I am a big fan by the way. I listened to your interview and found it very enlightening. Your truth is more relevant than any mainstream media. I learned that when I was in Afghanistan in 2002 with the 489th Civil Affairs Battalion. I had occasion to interact with American news media and they left a bad taste in my mouth. That was the year I also discovered Al Jazeera for the first time and became a listener there and now, I read their articles on the middle east before I take stock of any western media. I am trying to help pass on your stories and commentary to the world as I can with my own podcast, as little as it is. Keep up the good work.

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Chris - Two observations:

First, on the military question about Iran/Hezbolla v. Israel, Finkelstein's analysis was not well presented.

The military dynamics as I understand them (mostly from Scott Ritter and Prof. Mearsheimer, but also other diplomatic and military experts) are that: 1) Hezbollah has 150,000 missiles; 2) Iran has more than that and more sophisticated versions; 3) Hezbollah has ground superiority and Israel lacks the fortitude tom take those casualties; and 4) the Iran retaliation attack - using slow drones as decoys - exposed significant Israeli vulnerabilities in terms of air defense and missiles.

Given these dynamics, Israel's Air Force superiority is overcome by missiles. So, you missed these aspects.

Second, disappointed that you didn't use or highlight the First Amendment violations under the Assange Indictment and advocate huge pressure on Biden to revoke it, allow a judge to grant a motion to dismiss, or cut a deal. This is not going to be won talking about attorney client privilege and fine points of law.

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Not sure how much stock I would put in Scott Ritter's views.

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A BIG opportunity for both RFK Jr. and/or Jill Stein -- now that Trump guided Mike Johnson into total surrender and adoption of Biden’s cabal anti-American Uni-party policies on both wars and FISA censorship and surveillance. Trump formally joined Biden’s-deep state Uni-party and -- is effectively GONE.

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A good interview.

I do not agree with his views on American Empire though it fits his belief in confronting evil. In a globalized world there are only self-interested and cynical actors. One needs to bear that in mind. There are no "pure" actors on the world stage.

His points concerning the betrayal of the American people by the Democratic Party are spot on. Trump's rise is directly related to the betrayal of the working class in the United States starting, in particular, with the Clinton Administration. Any change in this will have to come from within American civilization itself. Paying a bit more (if one can afford to) for products made in the US and supporting a return of unionization will help.

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Again, you assert as unquestionable, without presenting any evidence or logic, the non-existent "Climate Crisis". If anyone did that on any of your many fine features, you would demand they justify their statements. This will cost you my subscription

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