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Aw... there we have it... a 3rd wave feminist. Probably either a lesbian (not that there is anything wrong with that... except if bitter) or resentful that no strong man is interested and thus a man-hating mindset developed.

If you think a world with strong men is dangerous, just wait until it is dominated by weak men.

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There you have it Frank.....a micro dick with an attitude. And that attitude imagines it has laser focus and can slap a label on anyone who dares to disagree with him..

I'm as heterosexual as its possible to be in a world where so many 'strong men' have as little body knowledge as they do. Sexually many are micro dicks....and that has nothing to do with size and everything to do with knowing how to satisfy a strong woman.

Five wonderful grandchildren, the sixth due to arrive this December...and a life of social activism behind me. I've nothing against strong men.......but right wing arrogant A h...s turn me off.

Strong people don't have to be know it alls.....or categorize people they've never met. That's what bullies do Frank....

And bullies don't make good lovers...........or build just societies.

Time you got out more.........talked to educated people. A little post modernism wouldn't hurt you either.....its not a true or false set of propositions........its primarily a questioning of the master narratives that make folks like you think they are smarter than in fact they are. I read a bit of it in graduate school.......

It can expand the mind. Start with Michael Foucault...though not everyone would call him a post modernist....he did a great deal to expose 'western assumptions'.....as assumptions, not universal truths.

He's a tough read....because he doesn't share universal assumptions...but he's great exercise for the enlightened mind. Enjoy.

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Note the difference between taking shots at your ideas and views vs taking shots at people who criticize your ideas and views. I can respect people with different ideas and views, but that doesn't mean I will lie to say I respect their ideas and views to prop up their ego. If your ideas and views suck, then they suck.

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Lol. "Micro dick"? Sound like my assessment was correct. Resentful divorcee? No bullying here. But you are absolutely a mean girl. I am sure many school mates and coworkers of your would agree.

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And you're a funny man with a big double standard on his back..........you can assume to know everything about someone.........from one comment, but when you get back as good as you send....you recognize meanness.

Really Frank....your speculations into another person's life, based on their comments here, reflect back on you. Try sticking to the topic.......and perhaps loosening up on the pre-emptive judgementalism.

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So... let's anal-lize your rants.

After my thoughtful post of point that you disagreed with... a post where I did not attack anyone personally because I don't attack anyone personally until and unless they attack me personally, you wrote:

"You realize I assume that patriarchy is at the root of most current problems....if you can look down on your mother or your sister............there's nor arrogance you aren't capable of."

You called me arrogant as a START to the conversation and then just build on the personal attacks after that.

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You've misread me Frank. You're only arrogant if you look down on your mother and your sister....

Arch patriarchs do that.........and you started off this conversation by trying to tell me that patriarchy was great...........and responsible for all human achievement.

Your posts aren't that thoughtful either. They tend to sweeping generalization and random put downs for anyone who disagrees with you. You called me a lesbian or embittered man hater....

But let's just drop it Frank. Neither of us have a monopoly on human reason........or radical theory.

It's good to begin by imagining the people you're communicating with are at least as smart.....and well read....as you are. Advise from a teacher.....we are a smart species. There's more than three or four good ways to look at the world.

The more diversity we include in our analysis, the better the analysis. The more we assume good faith in our opponents, the more wisdom we can share. No one has a monopoly on truth.

Be well.

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