Norman Finkelstein writes about his Holocaust survivor parents, and their political views especially his mothers as well. They both survived the Warsaw Ghetto and brutal treatment in Work Camps. She hated Germans the rest of her life! ALL GERMANS! Remembering her stories and teaching not to believe the government War Monger lies. After Oct 7, and the Racist Hate spewed for revenge by Israeli leaders. He came to the conclusion she would have been horrified and call out Zionists for doing the same crimes against humanity as Germany. To be sure he didn't come to the wrong conclusions. He called his sibling brothers and asked "what do you think mom would call the IDF and Zionist Israel". Without a pause he immediately blurted out NAZI'S! Zionist supporting Jews within Israel and the Diaspora have been kept in a bubble of "Protective Stupidity" ! Believing they are the ONLY self righteous victims bathed in distortions of the Holocaust Industry! Post WW2 Holocaust surviving Jews were the minority, Diaspora Jews didn't claim to be Holocaust survivors, until Israel Hasbara went to work claiming ALL Jews were Holocaust survivor's. Einstein's 1948 NY Times letter points out Zionist's in Pre Holocaust Israel did very little fighting against German Fascism. They even looked down on Jewish refugees coming to Israel, some even use derogatory speech calling them "SOAP"! The Genocide taking place before us is another Crime Against Humanity! The Palestinian's will Never Forget. The Arab World will NEVER FORGET. The World will Never Forget. The Nazi Swastika was banned in Post Holocaust Germany. Will the the Zionist Israeli Star of David Flag meet the same fate in Post Holocaust Israel?

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I am now 78. I never paid much attention to the Zionist because of my respect for all religions. That changed with the Zionist genocide against the Palestinian people. My new name for the Zionist is Zio-Nazis. When is see The Star of David, I see the Swastika. Post Genocide Israel can never and should never be allowed to exist. Zio-Nazis are worse than German-Nazis starting from the time in the 1930s when Zio-Nazis joined the German-Nazis to persecute Jews so as to populate their newly created Israel. The continued American support of the Zio-Nazis will also turn the USA Stars and Stripes into the Swastika. Is that how you want the world to view our experiment in self-rule?

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It is difficult to follow the points made in the comment above. Is "mom" alive or dead? If dead did they channel her?

This conflation of Israelis with Nazis will change nothing.

Innocent Palestinians die because the power elite they live under set the policy of dealing with Israel. If a powerful faction (HAMAS) takes the policy of eradicating Israel and then employs its citizenry as expendable souls to achieve its objectives, then the blood of those souls is on its hands.

I seriously doubt that Yahya Sinwar will be satisfied with the deaths of 10s of thousands of additional innocents so great is his hatred of Israel and his desire for vengeance and "justice". There are over seven million Jews living in Israel and they are living in a period that remains within the living memory of a few. It is a memory that recalls the murder of 60% of European Jewry and one that recalls the many pogroms in Europe and Russia. I doubt that a people who experienced near extermination will leave a land where they now govern.

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Sorry Rick your delusion of Zionists living in Peace with Arab Palestinian's in PALESTINE is a bald faced lie. Zionists had absolutely NO plans to share Mandate Palestine. Pointing out Zionists use of Nazi fascist tactics is not conflating it at all, its a fact! Israel is the CONFLATION NATION they conflate Palestinian resistance with European anti Semitism and Nazi Fascism which did not exist before Zionists arrived and started their TERRORIST campaign. As Herzl said the Arabs will have to be 'persuaded" to leave. Ben Gurion and other Machiavellian leaders knew very well Palestinian's did not want to leave their ancestral lands and they would have to use TERRORISM to "persuade" them to go! Ben Gurion said "Hasbara is our most powerful weapon". To frame the invasion, murder and land theft as defense against Arab subhuman savages. Massacres & Rapes of complete villages denied and hidden with MSM collusion! But don't believe just me RICK, read past leaders quotes. You would call their words anti Semitic propaganda, if spoken by critics of Zionism and Israel. They were telling the brutal truth, but not in "mixed company". Ze'ev Jabotinsky revealed the truth and called any Zionist spewing the lie that Zionist Jews wanted to share Palestine with Palestinian's in some Far Far Distant future as a SWNIDLE! Rick your Protective Stupidity just won't grasp the TRUTH ! As for "Seriously Doubting Sinwar's Satisfaction" with deaths of 10s of thousands of innocent Palestinian deaths is PROJECTIONISM. Israel is not satisfied with 40,000 murders so far, possibly 200,000 in Gaza alone according to the Lancet report ! Without even mentioning the West Bank where 800 have been murdered and thousands kidnapped and tortured , some to death! You would think people who experienced near extermination would not now be exterminating Semites themselves. But that's the point Rick. Zionism came about long before the Holocaust. Long before WW1 at the near end of Imperial Colonial Settler Genocides. Hasbara conflates the founding of Israel because of the Holocaust. While Ben Gurion and others did nothing to fight it, promoting Jews to leave Germany in collusion with Hitler who gave preferential treatment to Jews going to Palestine!

