far out!

I have seen footage of a little boys severed legs being added to his torso and head bundle for burial.

Then there is the surgeon calling out 'Whose body part is this?' And they held up a lower leg with the boot still on,".

Then there is the 70kg plastic bags of human shredded and torn bits handed to relatives, 30kg for a child.

Murder for realestate.

Insanity incarnate.

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These cartoons showing a bombstorm in place of a rainstorm are vivid condemnations of U.S. foreign policy. X has pictures of the effects of the daily bombstorm on Gaza, but I suspect that this reporting is siloed.

What needs to become common knowledge to Americans is that bombstorms are us. Our time in Vietnam propagated more bombstorms than all of those unleashed in WWII. That the storms did not deliver victory mattered naught. Delivering bombstorms to defenseless populations is our specialty.

That neither major U.S. political party can field a candidate that will cease this horror is surely a topic for history.

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Tell Joe to articulate the amazing, almost serial killer like self destruction that makes them all want to get caught, that Israel also possesses. That is, every thing Israel has ever accused Hamas of not only ranges from exaggerated to completely false, but it's as if Israel is ratting themselves out for what they are doing that nobody would even know about if they didn't open their mouth.

Dead Babies: Yep, there sure are some over there. All Palestinians, of course. Killed by Israel with U.S. manufactured bombs and bullets. The latest count says 2500 babies under age 2 are dead. If the UN report that claims the counted may only be 1/5 of the total buried under the rubble, that means there might be 10k dead babies under age 2 in total so far. Wow! Thems Nazi numbers.

Mass Rape: A brand new concept brought to us by the IDF, and the Israeli government with full backing of their citizenry as is evident by the open debates for making laws to protect their right to rape. But this was another accusation out of left field at first, until the UN was forced to investigate the matter and came back with some very surprising results. Claims that 1000's of Palestinians being held without a charge and sexually tortured while in Israeli custody. Makes you wonder about that MIT education of the Ashkenazi posing as a Sephardic Netanyahu (formerly Mileikowsky). Then again MIT is not known for their creative writing courses.

And after the arrest of Medhurst I will only refer to Bibi as Mileikowsky from now on. While everything Richard reported must have annoyed government to no end, I'd bet dollars for donuts Bibi was yelling and screaming over his reporting on them changing their family name to sound more Sephardic. Elites don't like their personal laundry aired out in public.

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The Democratic Party is attempting to negate the existence of the Palestinian people. Biden, Harris, Blinken and Austin are all war criminals for abetting a Genocide under the rulings of the ICC and ICJ.

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These 2 frames are as powerful as any political art I've ever seen, PLUS they are SO CREATIVE and clever and even funny (while horrifying). Anyone seeing these pictures automatically gets the absurdity and evil of the Amerikan empire and feels the casual, banal evil of much of its profoundly naive and seamlessly brainwashed population.

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Thank you for sharing Joe's brilliant work.

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and no one will stop them.

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I am already opposed to the slaughter and starvation. This was unnecessary.

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Too many people support the slaughter and starvation Gloria. If you think Joes graphic headless baby drawing goes to far, go to X and see the Palestinian victims are real human flesh and blood! Babies and children with shrapnel faces, eyes blown out, brain matter hanging out, jaws torn off, faces disfigured. These horrors should not only be IN YOUR FACE, they should be on MSM, for the American public to see! I still see the little wounded shrapnel face baby on a stretcher who was quieted while sucking on a lollipop! He could be ANYONES baby If he was an Israeli baby CNN, MSNBC and others wouldn't hesitate showing it ! Born Palestinian 20,000 dead babies and children have been thrown down Orwell's Memory Hole! While mythical beheaded Israeli babies are championed and used as the excuse to commit REAL BABY BEHEADINGS without Shame or remorse! Chris and Joe won't let them get away with it!

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Thank you, Jim, for acknowledging this ugly immoral genocide. You state in your final sentence that Chris (and Joe) not let them get away with it - agreed. However, what does it say about our supposed values when we do let them get away with it - consider last week's DNC love fest that skirted the elephant in the room and what is allowed - the murder of innocents that began long before Oct.7th. My point - for over 20-years I have read journalists that were at one time mainstream but were cancelled due to their truth telling and not following MSM narratives so became unemployed for their efforts. When I did share their work with others I was rebuked and treated like a criminal - look where this has taken us = those who do speak out are sacrificed for the Lie. The dangers of group think and the power of MSM are in full view for anyone with a conscience. That's why I read Hedges and a handful of others and come to these comment threads - to remember that not all of us are complicit and can see the dangers of silence and injustice.

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It is beyond necessary to demonstrate what we are permitting and paying - the suffering and horror that is genocide. I understand that you are already aware of this, but most Americans have no idea about it (and do not like to hear or see it) because they support it by their silence and voting for either duopoly monster candidate for POTUS. We are letting this happen while the suffering and needs of our own citizenry are sacrificed to provide enormous amounts of money to Israel and Ukraine.

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Good God!!! What do we have here now? The Olympics of Atrocities? So many points for shooting, so many points for burning, so many points for torture, so many points for rape and for the Gold beheading babies, which thankfully, no one has won yet.....but wait. I fear those of us who thought a two state solution was possible are delusional. How will it end?? I'm not sure even God knows.

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We have been dishonest brokers from the get-go. But I don't blame the people who have occupied the White House, I blame us idiots who put them there. A guy like Ralph Nader, who got everything right, against the Iraq war, against the Israeli occupation, against all the bad trade deals, saved millions of lives around the world just with making cars safer, etc., never got more than 2% of the vote. Had we had the sense to put him in the W. H., no Sept. 11th. Bin Laden said, had you listened to our words, we wouldn't have had to use planes. He would have listened. No Iraq, no out of control migration, no NATO expansion, no Russia-Ukraine war, friends with Cuba and Venezuela, no 35 trillion unpayable debt, etc.

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forgot to add, no Palestinian genocide.

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Blame Joe? Sure, but, check the history of his time:what was going on with the Jews: Bad things, VERY bad things, then a solution to what to do with the living ones. The USA took in many then and took in later many Russian Jews....Almost All became good Americans.

The excess Jews no one wanted got Palestine. European educated Ashkenazi Jews from took top posts, many were Zionist, which became a fascist element whose followers saw and approved of the slaughter and tortures for decades. Settlement Jews with military guns that the IDF are afraid of. Like the Brown Shirts in Nazi Germany

This is not the Israel Biden knew and loved, and continued to love.

It's the Israel that has become ...rather Nazi like.......Few know this; the major media blinds us. it's a mental illness: Support for Israel ...without any questions. Biden is too old to see the truth about Israel.

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