FF: I totally understand your skepticism, but the common people have organized to drive regime change before. I just hope that it happens while we still have a chance to survive climate catastrophe.
FF: I totally understand your skepticism, but the common people have organized to drive regime change before. I just hope that it happens while we still have a chance to survive climate catastrophe.
Romanticist fantasies and Les Miz aside, revolutions do not happen when the populace seizes power from the elites.
As long as the elites remain internally united, they will retain power and ruthlessly squelch any attempt to take it from them. Not only do they have control over pressure points, they will do *whatever* *it* *takes* to retain power, otherwise they would not have gotten to where they are, nor would they keep their perches for long.
Rather, revolutions happen when the elites are divided amongst themselves, whether as a result of foreign threats or an inability to agree on how to divvy up the goodies. Elite factions then start casting about for allies.
FF: I totally understand your skepticism, but the common people have organized to drive regime change before. I just hope that it happens while we still have a chance to survive climate catastrophe.
Romanticist fantasies and Les Miz aside, revolutions do not happen when the populace seizes power from the elites.
As long as the elites remain internally united, they will retain power and ruthlessly squelch any attempt to take it from them. Not only do they have control over pressure points, they will do *whatever* *it* *takes* to retain power, otherwise they would not have gotten to where they are, nor would they keep their perches for long.
Rather, revolutions happen when the elites are divided amongst themselves, whether as a result of foreign threats or an inability to agree on how to divvy up the goodies. Elite factions then start casting about for allies.