This morning, I posted this under Chris’s 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse post yesterday.
Thank you, Chris, I think every Democrat and all school children in America should be required to read what you wrote about Joe Biden, much of which was news to this Independent.
Instead of being in bed with Israel, Biden should be do…
This morning, I posted this under Chris’s 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse post yesterday.
Thank you, Chris, I think every Democrat and all school children in America should be required to read what you wrote about Joe Biden, much of which was news to this Independent.
Instead of being in bed with Israel, Biden should be doing all he can to stop the invasion form Mexico. Yet yesterday, the all-wise U.S. Supreme Court ruled Texas had no right to line its southern border with razor wire, after the wall Donald Trump had promised Mexico would pay for, which got Trump elected in 2016, didn’t get paid for by Mexico, and most of it didn’t get built.
If I were president, I would ban American travel to Mexico, money being sent from America to people in Mexico, and Mexican products and services from entering America, until Mexico stops the invasion from it into America.
I would bring the troops home and put them on America’s southern border to repel the invasion as peacefully as possible.
I would put American soldiers, armed to the teeth, in American public lower, middle and high schools, to protect school children from domestic terrorists armed to the teeth with guns protected by the National Rifle Association, gun lovers, and the United States Supreme Court, none of whom ever once considered Amendment 2’s right of the citizens to bear arms is predicated on a well regulated militia to carry those arms.
As for how I would deal with the war in Palestine, which will continue for so long as Israel is there, it’s biblical, I would abandon Israel altogether, and give Israel the choice of stop fighting in Palestine, because it ran out of American ammunition, or use its nukes against its Islamic enemies and make Paelstine uninhabitable, and there is no holy land for Judaism, Christendom and Islam to squabble over.
To attempt to head off that dystopia, I release all of America’s UFO files, hoping that so jangles the thinking, hopes and dreams of every person and government and political party and religion on this planet, that they all put aside their personal squabbles and unite against the sum of their greatest fears, which heretofore they had ignored or not even believed they had.
In that way, Israel’s best friend Donald Trump, and Joe Biden, and their lemmings all get chopped off at the groin.
The Iron Curtain didn’t allow people to leave the Soviet Union and go somewhere else, as well as it kept people from going into the Soviet Union. America doesn’t need any more immigrants, from anywhere, but its southern border is a real problem and has been for a good while, and that’s because Mexico has not been inclined to do anything about it. So, let Mexico trade with other countries, and see how much it misses America dollars, and maybe Mexico will decide to stop the flood through and from it to the America southern border. On the other side of that “fence,” America has many internal troubles, which it needs to give its full attention, and one way to help America do that is stop immigration, and another way is to stop its foreign military excursions. And, the way things are going with the political/religious landscape in America, it looks to me that the time is coming when the US Military will be needed inside of America to try to keep it from going into another civil war. It’s so much easier to hold forth about something awful going on across an ocean than is to roll up the sleeves and deal with bad shit going on inside America.
You bring up another point. I certainly agree that stopping foreign military excursions would be a good thing. However, the creation of that military in the first place causes a problem that's been evident for over 2,000 years. The problem of the 'returning military'.
First, you train youngsters to follow orders and hate 'the other' so that they can more easily kill fellow humans. Next you set them loose on 'others' halfway around the world. But, when they return home, you reap the results of your ill-conceived plan. The result (as Greece and Rome found out) is that your 'republic' often becomes a dictatorship, and that leads to the same distinctly authoritarian division between those that take and those that give orders. This submerges any vestige of an egalitarian (democratic) ethic. Such a situation created the American Revolution (among a few others). The 'United States' were States that found common cause against the authoritarian British Crown. That's what made 'America', not hatred of 'the Other'. The hate-filled Pilgrims made cause with the peace-loving Quakers.
Never served in the military, and was spared by what seemed a miracle at the time from being drafted during the Vietnam war. That any country feels it needs a military, or uses its military against another country, speaks to the devolution of humanity, in my opinion. Yet most countries, including America, have a military, so I say put it to use defending America from the southern invasion, defending children in public schools, and defending America from insurrection.
In a different sense, I am very much a soldier, and I have fought many battles in many wars, but the weapons were, and remain, words spoken and written. The chain of command I serve is vast beyond human comprehension, and although some religions think or believe they have a grasp on it, it is unfathomable and cannot be comprehended in human ways, but its workings can be seen at times and acknowledged.
I have participated in many public forums or places: churches, government meetings, face to face, and in many online forums. Sometimes I receive a like or attaboy, but mostly slings and arrows.
If you are not familiar with it, I suggest you read THE SPEAR OF DESTINY, by Trevor Ravenscroft, which is about Hiter and his inner circle, how they became so powerful, and some people with special abilities who opposed them and reported to the Allied Command.
Humanity is really messed up. Palestine is really messed up. America is really messed up. Just about every placer is really messed up, while some places are less messed up.
I live in Birmingham, Alabama, which once was one of the seats of white supremacy in America,but today Birmingham is a blue city surrounded by seas or red.
I’m 81 years old an I don’t figure I will be around long enough to sere America end up like Great Britain, Rome, Greece and the Persian Empire. But I think that is where America is headed and I see no way to avoid it, which leaves for each person living in America to do the next right thing, so to speak.
A Court far above any human court observes all of those proceedings, and in that Court we all are on trial. .
