Thats not what I saw or took it for, we already know Biden is a Chicken Hawk shill from the Corporate Head Quarter State of Delaware! He was a Dixie Crat that believed in Southern Jim Crow Apartheid. His Law and Order soap box came right out of Nixon's Southern Strategy! Anyway the smile Joe gave to Biden treating a Palestinian human on his hand like an ant was good enough for me!
Thats not what I saw or took it for, we already know Biden is a Chicken Hawk shill from the Corporate Head Quarter State of Delaware! He was a Dixie Crat that believed in Southern Jim Crow Apartheid. His Law and Order soap box came right out of Nixon's Southern Strategy! Anyway the smile Joe gave to Biden treating a Palestinian human on his hand like an ant was good enough for me!
Thats not what I saw or took it for, we already know Biden is a Chicken Hawk shill from the Corporate Head Quarter State of Delaware! He was a Dixie Crat that believed in Southern Jim Crow Apartheid. His Law and Order soap box came right out of Nixon's Southern Strategy! Anyway the smile Joe gave to Biden treating a Palestinian human on his hand like an ant was good enough for me!