I think everyday Americans who work paycheck-to-paycheck are overwhelmed with the speed and volume of unconstitutional and unlawful changes Trump and Musk have instituted in such a short period of time. What can we do to resist and rebel against such changes when so many of our friends and family are brainwashed by years of right-wing media?

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Good question about how to resist & hope Chris addresses it tonight @ the Q&A.

I believe we citizens must light a fire under the people who supposedly represent us in Congress.

Just called Alabama's sole Dem (Terri Sewell) to urge that she & other Dems, along w/ any concerned Repubs, form a united front against Trump & Musk's illegal take-down of our federal agencies, from USAID to the FAA, EPA, etc., etc..

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USAID and NED are both CIA fronts with the goal of regime change in any country in which they operate. As for these fronts, less than 7% is used for good. The AID in USAID doesn’t stand for, “aid;” it stands for Agency for International Development, meaning regime change and replacement with a US puppet.

As for Chris Hedges, he said, to go off the dollar as the world’s currency is a “disaster.” Why on earth would he say such a thing. The dollar used for the world’s currency means brutal sanctions against countries who won’t obey the dictates of the US. If countries (BRICS and its partners) use their own currencies, the US can’t sanction them and also can’t confiscate the billions it’s stolen from other countries by stealing their money out of Swifts, which the US controls. Going off the dollar is the way other countries can protect themselves from the hegemonic mania of the US. Chris also has zero understanding of Russia and China, the two most successful countries on the planet. The US is a dying empire.

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With the Democratic party self-destructing, do you think it could be possible to displace Democrats with a third party, try to take over the Democratic party like the Tea Party did with the Republican, or should people who want radical change take another approach?

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This is sort of off topic, but I want to say how grateful I am that three very different people such as you, Jimmy Dore, and Glenn Greenwald can handle disagreement in such a thoughtful and constructive manner. I found myself agreeing with aspects of each of your arguments, and being the wiser for it. As for Christopher Hitchens, his debates with you, Tariq Ali, and Michael Parenti showed the world what John Le Carré would later describe as “an odious twerp”. His comment to you was classic Hitchens; when reason fails start shouting ungrounded insults. Michael told me he had much the same experience.

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Hey Chris, are you concerned about the tech oligarchs vision of the future? They openly espouse a psuedo-religious faith in “transhumanism” - a belief that we will create an AI God and merge with it. Transcending our humanity and becoming Gods ourselves.

It sounds insane, but these people openly discuss this, and hold immense power and wealth. Is this a false religion?

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Do you think Trump should be given some credit for his perspective on Ukraine?

Do you find it hard to soldier on when the global mess gets worse decade after decade?

Thanks for your hard work and insights which help me make sense of the world.

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P.S. Just saw the disastrous press conference.

My question was about Trump seeming to be critical of NATO/military expansionism /military industrial complex - contrasted with the usual White House position on such matters.

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The "discussion" got hostile after Zelensky mentioned the 2019 cease fire, which happened under Trump:


Trump has tried to revise history and Z outed him. That's what really set off the later angry words, but I guarantee that this will not be reported in US press.

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When I listened to the clips of that awful, crude "discussion" between Zelensky, Trump and Vance, I thought of Hedges immediately. To me, this was an unmasking of Imperial America. We have USED UP Ukraine and now we are ready TO DISCARD them. Prosecuting this proxy war was always, always a very bad idea and there is no path to anything that resembles victory. Situations like this remains why Chris Hedges likes the book "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad. This was Imperial America unmasked.

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isn't #47's perspective on ukraine: "how to get US hands on rare earths, minerals, etc.?"? isn't his perspective re. NATO: "the US has been paying way too much for too long!"? very monetary. and just as expansionist: he wants to annex greenland, canada, gaza, for free, possibly ...

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Thanks very much for this. Although he's been very public about the minerals deal, I hadn't put it together with his supposedly purist peacenik pose! All the best!

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Israel has effectively hijacked American foreign policy.

How can we regain control of our own foreign policy?

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I joined Workers Strike Back. I believe it is the best hope to turn things around in this Country. Please talk about your opinion on this matter. Thank you for all you do for this World. You are one of the best people I know.

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Chris, you’ve spoken about what drives you, your deep relationships with those affected by injustice, but I’d love to know what practices or habits you rely on to decompress and reenergize personally. How do you sustain your energy, avoid burnout, and recover when the work feels overwhelming?

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Jeffrey Sachs recently addressed the EU community, encouraging them to develop their own foreign policy apart from the US, saying this after he excoriated the duplicity of American foreign policy, especially in the case of the US proxy-war in Ukraine to annoy Putin.

Have you a personal response to this astounding event?

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Can you speak to the failure of the mainline church to embrace a prophetic voice in these dark times?

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Hi Chris. I have bought a number of your books and admire you. My question: given human nature being greedy, short sighted and powermad, how can the US possibly turn itself around at this point? Early in the 20th century, the rich and powerful hired goon squads to beat down workers trying to organize. Those who have it all seem to have no problem doing anything they can to keep or increase their hold on money and power. I'm pessimistic and think there will be violence from govt and public on our road to wherever we are going. your thoughts please. I have no faith in either Dems or Repugs. thanks, John R

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Question: You said in a previous Q&A that resistance in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds was necessary for the sake of one's soul, and that "the soul is real". Can you talk about that?

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Thank you again, Chris Hedges!

The Q&A just ended.

The proverbial broken record repeating again here (my apologies):

I think that the dispatches on the Chris Hedges report are the single most valuable source for critical perspective that we have now, amid the misdirection and overwhelming noise of the current state of American media and politics.

And we are all fortunate to have him working, and this.

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QQQ: Chris can you suggest how we might honor & protect doctors, nurses and medical professionals who have been detained and arrested by Israeli forces? Thanks ☆

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What now for Gaza & the West Bank?

West Bank crimes escalate daily.

Israel won’t leave the border with Egypt.

Israel continues to blockade the strip.

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Are there any historical examples of effective resistance measures that avoided the descent into authoritarianism and if so would they still be as applicable to today’s societies?

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