Don't believe the propaganda about human wave assaults and the like.

Lord Posonby's Ten Commandments of War Propaganda:

1. We don’t want war, we are only defending ourselves.

2. Our adversary is solely responsible for this war.

3. Our adversary’s leader is inherently evil and resembles the devil.

4. We are defending a noble cause, not our particular interests.

5. The enemy is purposefully committing atrocities; if we are making mistakes this happens without intention.

6. The enemy makes use of illegal weapons.

7. We suffer few losses, the enemy’s losses are considerable.

8. Recognized intellectuals and artists support our cause.

9. Our cause is sacred.

10. Whoever casts doubt on our propaganda helps the enemy and is a traitor.

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The US government is a criminal enterprise run by serial killer like committees who could care less about you, the average Ukrainian or anyone else for that fact of the matter. Revolting against the barbarism of the US is our imperative

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Thank you for continuing this phenomenal work and fighting the good fight Chris.

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Yes. I write my representative, my senators, the VP and the President on the regular, and have since early days, asking for peace. No one is interested in what I want nor in what I say now or ever. We are being force-fed a war and a system of control.

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Anyone that followed this horrid affair and did a modicum of independent research instead of wasting time listing to the U.S. propaganda Mainstream Legacy Media outlets has to agree with your analysis. However, as a small aside, this time the lunatics in the U.S. State Department, the Pentagon and their stooges in the U.S. Congress have really screwed up. If our civilization survives this episode, then Russia will emerge STRENGTHENED as will China. It is the U.S. military with its 800+ bases around the world, countless massive aircraft carriers, nuclears subs, etc. that has overextended itself and it is the near-fascist U.S. that will be weakened. This is what scares me. Will the lunatics in the State Department, Pentagon, etc. allow this to happen or will they go "all in"?

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Thank you - one more of your seminal articles -- truly outstanding. We are drowning in lies - we live in an “Empire of Lies” as the intelligent leader of Russia called our country.

Russia has no choice but to win this “unprovoked” war. And -- we should stand with Russia -- it fights for all of us.

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Damn! I wished I could write like Chris Hedges. What a great overview of the failed war in Ukraine and how the Neo-cons in US government are edging us ever closer to economic stagnation and nuclear holocaust. And yet, Americans have NO choice this coming election season...both Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin. More of the same...and this is all by design. Gotta keep that war industry busy!!!

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Your analysis is right on the money, so to speak.

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Thanks Chris. If the government is doing things that they don't want citizens to know, they have to distract, obfuscate and lie. They really have no choice if they want to avoid public backlash. Once the news media had been fully captured by The Blob, you have a perfect symmetry where narrative management and the resultant public misunderstanding of events provides all the cover necessary to continue endless wars of aggression.

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Lucid, thoughtful situation analysis, from start to finish. Thank you for giving voice to the millions of Americans out there who have long had serious misgivings about the war and propaganda machine that has a stranglehold on our democracy, three branches of government and media. This is the kind of op-ed that should be appearing on the pages of America's once great newspapers but they are all lost at sea. Thank you, Chris Hedges, for speaking up and for carrying the water for what's left of U.S. journalism.

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I do wish people would stop referring to this conflict as a unprovoked war crime. Ukranians were slaughtering ethnic Russians in the Donnbass - Mr Hedges cites 14,200 of them - and after repeated attempts to negotiate and finally a warning, Russia stepped in to protect and defend those people.

By my reading, that is not a war crime.

But should I compare this war with US actions against mythical WMDs or fabricated genocide, people start squawking 'Whataboutism'.

But here's the thing, if a Defence Attorney in a court of law cites precedent to support her case, the Prosecution can hardly scream 'Whataboutism. It' not whataboutism, she hasn't just thrown a dead cat on the Judges bench, it's a fkn Precedent! An established principle, under which the US should be judged the war criminals.

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Starry Gordon wrote:

When I was in the US Army back in the Dark Ages, the majority of my fellow soldiers were either Black or poor Southern White boys. They often referred to the Army, or the military in general, as "The War" as if there were only one and it was an ongoing thing. I thought it was a cute, simple-minded cultural tic, but now I know they were onto something I hadn't perceived yet.

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“The war industry, not Putin, is our most dangerous enemy.”

The 3 branches of government and the 4th estate of media are captives of corporate rule, hand puppets of Wall Street’s wants and desires.

The oligarch owners of Wall Street have designed and constructed the cattle chute for young conscripts who without choice or options will necessarily line up to feed the body needs of the meat grinder war scheduled for China, a profitable party for oligarch’s expectations for sure.

The Fed has mined the economy with steep and unnecessary interest rates while ignoring the facts of the root cause of inflation in a corporate feeding frenzy of profiteering.

A resulting recession is conveniently set to commence alongside two developments originating at the Supreme Court.

The ruling to strike student loan forgiveness from administrative efforts guarantees penury to an entire generation of educated youth, while the second ruling holds Federal Law against the use of affirmative action for advancement beyond the barricades of systemic racism and poverty.

The synchronization of the three events are perfectly aligned to heat the economic environment of a generation of educated and kettled paupers and induce their option towards conscription into a meat grinder of wartime military service, which offers, surprise!- a promise of debt relief, paid education and a social structure within a permitted affirmative action military career to those who survive their service within the economic necessity of the war industry.

Americans inhabit a nation oblivious to the systemic economic requirement for death and violence, the blood bath ritual that guarantees another day of capitalism where war is the engine of an oxymoron “capitalist democracy”.

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Maybe it's the cumulative effect, but on top of all these adventures in the past 60 years or so this one feel like the stupidest ever.

I'm ashamed of this military state with it entertainment branch.

It's beyond belief how dangerous it is and how the idiots in power don't seem to care as long as the military industry gets a cheerful profit.

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"What happens to Ukraine is irrelevant. "

Actually I think the US gvt. considers what is happening to Ukraine a plus. The neos have no love for any other nation.

Harry Truman said, "If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible, although I don't want to see Hitler victorious under any circumstances." While this was going on they told us how jolly Uncle Joe was. I don't see the current situation as any different.

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" The U.S. is reviled abroad, drowning in debt, has an impoverished working class and is burdened with a decayed infrastructure as well as shoddy social services. "

But for the Congress, looters, polluters, corp vultures & billionaire class it's nothing but upside!

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