Excellent all. Chris will your portion of the speeches be available in a separate format?

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I think the link earlier was to a YOutube version of the conference. Maybe Chris's portion was removed or censored out from that dubious platform. Anyhow, the link above now seems to show his portion clearly. Personally, I found it a passionate and well delivered rehash of what he always says. But a big dud in terms of a legitimate call to action. It's like he remains torn between activism and journalism. Even he admits that, as a professional journalist covering conflict zones, he never, ever, would get involved with helping his subject. I imagine it was because as soon as you identify with a side, then you have aided and abetted a potential enemy--and therefor , by definition,have become one. At that point you're fair game for being molested, tortured, or killed. Or all three. My guess is he is unable to shake that fine line that he was either taught or instinctively learned to walk.

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I love this!

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This is our best hope! I joined and became a monthly donor. I urge everyone to do the same.

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Congratulations Chris, Jill, Kshama, & all the committed folks who are working to bring a united front together. I am very proud to be with you & will do everything in my power to share the message & spread the word of working people fighting for a justice & true democracy. I admire your courage & commitment. 🙏🏽🥰.

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Share what message? I just saw Sawant (only additional voice was Stein commenting off conference saying more of the same--nothing) drone on and on about nothing; nobody showed any inkling of "fighting for a justice & true democracy". Sounds (sort of --considering the bad grammar) good, but still all bark and no bite in my opinion.

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Thank you Chris (and the other speakers) for delivering an excellent report at such an important moment in our political life.

I sincerely hope that the Workers Fight Back Movement will provide the impetus for a global insurrection against the oppressive Western regimes. I think it appropriate that the fight-back originates in the belly of the beast: The USA, that would hopefully be replicated globally.

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Hedges self identifies himself as a militant. Wishful thinking; at best.

He speaks mightily of injustices of our age, but does little, actually, about it. Strikes and Unionization of the working class will NOT get us anywhere. Who is Hedges going to go on strike against anyhow; himself? Easy for him to say STRIKE! With regard to his critique on Trump's view of the Department of Education he is disingenuously casting a large blanket because I believe the Trump administration seeks to only shut down the federal Department of Education because:

A. It is the only level of education he can legally affect

B. It is corrupt through and through--largely by Unionized Teachers who have used federal funding to buy government officials thoroughly down to the local level. I see it first hand. The federal government has very little, if anything, to do with the necessities of educating our children. So, I'm guessing that our chief executive feels his best way of addressing this cancer is to cut it out.

And the only hope (at this point) in cutting it out is by de-funding it. Bear in mind that the reason teacher's unions like the federal government to be involved in their education cartel is because the federal government is the only level of government that has the power to print money--and continues tax payer debt spending on their charade. IMO that should end-- immediately. I believe primary school students should be publicly supported locally; just as their school systems are funded locally. That means with (and by statute) local balanced budgets.

The only positive I heard from Hedges is his call for civil disobedience. That is, indeed, the answer. So, what act of civil disobedience have you, Chris Hedges, engaged in lately? Or ever?

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I was at the conference in person today and was very much inspired and motivated. All the speeches were fantastic but yours in particular was particularly insightful - especially the part about 'hope' which I am now going to find, transcribe and share.

I became a member of Workers Strike Back at the conference and am proud to be both a Green Party and a Workers Strike Back supporter.

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First let me say tech and I are not friends. I was not able to see this. A long time supporter and admirer of Chris. I did question his judgement in the last election. Voting for others or not voting, in my opinion, got Trump elected. Would Harris been better or would it just have delayed the demise of our govt.? Have we really reached our expiration date or can we be saved? People seem to have awoken but unless we have another MLK or JFK to herd the cats it will go nowhere. As with medicine diagnosis is fine but where's the cure?

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Delayed? Harris was an active part of the demise of our govt.

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