Exactly....but its difficult trying to be on the side of the angels, when you have so much hatred inside you. The mess the world is in is complex, but unless something is happening in American education that I'm not aware of, as a retired Canadian teacher....this fellow seems to be barking up the traditional American fascistic tree.....
Exactly....but its difficult trying to be on the side of the angels, when you have so much hatred inside you. The mess the world is in is complex, but unless something is happening in American education that I'm not aware of, as a retired Canadian teacher....this fellow seems to be barking up the traditional American fascistic tree.....
We have the same angry right wingers in Canada. They all expected to get rich off globalism, their gender and skin colour qualified them.........and now they are mad as hell, because for reasons of Marxist fiddling, they've been left out.
"Hatred" LOL. No, I don't hate in politics. I am hear to debate for the benefit of future generations.
I really don't know what you are talking about with "they expected to get rich off globalism". That is inane.
There are two paths... globalist collectivism that you advocate, and democratic nationalism that they advocate. Brexit my dear. Trump. Elections in Italy, England, Sweden... the tide is turning. Canada might be late to the game because it is cold and brain cells are slower to work. But the Trudeau globalists will be ejected too.
It's not inane Frank.....we all bought into globalism at some level at the beginning. Very few saw those free trade deals for the death blows they were to local economies and good working class jobs. Now we're seeing the fall out.
But its complex. And white western patriarchy is part of it...unfortunately. Too few of us had the education to consider that Thatcherism/Reganism was just the latest turn of the imperial screw....we fell for 'wealth creation'....have had to listen to blather about our wonderful 'entreproners'(misspelling intentional) for decades.
Perhaps you and I weren't fooled. But you and I were part of a very small group and most of us did very little. Remember Seattle? I was teaching at the time....and I followed them as much as I had the time to. But did it change anything?
The wealthy class wanted to become Wealth Creators. And we let them.
Now a lot of bad stuff is coming home to roost, and we're doing exactly what the elites want us to do...........moving to the fascistic right, fighting among ourselves, getting our tails in knots about something most of us haven't read...'critical race theory'. Transgender people also knock us over with outrage....
So sex and class still operate to divide us. We get in a dather about stuff that doesn't matter.........look for someone to blame...go off half cocked if anyone suggests an idea we don't have already....
And the saddest, funniest part of it is: We think we are on the side of the angels. But I've got news for all of us: There are no angels.
Just people Frank. ....many of them little children with no future to speak of. Our clever energy entreproners and our rip and ship magnates, will see to that.
While you and I debate straws. And capitalists and fascists duke it out. It's humbug my friend.
Exactly....but its difficult trying to be on the side of the angels, when you have so much hatred inside you. The mess the world is in is complex, but unless something is happening in American education that I'm not aware of, as a retired Canadian teacher....this fellow seems to be barking up the traditional American fascistic tree.....
We have the same angry right wingers in Canada. They all expected to get rich off globalism, their gender and skin colour qualified them.........and now they are mad as hell, because for reasons of Marxist fiddling, they've been left out.
As if...!
"Hatred" LOL. No, I don't hate in politics. I am hear to debate for the benefit of future generations.
I really don't know what you are talking about with "they expected to get rich off globalism". That is inane.
There are two paths... globalist collectivism that you advocate, and democratic nationalism that they advocate. Brexit my dear. Trump. Elections in Italy, England, Sweden... the tide is turning. Canada might be late to the game because it is cold and brain cells are slower to work. But the Trudeau globalists will be ejected too.
It's not inane Frank.....we all bought into globalism at some level at the beginning. Very few saw those free trade deals for the death blows they were to local economies and good working class jobs. Now we're seeing the fall out.
But its complex. And white western patriarchy is part of it...unfortunately. Too few of us had the education to consider that Thatcherism/Reganism was just the latest turn of the imperial screw....we fell for 'wealth creation'....have had to listen to blather about our wonderful 'entreproners'(misspelling intentional) for decades.
Perhaps you and I weren't fooled. But you and I were part of a very small group and most of us did very little. Remember Seattle? I was teaching at the time....and I followed them as much as I had the time to. But did it change anything?
The wealthy class wanted to become Wealth Creators. And we let them.
Now a lot of bad stuff is coming home to roost, and we're doing exactly what the elites want us to do...........moving to the fascistic right, fighting among ourselves, getting our tails in knots about something most of us haven't read...'critical race theory'. Transgender people also knock us over with outrage....
So sex and class still operate to divide us. We get in a dather about stuff that doesn't matter.........look for someone to blame...go off half cocked if anyone suggests an idea we don't have already....
And the saddest, funniest part of it is: We think we are on the side of the angels. But I've got news for all of us: There are no angels.
Just people Frank. ....many of them little children with no future to speak of. Our clever energy entreproners and our rip and ship magnates, will see to that.
While you and I debate straws. And capitalists and fascists duke it out. It's humbug my friend.