Maybe this is a rhetorical question, but how do we continue to allow the most psychotic people on the planet continue to drive us all into the abyss?

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Given Israeli history (as written by Khalidi, Pape, Finkelstein, Levy etc.) and the Zionist view of Palestinians as inferior human beings, is there any evidence whatsoever that the Israeli government/public ever SERIOUSLY entertained a two-state solution?

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I have honestly never read any account that indicates that Israel or the U.S. ever took it seriously. I understand that this was made very clear in Netanyahu’s book in the 1990s ie that he would never want a two state solution.

I personally think the Americans and the British knew exactly what they were doing. The Oslo accords and camp David agreements were soooooo biased and one sided. Even when Clinton talks about it today, he makes out like the Palestinians were so unreasonable.

It’s worth reading RASHID KHALIDI book « 100 years war of Palestine »…he was involved in the negotiations. He knows exactly what happened and it is in his book.

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I understand your sentiment Mary, and its a noble thing to want and speak to the Israelis with reason and compassion, but reality on the ground is that they seem to understand only one thing and thats violence and destruction.

Yes, they are driven by fear, but its a fear they impose on others. They have talked about the fear of the enemy, but their arrogance and impunity only demonstrates that they don't fear anyone.

Maybe after the Iranian missile strike they might reevaluate, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Its a neo-fascist, psychotic state. Violence is all they know. And if anything histroy has shown us is that these societies eventually collapse from within. Its not sustainable.

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I can highly recommend checking out the personnel account by Avigail Abarbanel on Sub Stack.

So many profound insights from someone who spent her first 27 years living in Israel and then left and renounced her citizenship.

Avigail call Israel a cult, and it fits and explains so much of the insanity we have are witnessing.

Israel - the legacy of a perpetrator society


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For the first time, watching the Israeli news, I saw fear in the eyes of a population (mostly armed) whom I’ve only seen dancing after a hospital had been bombed or raging at the army for incarcerating some “hero rapist”. Fear. Humanizing fear. Will this newfound universal harmony of fear be the thing that gets Israel to change course. Is fear the only thing that the people of Israel can project and receive?

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And yet fear is their excuse for everything….fer if being anhialated, fear of people hating them, fear of leaving Israel, fear of disagreeing with the state and any of its institutions.

They’ve been conditioned that way. Keep people good and afraid and they’re easier to control and manage.

Such BS.

Part of me feels sorry for what the Israelis became. They e been made into psychopaths and monsters by their Zionist rulers. But they are mostly Zionist now. No normal Israelis, or very few left. I don’t know why they stay in Israel, like Gideon Levy. I would be afraid for my life if I was him.

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I’ve been reading the Dao De Ching a lot lately and there’s this line that says, to think of someone or a state as evil destroys our inherent treasures. All people possess humanity. Israel has lost their ability to align with the natural world through years of targeted dehumanization of fellow peoples. I was a horrible student during my education years. As then, nothing seems to make sense. We have so much potential within us and I’m optimistic that we’ll evolve into a more creative and centered society. Thanks for the reply.

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Do you think Stein has a chance for 5% , do you believe it will be a game changer or Dems will try to block the funding if even they reach 5%? When was the last time third party reached 5%?

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Would you agree that politics is downstream from culture? And if that's the case wouldn't a counter-cultural movement within the arts, philosophy, spirituality etc. be our best vehicle for change?

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Why wait? 🌍 💚

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I really really hope you are right - I’m probably not gonna be around to enjoy the fruits of a more peaceful world. Gotta say though I have been privileged enough not to have suffered too much in this life.

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Cosmic lottery really where you end up getting born

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I like your optimism Kevin but if the network fragments due to totalitarian control then what?

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Good point, but I honestly believe the genie is out of the bottle at this point. They know it too. That’s why they’re acting so desperate.

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In theory yes but surely that would be a very slow process-with the planet armed to the teeth with WMDs I don’t know if we can be waiting around that long.

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I wouldn't underestimate how quickly culture can change, especially since we're rapidly transitioning from a top-down bureaucratic paradigm (Print-based society) into a network dynamic paradigm (Digital/decentralized).

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I think we’re in trouble if that is the case. The arts and even lower and higher education are now completely distracted with woke issues. That’s no accident. Our children are not discussing the war, economy or global politics. They don’t read newspapers. Do they are following whatever their alogirithms are telling them to. Woke is a wonderful distraction from what is really going on in the world abroad and at home

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Don’t fully agree with that point of view Mary - the young people who lead the anti war protests at universities and elsewhere at great personal cost probably wouldn’t either.

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If our politicians and their foreign policy emerges from the shadow side of our own psychology, their psychopathy being our own self-interest that we hide from ourselves, what is the one most effective thing we can do to fight this?

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Don’t rely on politicians. Unless you plan to be one, and an honest one.

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Who will you vote for in the 2024 Presidential election?

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Bandy X. Lee (the activist psychiatrist, and editor of “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump,” and now “The More Dangerous Case of Donald Trump”) has written that Netanyahu will do anything to defeat Harris and get Trump elected—Trump and Netanyahu being each other’s strongman alter-ego, as well as political allies.

It appears that Netanyahu is now exploding his wild military aggression around beyond Gaza just in time to produce enough violence and chaos, in which the US may become directly involved, to make a great many Democrats abandon Harris in November; and at the same time enable Trump to say the Democrats’ weakness and incompetence have set the world on fire. It seems plausible that this strategy will doom Harris.

How do you see this dynamic playing out?

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Which countries are oppressing journalist, bullying, silencing, and some even imprisoning.

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What is the ICJ’s next move in the case of Isreal and ‘plausible genocide’?

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What would peace in the Middle East look like?

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I wish it will be what it should look like. Removal of occupiers, removal of British and American military base. Countries left a line to deal with their own people, economies, growth, development, and evolvement of their societies. Space to sort out their own internal problems without having to fight off their oppressors.

For Gaza and now Lebanon, it will be recuilding. For over a decade. But it will resemble résiliance and survival. And I’m guessing a lot of people will flood to them to help….indiciduals, offering their skills and working hands.

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What’s the path forward/are the most likely scenarios you see happening from these escalations? Fast forward 6 months, what do the resistance and war look like?

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Why has my cat got more brains than the fucking idiots who run the world?

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Hi Chris,

Recently, I watched an older video that you did with Cornel West and Richard Wolff on the topic of Thomas Paine and his revolutionary thinking and influence.

My question:

While Paine focused his writing, at least in Common Sense, on the rapaciousness and tyranny of the British monarchy, as a ceaseless revolutionary, if he was living today, he would likely be no less troubled by the new form of rapaciousness and tyranny we suffer under, that of the financial and corporate oligarchy that has a throttlehold on the people of this nation and the rest of the world. So, what do you think he would ask of us in this moment… What words would he be inspired to write?

With respect and admiration,

Stu Malcolm

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Do you also see Israel as a cult as described by Avigail Abarbanel on Sub Stack?

Avigail has some profound insights into the Israeli mentality that would make a great guest to interview. Thanks

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