Nuremburg type trials for war crimes? arrest biden and netanyachoo

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...and all our other war criminals.

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sorry, Liz!

Daddy won't be

Home for quite some time

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Brilliant communication of the daily horrors we receive from Israel.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

The world is witnessing a genocide, and an expansive war in the Middle East and some are advocating we push it even further which could wind up killing us all, but we go about our day, acting normal, and blind ourselves to the horrors, and what might be the end of us all.

Really excellent documentary on Aljazeera


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True. We need to vote out of power our bribed politicians in November. At least we will clear our conscience temporarily.

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Our politicians can be, and are bought and sold and AIPAC has them in her pocket. Unfortunately the few who are not bought will never find a place of power in Washington.

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Tom Massie is one exception. If he can do it, so can others.

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Catherine I know their are some honest players in Washington, but definitely not enough and it seems too many of those who make it to top are the least lightly to be honorable.

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Yes, but there are some few who have prevailed against those odds. The following link shows state by state those senators and congress people in the U.S and U.K. who have been bribed by AIPAC and for how much and those who have not. Useful tool that made me to wipe out some of "my representatives":


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Thank you and good to know.

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'Citizens United'

is the primary source

(other than a stacked USSC)

for the Electorate's total Loss of

power. we MUST put an end to that

or see 'our little experiment in Democracy'


go the way of

the Dodo bird.

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Given the reality Fran, what is your fantasy as to how we should spend our day? If we do not follow the script that you point out?

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

Selina your response is a contemptuous statement, and not a question, so I will ignore you and not waste my time.

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Brutal. And true.

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Horror - we are watching helplessly a bipartisan US genocide for one full year

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I wonder if we are actually helpless or are resisting creative options to “watching helplessly”?

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Thank you for contributing your “deep thoughts”. Keep “wondering”

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Effing horrid and so sad it is beyond comprehension. Nasty Neti is murdering for greed, have fun trying to spend your ill-gotten gains in hell you monster.

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The supposed Western Democracy "Defenders" supporting Zionist Fascism as their #1 cause shows their juvenile understanding of Nationalism and Geo Politics! MSM Cloak of Impunity Supports Crimes Against Humanity, offering up excuse after excuse dripping with Blatant Hypocrisy! Einstein's 1948 NY Times letter called out M Begin and his Fascist Freedom Party (todays Likud) as the Unmistakable Stamp of Fascist Party for whom TERRORISM and MISREPRESENTATION are MEANS and a "Leader State" is the Goal! "The Deir Yassin Massacre of over 240 Men, Women and Children Horrified the world. But the Terrorists , far from being ashamed of their act , were proud of this massacre, publicized it widely and invited all the foreign media present in the country to view the Heaped Corpses and the general havoc at Deir Yassin. The Deir Yassin "incident" exemplifies the character and actions of the "Freedom Party". It also showed the building blocks for the Zionist Fascism we see today! No Means too Ugly for Master Race Fascist Ends!

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I gasped and will never find words.

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Horrific, illustrative... powerful, haunting... UNFORGETTABLE.

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Hannibal Lecterish

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As always great art by Mr. Fish, but to depict the reality we would need to add to the sketch many trucks to hold the + 18,000 kids to pick up.

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a bloody cavalcade of dump trucks

leaving behind the trails of their

Desecrations from Gaza clear

to Washington, D.C.

& far beyond


with joe & bibi

together in front each

pushing overflowing wheelbarrows

Struggling to maintain both traction and grip




to the Screams

of those buried beneath

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That's effective and daming.

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Oh, my god.

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Hitting the Like button feels utterly inappropriate but the darkness of this cartoon absolutely hits the spot. May the violence stop. The planet and all her people need peace and love ❤️

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incredibly powerful image. I don't know how so many of us will be able to look at ourselves in the mirror. What are we doing.

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We have demonstrated in Boston where James Taylor played for the clueless, and in Washington. Those who showed up in DC at the whitehouse a bit over a year ago far exceeded the fantasy numbers mainstream media portrayed.

Between the corporations that profit from war, and the “representatives” who happily take the blood money to facilitate this death and destruction, I doubt there is any curb on ANY atrocity congress decides to unleash in Gaza.

We have a broken system.

Not hopeful it can be fixed

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If enough people would break the chains of the uniparty and vote third party, say Dr. Jill Stein, then we have a chance to push back against the machine. If we do what they want, and expect, then it's just another brick in the wall that is closing us in.

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3 little words:




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Voting for Jill Stein: Never happen.

Ranked choice voting would be good.

I'd also like to have "ranked choice" taxes.

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