Utter garbage. Pathological liars don't work for anyone, except themselves. They are too far out of the reality loop to know what social justice work looks like. Moreover, they've always found lying works for them so that they don't have to work.
Trump working for the working class!!!! That is hilarious. Although he may have duped so…
Utter garbage. Pathological liars don't work for anyone, except themselves. They are too far out of the reality loop to know what social justice work looks like. Moreover, they've always found lying works for them so that they don't have to work.
Trump working for the working class!!!! That is hilarious. Although he may have duped some desperate folks into believing he's their man.........he's used their anger and frustration to gain power. That's all.
Utter garbage. Pathological liars don't work for anyone, except themselves. They are too far out of the reality loop to know what social justice work looks like. Moreover, they've always found lying works for them so that they don't have to work.
Trump working for the working class!!!! That is hilarious. Although he may have duped some desperate folks into believing he's their man.........he's used their anger and frustration to gain power. That's all.
The party line