Best of luck Chris and safe travels. Julian is a martyr for true journalism and telling the truth no matter the personal cost. Whatever happens, he will always be remembered as the man who fought to bring the people what they have a right to know, and in doing so revealed just how important that information was and is to those in power who seek to destroy him. As long as Julian remains imprisoned, so do we.

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Well said!

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Thank you Chris for having the courage to stand up for what is right. You are greatly appreciated!! Free Julian Assange!!!

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Courage? ...

He deserted the U.S. working class in AUG 27, 2021, and he's just glad you did not notice!

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I don’t understand what your expectations are. As far as I can tell, Chris has consistently taken moral and ethical stances throughout his career. I never assumed he was perfect, nor do I expect him to be. He has educated me and inspired me to have hope in humanity. I believe constructive criticism is necessary for us to grow and learn from one another. However, your aggressive and hurtful rhetoric does nothing to support your claim, even if it were true.

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I'll be posting the details later today ...

Hopefully it will help you understand ...

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PITA Contrarian, to show how you are doing such a great job in making the world a better place, I suggest that you join Chris Hedges in London to work to free Julian Assange.

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I've been accused here of being everything from a paid troll to a Hamas propagandist to a Trumper-MAGA type ... in truth, I'm an independent progressive just as Hedges once was ... I'm now in the process of compiling all of his head-scratching quotes which make it very clear he has in fact chosen to abandon the U.S working class since the lockdowns ... If Hedges can brazenly hide behind GAZA, ASSANGE and TRUMP-MAGA, then we have the right to call him on it.

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Instead of being obsessed with the betrayal of Chris Hedges of the working class, with which I disagree, I and other people would appreciate hearing about your other progressive views.

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There are always party poopers in any group in the current society, those who feed themselves on even the slightest blemishes of others. And you sound like you are one of them.

Even if Chris Hedges did what you wrote about, it doesn't---and it shouldn't--escape the fact that he has done a great job in the hard work of investigative journalism. Maybe you're currently getting paid for launching criticism on him....

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I was so impresssed that you could actually DATE the day that Chris deserted to the working Class that I hurried to google the day to see what Chris could possibly have done to imprint the date on your mind - unless of course you are one of those idiot savants who know what happen on July 14, 1750

anyway turns out a lot happened on august 27 all neatly categorized into such headilines as armed conflict (this in the Congo so not sure that is of interest to that unemplyed divorced mother of four unless she had thoughts of going to the Congo to get a job. Then we had dozens of Covid 19 discussions from India, Thaliland, etc - Armed Conflicts in Africa, etc. So anyway, obviously whatever was noted on Google as the reason Chris destered the working class is not listed here. And you are right, I did not notice and I have followed chris since his NYT days.

I was once that working class divorced mother of two and I was very interested in the world around me. I wonded if you aren't insulting the very people you are championing by assuming that someone like your divorced mother of four is NOT interested and ineeds you to spend hours writing and then posted your evidence against Chris. If she is NOT interested in all the news of the day, then perhaps she has no idea who Chris is and thus have no intererst in your diatribes against hin.

also,since you claim she has no voice nor even the 6.00 needed to comment here, would it not i+ make more sense just to send her the 6.00 so she can speak for herself? She may not want or need you to plead the case of a working class unemplyed divorced mother of four/ you can then get away from the computer and the comment page and just go for a walk to clear your head. Of course, obviously YOU want to have a voice and have the $6.00 necessary to do so,

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Thanks Dorothy for making this important point. The idea that a single mom raising children is driven solely by Pavlovian needs is sexist and probably racist, given the demographics of the poor. Because I have taught in the prison system for fourteen years I spend a lot of time with single moms whose sons, husbands, brothers or partners I teach. I was in court the other day with one mother for the resentencing hearing for her son, who I have taught. The idea that these women, because they are poor, are unable to connect the dots between U.S. militarism and the militarized police forces who act as internal armies of occupation where they live, or that they cannot see the ties between the surveillance state and what is happening to Julian, is wrong. They are far more politically astute that many of my comfortable and self-satisfied neighbors in Princeton. My students in prison are brilliant, several of whom have obtained summa cum laude degrees B.A. degrees from Rutgers. They could more than hold their own at Princeton and Columbia, where I have also taught. So could their moms, sisters, wives and partners. They just never had a chance.

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Dorothy, I dunno what the 6.00 is about, but thumbs up anyway.

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Thank you Dorothy ...

I promise to watch my Ps & Qs from here on, but only with your permission, of course ...


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I can’t go to the UK right now, but I’m ready to walk the streets with a placard, and I’m willing to be arrested for this cause. There is no cause more vital.

In the meantime, I am trying to reach as many manufactured consenters here as I can. It’s hard to get through to the liberals who voted for H. Clinton because she’s the main reason Assange is in prison.

But if you do get to see Assange, or get word to him, let him know that he means a lot to a lot of people, and we haven’t given up hope or action.

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Yes, and the Hideous Harridan also let her psychopathy slip out on Snowden when she said” I want him home to face the music”

For non- Americans, face the music is an idiom which presumes guilt. No due process for the HH. Nooo. Who needs it when you’ve got your husband’s flights to Thailand on Jeff Epstein’s plane to deal with. And just why do older men go to Thailand unaccompanied by their wives?

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Feb 15, 2024
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You mean the HH doesn’t like Thai food?

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Feb 15, 2024
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Nah, he’s a choir boy who did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. No he’s just a Thai foodie and those “underage women” as the NYT disgustingly called them were just pure coincidence!

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I wish you well and hope for the very best for Julian

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I wish you and Julian well, but the idea of getting justice from a British court is absurd.

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I’m a Brussels based admirer - available to help in any way I can. I work at the European Commission, but my soul is intact. If I can be of any help as you try to help Julian in London - don’t hesitate to mame contact: John.doyle@ec.europa.eu … email me and I will share my tel number etc.

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Bravo Chris 🤩

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Although we'll miss you at our NYC DAY X Protest, it is good to know you will be in London with Assange's family, friends, and supporters. Those who can't make it to London, please join NYC Free Assange, Assange Defense, Stand With Assange NY, Assange Countdown to Freedom, CODEPINK, Socialist Action, UNAC for Assange DAY X Protest at at the UK Consulate, 885 Second Ave. at 47th St., NYC, Tues., Feb. 20, 12 Noon.

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Thank you for being an embodiment of the Light of the world, the Light of the first day of Creation! That light is greatly diminished. There are all too few of you who shine it in our world dominated by the forces of evil and injustice. May you have a safe flight and may your witness be empowered by the Spirit to support Julian's final appeal.

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Millions of hearts and minds are going with you. Please, bring them all back safe and sound, with Julian free to go where he chooses.

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Yes, millions of hearts and minds and hopes are going with you. Thank you for your part, your love for Julian, keeping him present and living in us, with us, over these years of his terrible ordeal. He has given us all so much! May he finally be Free!

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Bravo! Félicitations. Cette adresse, si important - pour Julian et pour democracie - merci, Chris. May the world prevail against this ugly array of institutions and persons who have hollowed out our "by the people for the people" understanding of democratic processes and bring the freedom for Julian we have been wanting for over 14 years now!

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Good luck indeed!

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Tres bon!

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In solidarity!! Holding down the FORT in LA!

Free Julian Assange! Drop The Charges!



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" ... for the crime of telling the truth."

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May the spirit of love and justice be with you, Chris, as you speak truth to power. Bring Julian home!

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