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The U.S. constitution amendments took this into consideration ...

And accordingly advised us to keep our heads ...

The vax is a bio-weapon and it's killing people: 17m worldwide and 600k here in the U.S.


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Covid-19 ii a bio-weapon, it got loose before Red China could create the vaccine, having both would have given Red China huge leverage over humanity. So, God, or something, set the bio-weapon loose to keep Red China from becoming that dominant? Then, along came a New York Hassidic Jew family practice physician, Vladimir Putin, who designed an early stage infection cure: hydroxychloroquine, zinc and azithromycin, which he field tested on his own patients, to keep them out of hospitals and alive, and it worked. Hydrozychlorine had one use, which was to transport zinc into body cells, where Covid-!9 took up residence. The virus could not replicate well in a zinc environment. Azithromycin was for secondary infections. A 5 day treatment course, very inexpensive, administered at the onset of symptoms, worked. It did not work if a patient was showing advanced symptoms.

Dr. Zelenio he wrote a letter to President Trump and his chief of staff Mark Meadows about the cure, and Sean Hannity interviewed Dr. Zelenko on his FOX show, and on Television Trump told America it might be a miracle cure, and the FDA gave emergency approval for using hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid-19, then Biden, the Democrats, CDC and Dr. Fauci, NIH, WHO, Lancet, the medical industrial complex and the liberal news media when haywire against hydroxychloroquine, which had been used for decades to treat malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. The FDA rescinded is approval for hydroxychloroquine, and Trump initiated Operation Warp Speed, instead of getting himself a new FDA director who would reinstate Zenelko’s cure, which a lot of American doctors were giving their patients and getting the same results that Zelenko had gotten.

Trump could have saved America and the world from Red China’s bioweapon. That was his reason for being elected in 2016, if you factor in God. In that sense, Trump was sent by God. All the other theories of Trump being sent by God are pure horseshit. Now, Americans face the grim possibility of voting either for Biden or for Trump, who told Israel he is their best friend. Or voting for a third-party candidate. Or not voting.

Chris Hedges knows that scenario very well. Hedges knows America may end up in its 2nd civil war. And that is why I say Hedges should wind up his coverage of the war in Gaza and turn his attention to what is going on inside his own country’s boundaries. Meanwhile Hedges is making splendid earning$ from subscriber$, including us, bashing Israel, and giving Hamas a pass. Would Hedges make the same splendid earning$ bashing Trump and Biden and their lemmings? Would Hedges get death threats if he started bashing Trump and Biden and their cults? Will the U.S.Supreme Court receive death threats if it rules Amendment 14, Section 3 of the United States Constitution bars Trump from holding public office? Or if that Court rules Trump, and no president, has total immunity to criminal prosecution for acted performed when president?

Looks to me America is fucked with Biden or Trump in the White House, but Biden and his lemmings dont remind me of Adolph Hitler and his lemmings, Look at film footage and photos of the Charlottesville protest, MAGA rallies, and the January 6 insurrection, and you will see oceans of white people. In the law is the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur - the thing speaks for itself. A picture is worth a thousand words. The South is rising again, and Donald Trump is its Imperial Wizard.

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Thanks for clarifying the extent of the insanity of your worldview.

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You're entirely welcome!

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