Solzhenistsyn was a Russian....he had a point of view from Russia.
The US (uneducated) on socialism has their own point of view.
I live in France where we have 'liberal' socialism: This means we pay high taxes for free medical care/6 weeks holiday per year/time off for parents after a baby is born. Our taxes go to help people who would not have this.
Socialism can mean many things completely different in each country.
I was just reading Alexander Solzhenitsyn‘s 1978 addressed to Harvard University. He claims that Socialism inevitably endsup with communism.
This is what really makes me angry:
Solzhenistsyn was a Russian....he had a point of view from Russia.
The US (uneducated) on socialism has their own point of view.
I live in France where we have 'liberal' socialism: This means we pay high taxes for free medical care/6 weeks holiday per year/time off for parents after a baby is born. Our taxes go to help people who would not have this.
Socialism can mean many things completely different in each country.