The Doubter's Companion : A Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense. Viking 1994 page 256
I am very slow at transcribing but
Responsibility: Nobody is Reponsible in a Corporatist Society.That is because the real citizens are corporations. Individuals only work for them and follow orders. It follows that individuals see themselves as chosen. {My edit: chosen 2024 The Chosen} and next
Cardinal Richelieu whose name is ubiquitous under every rock in Quebec
Rich and elieu Chosen
Richelieu Cardinal: Father of the Modern Nation State, modern centralized power, the modern secret service and a major civil building boom brought on by a glut in the dressed stone market following Richilieu's dismantling of defensive city walls.
my add on
My beliefs are mine and I can't believe or think a Deity would be less confused than I am.
Take your the Evening and Morning December or June North Pole or South Pole. We arrived at 3AM and the kids were playing baseball and swimming in the subArctic.
I am autistic. Navigating the web is a job for Captain James T Kirk of our ghetto. Steven Pinker of Harvard is today's Chomsky a polymath with reason and understanding. Leonard Cohen sang Tennessee waltz and wanted to be a stand-up comedian when he went to Westmount High School where Kamala was to be a student. We have it all on videotape. Westmount High is Progressive conservative not a oxymoron like radical/liberal or a fascist kind of center center.
Westmount High School is not in America. It is America as it is supposed to be. That is a September I want to remember when grass was green and
Interesting life, I believe we are brothers in un-faith.
John Ralston Saul
The Doubter's Companion : A Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense. Viking 1994 page 256
I am very slow at transcribing but
Responsibility: Nobody is Reponsible in a Corporatist Society.That is because the real citizens are corporations. Individuals only work for them and follow orders. It follows that individuals see themselves as chosen. {My edit: chosen 2024 The Chosen} and next
Cardinal Richelieu whose name is ubiquitous under every rock in Quebec
Rich and elieu Chosen
Richelieu Cardinal: Father of the Modern Nation State, modern centralized power, the modern secret service and a major civil building boom brought on by a glut in the dressed stone market following Richilieu's dismantling of defensive city walls.
my add on
My beliefs are mine and I can't believe or think a Deity would be less confused than I am.
Take your the Evening and Morning December or June North Pole or South Pole. We arrived at 3AM and the kids were playing baseball and swimming in the subArctic.
I am autistic. Navigating the web is a job for Captain James T Kirk of our ghetto. Steven Pinker of Harvard is today's Chomsky a polymath with reason and understanding. Leonard Cohen sang Tennessee waltz and wanted to be a stand-up comedian when he went to Westmount High School where Kamala was to be a student. We have it all on videotape. Westmount High is Progressive conservative not a oxymoron like radical/liberal or a fascist kind of center center.
Westmount High School is not in America. It is America as it is supposed to be. That is a September I want to remember when grass was green and
This is what lucky looks like. Pandora's box is filled with hope for the first time since Reagan sold his soul to the Devil for thirty shekels.
Warren Zevon, Springsteen Nebraska was unplayable we wore out the groves our grandson lives with the werewolves in London.