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I find the words of Truth Tellers like yourself always informative.

"Sorry Rick your delusion of Zionists living in Peace with Arab Palestinian's in PALESTINE is a bald faced lie."

Individuals who seek the destruction of the state of Israel claim that the outcome will be a nation where Palestinians and Jews can live in peace (just like they did in ancient times). That is as big a fiction as your assertion above. It is based on a false assumption: the Jews will accept the dissolution of the state of Israel.

"Pointing out Zionists use of Nazi fascist tactics is not conflating it at all, its a fact!"

By this measure, any act of violence is Nazism. European Jewry during the period from 1939 to 1945 was hunted, sent to camps, gassed, incinerated, and their ashes dumped into a pond. Israeli policy has been brutal but it pales in comparison to Nazism. To accept the conflation of Israeli behavior to Nazism simply plays into the hands of HAMAS.

"But don't believe just me RICK, read past leaders quotes. You would call their words anti Semitic propaganda, if spoken by critics of Zionism and Israel."

Revisiting the past strategic approach to the events of Jews returning to Israel after WW2 is perfectly appropriate. It is a history of all conflicts between peoples over land. Of course, Zionist leadership would employ the available tools to achieve their objective.

Many consider such behavior to be morally corrupt; however, it has been a part of the continuous history of human activity. Whether it is the expansion of Indo-European peoples over 1000s of years, the Bantu expansion in Africa or the expansion of Islamic civilization to name a few, the story has been the same. In that sense what relevance does it have to the problem at hand?

All your Truth Telling serves is to enable a continuation of failed policies effectuated by the Palestinian people.

"You would think people who experienced near extermination would not now be exterminating Semites themselves."

The Jewish state is not exterminating Palestinians. It is most certainly brutally killing Palestinians. It is ethnically cleansing the West Bank. This is a part of a fight over the future of the land and the state of Israel. But conflating it with Nazism is an act of misdirection and disinformation.

There is a solution. The Palestinian leadership accepts the state of Israel and agrees to stop attacking the Israeli state and its people.

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Your first quote of me left out "Zionists Had absolutely no plans to share Mandate Palestine". So much for your "Truth Telling". "ANY act of Violence" was not what I compared Zionism with Nazism. I was comparing the Hate speech and UNTERMENSCHEN calling Palestinians "Rats" and "Animals" . As a Truth Teller you must know Nazi's referred to Jews as "Lice" "Vermin and "Rats". Ben Gvir, Smotrich and Bibi along with 99% of the Knesset use the same language of Nazi's as well! They are admitting they want the Palestinian's GONE BY ANY MEANS INCLUDING Genocide! How many past leaders have said they have 2 choices "Leave or Die". If it walks like a Nazi and Talks like a Nazi. Its a Nazi! In this case a Judeo-Nazi . Thats the Truth Rick no matter how you slice the cheese!

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"Zionists Had absolutely no plans to share Mandate Palestine"

And how do you know this to be true? I don't doubt that there were some Zionists who thought/think this way. They gain supporters with every suicide bombing and every attack on the Israeli population. Both sides have failed at any compromise. The Arab states have wisely given up the cause of the Palestinians through direct military involvement.

So, Israelis call Palestinians Untermenmenschen and other nasty words. Reminds me of the Hutu rhetoric towards the Tutsi. This sort of "Othering" is standard human practice regardless of culture or civilization. It happens every day and is a favorite technique of the zero-sum-game that humans have played throughout millennia. The Pro-Palestinian groups on US campus engaged and doubtless will engage in this game.

Where your conflation breaks down is the following:

1. Unlike the Nazis, the Israelis are responding to attacks from their antagonists. The Jews never attacked goyum in Germany. The Palestinians have most definitely attacked Jews.

2. In spite of all the histrionics and hyperbole existing on Chris Hedge's site, Gaza was not an open air concentration camp (it is now like Stalingrad). The conflation is misleading in every respect. It was impoverished and had significant problems with unemployment and opportunity; however, it was nothing like Auschwitz or Bergen-Belsen.

3. You employ a very broad definition of genocide = Anything you don't like about Israeli methods. Unfortunately HAMAS attacked Israeli on Oct 7, 2023. Bad strategy using the Palestinian civilians as canon fodder in its campaign of asymmetrical warfare.

