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Chris I hope you read this

The biggest recipient of US foreign aid in the last 50 years has been Israel. To the tune of $350 billion. That is precisely the amount calculated to be required to end world hunger - see the Guardian.

Even so this is a tiny fraction of what it has cost the US to support unblinkingly the international racist-apartheid scofflaw that is Israel. Much of that is incalculable but surely it includes much if not all of-the invasions of Iraq, Libya, Syria and other countries, devastated by the US and its allies. The position of the Israel lobby has been uniform and predictable . Kill, maim and destroy. Memorable among these war crimes has been the killing of 500 k Iraqi women and children “worth it” to the hideous Madeleine Albright and her sidekick Hillary C. (We came we saw, he died).

But by far the biggest expenditure was the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan where the uninvited thugs stayed 20 years claiming to be searching for Bin laden who of course wasn’t there. But giving them an opportunity to bomb weddings and commit savage war crimes along with their Australian mini- me wannabe Oz allies, who unsuccessfully tried to cover them up.

So what does Afghanistan have to do with Israel? Everything. The WesterN MSM has tried very hard to suppress it . but BinLaden explained his terrorist acts in a public letter entitled Letter to America published by the Guardian but in no American papers that I could find. He makes it explicit that the treatment of the Palestinians by Israel and its schoolyard bully protector was behind it. Indeed there is nothing to contradict this.

Cost of Afghanistan? $3 trillion! At least another trillion for aid if Intel , American troops and arms are included , this plus the cost of the other invasions must bring the total into the $5 trillion range.

So for ten million Israelis, this comes to $500k or half a million per Israeli Jew , dwarfing the personal worth of the average American. Just for Israel! I’m reluctant to put a dollar figure on the million plus deaths from the invaded countries, not to mention the deaths of American and allied soldiers.

So what of this was ever it to a vote? Nothing but 24/7 propaganda. That’s why not one American in a hundred is aware of these data.

A detailed accounting must be in front of the American voter for the coming election.

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Median worth of the average American is $191.000. Average worth is highly skewed by the 1% ers is ~a million.

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Jan 23, 2024
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Wow, hard to like that but.............. ha. I wrote a story about the Great, great, great Grandson of Maximilien Robespierre and what happens to those 1% via a Cryo Guillotine ha. The French had a very good idea needed every generation or so.

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I don't recall seeing Israel helping USA in Afghanistan?

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Israel is an ungrateful leech?

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Leech no, ungrateful yes. So much so israel rubbed our faces in the murder having mike lowercase pence sign a bomb and the Genocide continues. Vote NO on Genocide Joe.

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Yes and well documented. One of the reasons that base was struck in Iraq the other day. Same people.

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