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For sure that's true, but isn't ruining the planet & killing ourselves off a failure? The politicians and 1%$ were NEVER gonna let socialism in any way happen. Of course the majority of us would not have become what we are now becoming: disillusioned and fighting each other to the death for any scrap... the 1% would rather die than g…
© 2025 Chris Hedges
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For sure that's true, but isn't ruining the planet & killing ourselves off a failure?
The politicians and 1%$ were NEVER gonna let socialism in any way happen. Of course the majority of us would not have become what we are now becoming: disillusioned and fighting each other to the death for any scrap... the 1% would rather die than give up ANY of their yachts and mansions... GO FIGURE... so the minority brought down the majority- who didn't see it in time to stop it (frogs in boiling water we were)
I agree. We appear to be a failed experiment of some sort.
Are the 1% the cause though? The 1% didn't exist until recently-ish. They're certainly not kickin' down and they do seem to have turned cannabilistic, but there's another perspective to the lead up. Did the majority *really* not see it in time?
I remember the Carter/Reagan election (I was 9) and family members being rabid for Reagonomics. Trickle down theory. I questioned the validity of it (along with paving paradise)' but was told I was a bleeding heart and too young to understand. I wrote a poem in high school (still during the Reagan years) comparing human nature to white mold blighting an orange. My teacher said I was dramatic. They (adults) were middle class. None were 1%. The 1% was created. People chose, desired. Did I do everything I could? Knowing? Sometimes simply in the moment? No.
Grasping incarnate. Good old-fashioned greed. As a deadly sin. As a samskara. People have to collectively conquer that. The story's been told. Chris just told it. So we know how the 1% will perform. We also have to prepare - build community, grow food, be good neighbors. Chris talks about that, too. I've been working hard towards it. It's a lot.
If The Iron Law Of Oligarchy has any truth in it, rule by the 1% is nothing new
In this article Hedges writes about how they destroy themselves, too. That struck me this time.
The problem with power is that it attracts sociopaths the way catnip attracts cats. Power is also the way to get things done.
Sociopaths, however, are only interested in furthering collective objectives to the extent this allows them to achieve personal objectives. This is why societies run by sociopaths turn sclerototic (as entrenched interests prove entrenched and those at the top are only interested in personal aggrandizement) and eventually collapse.
agree with all except I look at The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Carnegies, Vanderbuilts, and the like as the old time 1% - that what I meant.
The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Carnegies, and the Vanderbilts actually built things and created the modern world we live in. It is not wise to scapegoat that infinitely tiny percentage of humanity for the complex problems we face and the inevitable corruption and destruction that has begun.
Socialism, while appearing Christian and benevolent, appeals to the worst instincts of people.
We now live in a society where the spoiled children of the affluent no longer have to repay college loans and everyone sees cell phones and computers as necessities.
Greed, short-sighted thinking, and overpopulation have led us to the most recent mass extinction event.
But we DO have socialism in the US;
It’s just that it’s for the rich
There are too many examples to cite, but a big one would be Obama bailing out Wall Street Bankers (too big to fail) while letting Main Street crumble
In TRUE capitalism, if you blew it, you go out of business
If you’re savvy- you make money and stay in business
In the US / huge Corporations get socialism handouts all the time
Legal bribery has made it rampant
Citizens United screwed us all
What’s happening NOW is out of control - and nothing like the roaring 20’s
These new oligarchs are out to rule the PLANET- and we’ll on their way
I certainly will not argue with you about Obama's decision to bail out Wall Street; but LBJ's Great Society is largely to blame for the degradation of our society. Medicaid, the insurance plan for those who choose not to work, is probably the best health insurance available to anyone outside of the Federal government.
It is a shame that our government chooses to ignore the Working Poor in favor of the lazy and unscrupulous.
There are crooks and bums at both extremes of our society.
When you are poor you are poor and there is NO way out.
Rich always have a 'way out!'
I bet right now the rich are moving their money around.
I understand what you are saying here BUT maybe because the US has never understood socialism.
.......and not voting when you were OK?
What is failure?
When Americans think of only winning?