Jeffrey Sachs: Transformation of Republic to Empire. One war party. Aristede predicting his own demise by the CIA and no interest by the NY Times. No talk of peace or diplomacy. Just a smattering of "nothing needing to be explained to the people at all". The theme: Everyone should just STFU. Of course, these censorious powers don't want folks to hear a voice for peace like that of Dennis Kucinich interviewed by a sane voice for integrity and transparency like that of Chris Hedges. That's the Empire, a depraved, degraded deluded traitor to its citizens and the planet.

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Glad this interview is back up. This is REAL NEWS.

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Billionaire, Uniparty, fatcat fascists, strike. I live in Michigan, but I give small dollars to Kucinich monthly and recommend that everyone do so. We need his voice, loud and noisy, in the US House of Uniparty Sociopaths. https://www.kucinich.com/

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Don't back down!

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I wrote the Real News, my husband wrote them. We said they should be ashamed.

You are a treasure, Mr. Hedges. We stand with you.

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In “Writing the Truth: Five Difficulties”, Bertolt Brecht stated so presciently and so laconically the dilemnma for such writers and thinkers as Hedges.

This also includes the working classes who although they might not write, many, though fewer, read.

But Brecht's message, and those might knowhe fled Germany, his parents died in the Holocaust.:

“Nowadays, anyone who wishes to combat lies and ignorance and to write the truth must overcome at least five difficulties.

He must have the courage to write the truth when truth is everywhere opposed; the keenness to recognize it, although it is everywhere concealed; the skill to manipulate it as a weapon; the judgment to select those in whose hands it will be effective; and the cunning to spread the truth among such persons.

These are formidable problems for writers living under Fascism, but they exist also for those writers who have fled or been exiled; they exist even for writers in countries where civil liberty prevails.”


And fewer and fewer people who can even access reasonable journalism.


“The psycho-social dimensions of fascism become quite complex, but they can be simplified by thinking of them as part of a collective bargaining process carried on between all the elites of the particular state with the regime acting as arbitrator. 

The regime’s interests are subject to those of the ruling class.

Labor is a partner in this arrangement. 

At the head of any labor organization in the fascist state, there is an elite which is tied to the interests of the regime—and consequently tied also to the economic status quo.

The trappings of this pseudo mass society are empty, cheap, spectacular leisure sports; parades where strangers meet, shout each other down and often trample each other to death on the way home; mass consumption of worthless super-suds or aspirin; ritualistic, ultra-nationalistic events on days to glorify the idiots who died at war or other days to deify those who sent them out to die.

A mass society that is actually a mass jungle.

At its core, fascism is capitalistic and capitalism is international.

Beneath its nationalist ideological trappings, fascism is always ultimately an international movement.”

-George L. Jackson—Blood In My Eye; Classes At War (source)


And all of this nonsense about Trump and if the rule of law gives him the right to assassinate people he doesn't like?

He did that in Iran when h ordered the Iranian general murdered.

People do not understand that white settler fascism is very different than rainbow fascism.

But in the end, they are both systems of fascist control.

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Thank you, Chris, you're a precious lifeline! I'm wondering why we hear so little about and by Kucinich. Trump and Biden make a lot of noise, with the enthusiastic collusion of the MSM, but there's so little about DK, even on different news and opinion websites. Or about Stein, for that matter, except for her tussle with those rabid Blueshirts.

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“In contrast to Germany, the U.S.A. had a constitution which was democratic from the start. And its ruling class managed, particularly during the imperialist era, to have the democratic forms so effectively preserved that by democratically legal means, it achieved a dictatorship of monopoly capitalism at least as firm as that which Hitler set up with tyrannic procedures.

This smoothly functioning democracy, so-called, was created by the Presidential prerogative, the Supreme Court’s authority in constitutional questions, the finance monopoly over the Press, radio, etc., electioneering costs, which successfully prevented really democratic parties from springing up beside the two parties of monopoly capitalism, and lastly the use of terroristic devices (the lynching system).

And this democracy could, in substance, realize everything sought by Hitler without needing to break with democracy formally.

In addition, there was the incomparably broader and more solid economic basis of monopoly capitalism.”

Georg Lukacs

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Pick a side Chris. You criticize the establishment Regime Uniparty while aggressively opposing the only opposition that exists… even as the Uniparty opposes you… harms you.

Watching A Gentleman in Moscow series and am reminded of the difficulty for people once committed to an ideology to admit that it has grown more corrupt than its counter ever was.

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The Bobby Kennedy video Meta doesn’t want you to see, narrated by Woody Harrelson.

https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1786816692611592223 (26K views)

https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1787752278377824612 (22++M views)

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That's a crime unbelievable

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...and meanwhile on KPFA, the flagship station of the world's first listener-supported radio network, that has sponsored Chris' talks, Ian Masters (host of "Background Briefing") just compared Jill Steim and Cornel West to the leftists in Weimar Germany who refused to collaborate with the moderates, leading (he implied) to the rise to power of Hitler.

His interviews include guests from places like Cato and the NATO-funded Atlantic Council.

So get ready, lefties, progressives and even libs who can't vote for a genocidaire: it's never the Dems' fault; never their lies or betrayals or slavish loyalty to capital: *you're* about to be blamed if Trump wins.

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As the old saying goes: "The beatings will continue until morale improves!".

Chris, they will drive you back to the days of colonial printing presses and handing out parchment on the sidewalk. , within view of the cameras, of course.

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There’s a silver lining to your warning. We could use more printed materials, because a leaflet has a greater weight than a few scattered electrons, both physically and psychologically. I’m not sure I remember how to make parchment paper, but I’m willing to learn.

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Apparently papyrus is more durable, and no animals need die. But you might need to grow your own papyrus plants, and they need lots of water. Hopefully you don't live in the desert.

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Gil Scott Heron "Winter In America" (1974) HIGH QUALITY


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My error: the link to Gil Scott Heron

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Gil Scott Heron "Winter In America" (1974) HIGH QUALITY


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