That kind of amazes me, having done this for so long I am used to feeling resented. I am admittedly an extremist. It used to bother me because years ago it seemed like being called that would help you be perceived as dangerous or not worth listening to, now I know they’re right. Even if my ideas don’t cause you to change what or how you eat, it doesn’t detract from the good you’re doing.
Thank you. I respect people who choose to be vegan. Actually my best friend is vegan. He listens respectfully you me and vice versa. I would never consider changing his choices or commitments. My concerns are ecological in nature.
I am not at all offended by your comments. I am glad we can talk about it.
That kind of amazes me, having done this for so long I am used to feeling resented. I am admittedly an extremist. It used to bother me because years ago it seemed like being called that would help you be perceived as dangerous or not worth listening to, now I know they’re right. Even if my ideas don’t cause you to change what or how you eat, it doesn’t detract from the good you’re doing.
If you want to continue the conversation via Zoom or email let me know.
Thank you. I respect people who choose to be vegan. Actually my best friend is vegan. He listens respectfully you me and vice versa. I would never consider changing his choices or commitments. My concerns are ecological in nature.