Well now that clarifies things! I was a Berner also; what he presented was New Deal, not at all rabidly left. Of course I liked that his hero was Eugene Debs.
No way was I going to vote for HRC, either. Nasty, cold, vicious neolib/neocon. I'll never forgive her for that "basket of deplorables" bit; the Ivy Ds are so certain of their own s…
Well now that clarifies things! I was a Berner also; what he presented was New Deal, not at all rabidly left. Of course I liked that his hero was Eugene Debs.
No way was I going to vote for HRC, either. Nasty, cold, vicious neolib/neocon. I'll never forgive her for that "basket of deplorables" bit; the Ivy Ds are so certain of their own superiority. They really mean they see the entire working class as in that same basket. So do I, but for very different reasons.
That nice liberal Ds like the ones who comment on Jim Hightower's site buy into the Trump-Putin propaganda is amazing to me. It's a willful blindness; like how young and middle-aged people with families don't want to see how the econ system is destroying the planet, either. I understand that--I've been aware of many things for many years yet couldn't quite acknowledge the full horror. Because then what? (Took me awhile to recover, but I do have some answers based on indigenous knowledge, local ecosystems, and co-op economics. The natural world is mostly symbiotic.)
That well educated people won't take the time to look into Russia-Ukraine recent history is bad enough. That they refuse to see that the Ds have become the party of Russia (Red) scare is outright cognitive dissonance.
For years I've been asking D party apologists if they support neolib economics. Never a real reply, just personal attacks and deflections. Now I add neocon and ask if they're okay with Cheney trained neocons running Biden's State Dept. I think they think I'm making that up--and they for sure aren't going to check. More don't want to see.
No way I'm voting for the Ds except maybe for local offices. Harris is simply another elitist neolib. Walz seems like a good guy but I doubt that matters. Will they keep the neocon agenda? There's slight movement re: Gaza, but not a word contrary to the blatant pro-Ukraine propaganda... never mind the Nazis, there since Bandera WWII--nothing "neo" about it.
As I wrote at Les Leopold's site, if the Ds turn out to be people who actually are for the working class, he can pick out the hat or crow I'll be eating. (Check out Leopold's 2024 book //Wall Street's War on Workers (How Mass Layoffs and Greed Are Destroying the Working Class and What To Do about It)//
My tales are anecdotal; his are facts--years of research and sound stats. Which BTW prove we're not a bunch of stupid bigots. And which would be a huge winning issue for the Ds. But that won't happen since they'd have to admit their decades of econ neoliberalism was wrong plus they'd totally offend their corporate sponsors.)
Cornel West 1st preference, next is Jill Stein. As I've pointed out, the "lesser" claim means the Ds admit to being evil. An accurate description of being neolib and now neocon.
Well now that clarifies things! I was a Berner also; what he presented was New Deal, not at all rabidly left. Of course I liked that his hero was Eugene Debs.
No way was I going to vote for HRC, either. Nasty, cold, vicious neolib/neocon. I'll never forgive her for that "basket of deplorables" bit; the Ivy Ds are so certain of their own superiority. They really mean they see the entire working class as in that same basket. So do I, but for very different reasons.
That nice liberal Ds like the ones who comment on Jim Hightower's site buy into the Trump-Putin propaganda is amazing to me. It's a willful blindness; like how young and middle-aged people with families don't want to see how the econ system is destroying the planet, either. I understand that--I've been aware of many things for many years yet couldn't quite acknowledge the full horror. Because then what? (Took me awhile to recover, but I do have some answers based on indigenous knowledge, local ecosystems, and co-op economics. The natural world is mostly symbiotic.)
That well educated people won't take the time to look into Russia-Ukraine recent history is bad enough. That they refuse to see that the Ds have become the party of Russia (Red) scare is outright cognitive dissonance.
For years I've been asking D party apologists if they support neolib economics. Never a real reply, just personal attacks and deflections. Now I add neocon and ask if they're okay with Cheney trained neocons running Biden's State Dept. I think they think I'm making that up--and they for sure aren't going to check. More don't want to see.
No way I'm voting for the Ds except maybe for local offices. Harris is simply another elitist neolib. Walz seems like a good guy but I doubt that matters. Will they keep the neocon agenda? There's slight movement re: Gaza, but not a word contrary to the blatant pro-Ukraine propaganda... never mind the Nazis, there since Bandera WWII--nothing "neo" about it.
As I wrote at Les Leopold's site, if the Ds turn out to be people who actually are for the working class, he can pick out the hat or crow I'll be eating. (Check out Leopold's 2024 book //Wall Street's War on Workers (How Mass Layoffs and Greed Are Destroying the Working Class and What To Do about It)//
My tales are anecdotal; his are facts--years of research and sound stats. Which BTW prove we're not a bunch of stupid bigots. And which would be a huge winning issue for the Ds. But that won't happen since they'd have to admit their decades of econ neoliberalism was wrong plus they'd totally offend their corporate sponsors.)
Question: who your favorite candidate for president is? I'm going Green. I had enough of to lesser of evils.
Cornel West 1st preference, next is Jill Stein. As I've pointed out, the "lesser" claim means the Ds admit to being evil. An accurate description of being neolib and now neocon.