This morning, I posted this under Chris’s 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse post yesterday.
Thank you, Chris, I think every Democrat and all school children in America should be required to read what you wrote about Joe Biden, much of which was news to this Independent.
Instead of being in bed with Israel, Biden should be doing all he can to stop the invasion form Mexico. Yet yesterday, the all-wise U.S. Supreme Court ruled Texas had no right to line its southern border with razor wire, after the wall Donald Trump had promised Mexico would pay for, which got Trump elected in 2016, didn’t get paid for by Mexico, and most of it didn’t get built.
If I were president, I would ban American travel to Mexico, money being sent from America to people in Mexico, and Mexican products and services from entering America, until Mexico stops the invasion from it into America.
I would bring the troops home and put them on America’s southern border to repel the invasion as peacefully as possible.
I would put American soldiers, armed to the teeth, in American public lower, middle and high schools, to protect school children from domestic terrorists armed to the teeth with guns protected by the National Rifle Association, gun lovers, and the United States Supreme Court, none of whom ever once considered Amendment 2’s right of the citizens to bear arms is predicated on a well regulated militia to carry those arms.
As for how I would deal with the war in Palestine, which will continue for so long as Israel is there, it’s biblical, I would abandon Israel altogether, and give Israel the choice of stop fighting in Palestine, because it ran out of American ammunition, or use its nukes against its Islamic enemies and make Paelstine uninhabitable, and there is no holy land for Judaism, Christendom and Islam to squabble over.
To attempt to head off that dystopia, I release all of America’s UFO files, hoping that so jangles the thinking, hopes and dreams of every person and government and political party and religion on this planet, that they all put aside their personal squabbles and unite against the sum of their greatest fears, which heretofore they had ignored or not even believed they had.
In that way, Israel’s best friend Donald Trump, and Joe Biden, and their lemmings all get chopped off at the groin.
Kinda sounds like you want an 'Iron Curtain'. How American.
The Iron Curtain didn’t allow people to leave the Soviet Union and go somewhere else, as well as it kept people from going into the Soviet Union. America doesn’t need any more immigrants, from anywhere, but its southern border is a real problem and has been for a good while, and that’s because Mexico has not been inclined to do anything about it. So, let Mexico trade with other countries, and see how much it misses America dollars, and maybe Mexico will decide to stop the flood through and from it to the America southern border. On the other side of that “fence,” America has many internal troubles, which it needs to give its full attention, and one way to help America do that is stop immigration, and another way is to stop its foreign military excursions. And, the way things are going with the political/religious landscape in America, it looks to me that the time is coming when the US Military will be needed inside of America to try to keep it from going into another civil war. It’s so much easier to hold forth about something awful going on across an ocean than is to roll up the sleeves and deal with bad shit going on inside America.
You bring up another point. I certainly agree that stopping foreign military excursions would be a good thing. However, the creation of that military in the first place causes a problem that's been evident for over 2,000 years. The problem of the 'returning military'.
First, you train youngsters to follow orders and hate 'the other' so that they can more easily kill fellow humans. Next you set them loose on 'others' halfway around the world. But, when they return home, you reap the results of your ill-conceived plan. The result (as Greece and Rome found out) is that your 'republic' often becomes a dictatorship, and that leads to the same distinctly authoritarian division between those that take and those that give orders. This submerges any vestige of an egalitarian (democratic) ethic. Such a situation created the American Revolution (among a few others). The 'United States' were States that found common cause against the authoritarian British Crown. That's what made 'America', not hatred of 'the Other'. The hate-filled Pilgrims made cause with the peace-loving Quakers.
Are you, perhaps, a former military minion?
Never served in the military, and was spared by what seemed a miracle at the time from being drafted during the Vietnam war. That any country feels it needs a military, or uses its military against another country, speaks to the devolution of humanity, in my opinion. Yet most countries, including America, have a military, so I say put it to use defending America from the southern invasion, defending children in public schools, and defending America from insurrection.
In a different sense, I am very much a soldier, and I have fought many battles in many wars, but the weapons were, and remain, words spoken and written. The chain of command I serve is vast beyond human comprehension, and although some religions think or believe they have a grasp on it, it is unfathomable and cannot be comprehended in human ways, but its workings can be seen at times and acknowledged.
I have participated in many public forums or places: churches, government meetings, face to face, and in many online forums. Sometimes I receive a like or attaboy, but mostly slings and arrows.
If you are not familiar with it, I suggest you read THE SPEAR OF DESTINY, by Trevor Ravenscroft, which is about Hiter and his inner circle, how they became so powerful, and some people with special abilities who opposed them and reported to the Allied Command.
Humanity is really messed up. Palestine is really messed up. America is really messed up. Just about every placer is really messed up, while some places are less messed up.
I live in Birmingham, Alabama, which once was one of the seats of white supremacy in America,but today Birmingham is a blue city surrounded by seas or red.
I’m 81 years old an I don’t figure I will be around long enough to sere America end up like Great Britain, Rome, Greece and the Persian Empire. But I think that is where America is headed and I see no way to avoid it, which leaves for each person living in America to do the next right thing, so to speak.
A Court far above any human court observes all of those proceedings, and in that Court we all are on trial. .
The iron curtain was Anti-NATO now it's a Neutron curtain.
Right? Heh.