The fact that it’s a given that our Congress is owned by AIPAC (and anyone else with a multi-million $ budget) is terrible. And it’s so obvious. Do our politicians have any shame? This has been going on for decades and nobody does anything about it!! It’s the complete corruption of the most powerful country at an historical moment when the survival of our species is at stake! And we can’t fix it!!?

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Clearly, when did this country ever become the many sided laudable human paradigm for a morally good mythical society outside of its reality of true matching model of Robert Heinlein's rationalisers and not of those tossed out as seen RE Dclaration of Independence, Federalist's Papers, and Bill of Rights found in US Charter, but instead, the America of the UNTIED States of America[with 3rd stanza of RACIST American anthem retained since the start] with the cruel thieves and snake oil salesmen prevailing still.


Land of the FEE

Home of the knave-s

fix? anything? their own greatest invention is marketing and the notion of obselete goods, so forcing the need to re-buy what once had real lifetimes for using, hence ripping orr one and all.

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"‘I’m Terrified for What Comes Next.’"

We all are...

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Like the use of the term genocide in Gaza, the recognition that these gadget-bombs were acts of terrorism must be repeated to the shady masses in the US until they can no longer argue. Their cowardly words must be countered always because their propaganda is ubiquitous. It’s shameful and heartbreaking that they defend murdering children. Channeling the evil Golda Mier, I wrote in a NYT comment: “I hope that someday the Israelis can forgive the Lebanese people for making them blow the head off of an eight year old girl”. To my shock, it was not printed.

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Not only the global south but the whole world will be afraid of buying new electronics if Israel is not punished for this act of terrorism and the related industries are not made accountable for their products.

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The interviewers final comment was not lost on me “.. Chris Hedges, a man, who in a sane world would occupy Foggy Bottom as Secty of State”. So true - but I wouldn’t wish that on him in this state of affairs !

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Great respect for individuals like yourself and Mr. George Galloway.

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