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I wonder if it is anti-semitic to enquire as to how AIPAC became so powerful. Where does the money come from? How was it acquired? Is it in fact American taxpayer's own money being funneled back from donations to Israel into donations to politicians, thus the US taxpayer pays to corrupt their own government?

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AIPAC is doing what all Americans do, buying the worst government that money can buy. See Mearsheimer’s book The Israel Lobby. AIPAC is no where as big as the fossil fuel lobby which includes countries like the KSA, SOQ, and the UAE.

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Except they're acting solely in the interest of a foreign country and they actively wield their power to remove non-compliant politicians. Let's not normalize AIPAC as just another lobby group.

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Considering it's pretty much running your Govt.

They should not be allowed but who is going to move them.

It's like a silent coup d'etat which the US does in many places in the world. Latest one being Bangladesh.

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Jack Z, the only way to have a decent Congress is to get all private and lobbyists money out of elections. The only way not to have bought Representatives and Senators is to allow ONLY public money, distributed equally, to be accessed. That would allow Congressmen/women to be ethica (now they're craven cowards). BTW, have you noticed that the DNC and RNC have switched places? Republicans spoke at the Dem convention. The Dems are the censors and insist on forever wars. At least Trump (Not Harris) hates censorship and forever wars, as does RFK, Jr. Interesting.

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I have done some research and AIPAC gets its funding from wealthy American jews.

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I think in between 80 - 100 million dollars range - so the government is quite cheap to buy!

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USA has always been cheap.

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If it is anti-semitic to ask such questions then we should gladly accept that status!!

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S T O P - it IS NOT antisemitic to ask these moral questions - do not allow others to tell you it is - NEVER accept or give in to what others may try to label you as - My status is as one who stands against genocide 100% of the time - it is the correct moral path - period. Trust your own observations and feelings -- KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE is IMMORAL.

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seems an odd way to phrase - but I think I know what you mean...

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chris, money rules. If the Palestinians had unlimited resources to buy our government, unlimited resources to neutralize all Israeli sympathizers, and it is the Israelis who don't have two nickels to rub together, our government would have an ''ironclad'' commitment to the Palestinians against the ''terrorist'' Israeli invaders. Because we didn't have the brains to fund our elections by ''We the People'', instead of warmongers and tax bandits, we have gone from the U .S. of A., to the U .S. of I., to the U .S. of Humpty- Dumpty. We have met the enemy, and he is us.

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Even with no money the Zionists would win because of the Christians helping Israel to accelerate the second coming.

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the Zionists are daft enough to think that the Christian Right would hesitate for a micro second to bomb them to oblivion once the Muslims are dealt with.

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That's been the traditional "Christian" way to deal with them. I feel sorry for the Muslims and the Jews. And for all of us if the Christian Right accumulates more power.

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A more accurate of identifying them is "The Christian Wrong".

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so there's no one to vote for in this election.

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Aug 17
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Look up Rothschild!

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And the Rosenbergs. I'm becoming very concerned about what protesting against the U.S. of A. means for protestors like me. Deportation? Prison? Execution? We are on an extremely slippery slope.

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I would love a deep dive on this.

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Chris Hedges interview with Ilan Pappe is very informative https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m6S1iXlsqw

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