
my add on
My beliefs are mine and I can't believe or think a Deity would be less confused than I am.
Take your the Evening and Morning December or June North Pole or South Pole. We arrived at 3AM and the kids were playing baseball and swimming in the subArctic.
I am autistic. Navigating the web is a job for Captain James T Kirk of our ghetto. Steven Pinker of Harvard is today's Chomsky a polymath with reason and understanding. Leonard Cohen sang Tennessee waltz and wanted to be a stand-up comedian when he went to Westmount High School where Kamala was to be a student. We have it all on videotape. Westmount High is Progressive conservative not a oxymoron like radical/liberal or a fascist kind of center center.
Westmount High School is not in America. It is America as it is supposed to be. That is a September I want to remember when grass was green and
This is what lucky looks like. Pandora's box is filled with hope for the first time since Reagan sold his soul to the Devil for thirty shekels.
Warren Zevon, Springsteen Nebraska was unplayable we wore out the groves our grandson lives with the werewolves in London.
I suspect your English can easily accommodate a PhD thesis from your comments.
This is precise but still just a translation from one culture to another.
There is only one word for snow but no written language and no adjectives.
Bill21 Affirming a Democratic Nation
I think even your Corrupt legal system Judiciary and rancid Supreme Court would have trouble with this. We already lost one Supreme who refused to even consider the case and recused.
How is this for an English translation which neither Murdoch nor MSNBC could distort.
Religion is Bullshit in the eyes of our constitution.
Westmount High Students speak James T Kirk and Steven Pinker.
Our government is liberal and democratic and CONSERVATIVE.
We are a Jeffersonian Democracy. Our Washington served under Roosevelt in World War Two.
Let's talk Thomas More. I belong to the Thomas More Institute committed to life long learning.
The Thomas More Society is a corrupt oxymoron lying Federalist Catholic malcontents arguing the meaning of documents where they were considered scum and vermin.
John Adams was an English Protestant Supremacist.
The meaning of religion in 1789.
John Adams was virtuous Jefferson studied at William & Mary
Jefferson was a fan of Sir Issac Newton a founder of Unitarianism.
Nothing has changed since the election of 1800.Jefferson the Democratic Republican vs Adams the virtuous Federalist.
I am a retard I could not finish DeVry and America is still disputing 1800 and the good old days.
I am listening to Springsteen. Our copy of Nebraska was worn down to unplayable and Warren Zevon brought back yesterday when we were young and foolish and thanks for the memories.
John and Yoko stayed at the Queen Elizabeth hotel on Rene Levesque Boulevard. Rene Levesque is Quebec's George Washington. He was a journalist in Roosevelt's European Command and covered the liberation of Dachau.
In Quebec in 2024 there are no such divisions as race, gender and religion. They are all banal and all evil. The Banality of Evil as described by Hannah Arendt.
Sir John Ralston Saul one of my favourite still living philosophy Saul wrote Voltaire's Bastards dedicated to Hannah Arendt published in 1993 and I watch him regularly. He served consecutive terms as head of PEN International.He was my point man on Covid. Chris wrote the foreword of some Anniversary edition.
Our constitution is fluid not carved in stone. "We are standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Issac Newton
I am scared shitless for my countrymen Thomas Jefferson: The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth 1820 Smithsonian