A National Citizens Party would be a terrific organization to have as a vehicle to claim our power and place it where it can change the direction of events. As Hedges has frequently commented....politicians get freaked out when the people are aroused.
A National Citizens Party would be a terrific organization to have as a vehicle to claim our power and place it where it can change the direction of events. As Hedges has frequently commented....politicians get freaked out when the people are aroused.
Selina, such parties already exist, depending on one's political leanings. In addition the Green Party and Libertarian Party, there is the Working Family's Party. There are probably others as well, but the current political machinations of the Dems and Reps and their media suppress public knowledge of these parties.
Hmm. Since I'd never heard of the "National Citizens Party" I assumed it was something you made up, and wondered why you didn't name some actual parties instead of theorizing. After looking this up again, I find there was a "Citizens Party" at some point, but it's since been disbanded. Perhaps you would share more of your thoughts on this? For instance, are you politically involved and working to establish a party along these lines?
Tech la….After despairing for so long over the controlling influence of the corporatized Democratic Establishment which steadfastly works to preserve the status quo and shuns citizenry’s involvement in what should be a participatory democratic process, I came up with a vision of a union all inclusive of simply citizens to take action just like effective worker unions do. Actions that bend toward meeting our needs and fidelity of actions inoculated against intrusion by monied interests and lobbying groups. For example. Citizens all over the country stop buying and stop working in demand for passage of single payer health care. My work Tech la is visionary, truth telling, understanding and to inspire alternative ways to the deadliness of todays structural instruments that rob us of basic necessities - materially, intellectually, ethically, soulfully, spiritually. I am an old crone. Doing what energies allow.
A National Citizens Party would be a terrific organization to have as a vehicle to claim our power and place it where it can change the direction of events. As Hedges has frequently commented....politicians get freaked out when the people are aroused.
Selina, such parties already exist, depending on one's political leanings. In addition the Green Party and Libertarian Party, there is the Working Family's Party. There are probably others as well, but the current political machinations of the Dems and Reps and their media suppress public knowledge of these parties.
I am fully aware of all the parties.
Hmm. Since I'd never heard of the "National Citizens Party" I assumed it was something you made up, and wondered why you didn't name some actual parties instead of theorizing. After looking this up again, I find there was a "Citizens Party" at some point, but it's since been disbanded. Perhaps you would share more of your thoughts on this? For instance, are you politically involved and working to establish a party along these lines?
Tech la….After despairing for so long over the controlling influence of the corporatized Democratic Establishment which steadfastly works to preserve the status quo and shuns citizenry’s involvement in what should be a participatory democratic process, I came up with a vision of a union all inclusive of simply citizens to take action just like effective worker unions do. Actions that bend toward meeting our needs and fidelity of actions inoculated against intrusion by monied interests and lobbying groups. For example. Citizens all over the country stop buying and stop working in demand for passage of single payer health care. My work Tech la is visionary, truth telling, understanding and to inspire alternative ways to the deadliness of todays structural instruments that rob us of basic necessities - materially, intellectually, ethically, soulfully, spiritually. I am an old crone. Doing what energies allow.
I admire your vision of a union for the general citizenry, Selina, thank you for sharing.