I'd better press this issue because you can bet the ranch Hedges has not and will not identify with any programs that might raise funds for Gaza support ... he should have been one of the first to mention Anera.org, but he hasn't said a word! ... Hedges will no longer directly confront Israel because it is so closely connected to the DS ...
I question how much you really know about his man, Elisabeth!
Not necessary, just give whatever you can to ANERA https://www.anera.org/
And one more thing Elisabeth ...
I'd better press this issue because you can bet the ranch Hedges has not and will not identify with any programs that might raise funds for Gaza support ... he should have been one of the first to mention Anera.org, but he hasn't said a word! ... Hedges will no longer directly confront Israel because it is so closely connected to the DS ...
I question how much you really know about his man, Elisabeth!
Very necessary Elisabeth ...
Simply because most of Hedges' followers have never even heard of Anera.org ...