4. The Palestinian people are not being hunted and herded into camps.

5. The Palestinian people are not being gassed.

6. The Palestinian people are not being incinerated.

7. The Palestinian people are not having their ashes dumped into a pond or a ditch.

The Palestinian people are being ethnically cleansed from the West Bank. Certainly there are Israelis who advocate taking over Gaza. Chris Hedges has said as much and is probably right. However, if the only response from the Palestinian leadership is destroy the state of Israel then that is the only option open to them.

All of your branding does nothing to promote peace. Rather it simply feeds the continuous violence.

At least Amir Kahn indicated both the Israeli and the Palestinian leadership for war crimes. Leaving the failed strategy of the Palestinian leadership over the decades does nothing to solve this problem.

I most certainly agree with Chris Hedges that all war is a crime. Unfortunately, as witnessed by Gaza and the entire history of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict it remains the only method of conflict resolution.

I don't think Israel will give one inch. They have already won.

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Rick this is PIE! 1. Unlike Nazi's Palestinian's were invaded by Zionists who started the Terrorism ethnically cleansing them! They had every right to RESIST! Palestinian's are the Goyum victims of Zionist TERRORISM. Like the British rulers of Mandate Palestine. Resisting Zionists was not "terrorism" is was SELF DEFENSE! 2. Chris Hedges isn't the only one calling Gaza an open air prison or concentration camp. David Cameron for one, hardly a supporter of Palestine. Gaza is not Stalingrad its the Warsaw Ghetto where a lightly armed resistance group fights a modern Army with tanks, artillery and and an Airforce! 3. My "Broad" definition of Genocide is nothing of the sort. Check out the General Assembly Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide resolution 260 A of Dec 9 1948. Israel checks off 4 of the 5 in article 2 . Genocide means any of the following acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group. A. Killing! B. Serious bodily or mental harm! C. Deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring physical destruction in whole or in part! D. Imposing measures intended to prevent births. The Following acts shall be punishable; "Article 3" B. CONSPIRACY to commit Genocide C. Direct or Public Incitement to commit Genocide D. Attempt to commit Genocide E. Complicity in Genocide. Point number #4 is laughable! Point 5, 6 & 7 is Juvenile proving your "Protective Stupidity". As Palestinian's are being INCINERATED ALIVE! The IDF is bulldozing cemeteries, crushing tents with Palestinians alive within them. Dead Palestinian's are abused daily for over 75 years , bodies held hostage, soldiers posing for trophy pictures, picking bodies up in D9 buckets and flinging them around like rag dolls! As for my "branding" and not promoting peace, Zionists need NO EXCUSE for continuous violence. Israel acts like the proverbial elephant that stomps on field mice and justifies the STOMPING of the mice for having the audacity to "Squeak" How else to make a Jewish ONLY State?

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Hell, Marek Edelman, the last surviving leader from the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, had some choice words about Israel and how Israel sees the Nazis, not as an example to avoided, but a model to be emulated.

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Nazi Israel should not exist

Pale Blue Dot -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRcxjprhTGM

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Thanks for sharing this. I tried to copy/paste to send to others but it didn't work. Not too good at tech stuff.

Take issue with "Nazi Israel" phrase. Not that I agree with what it's doing to Gaza but I think name calling in general is counter productive. The phenomenon that's occurring, an abused becoming an abuser, is both puzzling but not uncommon. As I've posted before, "what a piece of work is man".

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Would a Nazi-dominated government of Israel be more appropriate in your opinion?

Fascist bipartisan US War party supports two Nazi-dominated governments (U and I)

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I'm not sure I understand your comment. Remember I'm not an intellectual and I'm old! (91) I don't think labels are helpful. What the Israeli govt. is doing is unconscionable. Does labeling it genocide or Nazi change the fact that it's wrong? The Oct. 7 Hamas attack was wrong. Does labeling it help? I don't know.

Enlighten me. I'm not too old to learn.

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Why do you think that heroic Hamas breakout attack out of Gaza concentration camp was “wrong”?

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I think the taking of any life is wrong. While I understand the motivation I am in no position to condemn or condone it. But still am against the taking of a life. Yes, you can say I'm inconsistent, which I'm sure you will :-) I am pro choice regarding abortion. The fact that we all live on this "blue dot" as Carl Sagan perceived it, and can't work together but continue to kill each other angers and puzzles me.

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Did Hamas take lives or “just” took hostages - to try to free thousands of innocent prisoners in Israel for decades - often children?

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It was wrong because it was a tactic which was intended to result in a significant reprisal. This attack was calculated and deeply cynical. Calling this action "heroic" is deeply amoral.

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Really ?? — it was both heroic and brilliantly and professionally executed.

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Boris Petrov. You were the first person I thought of when it was announced that the 6 hostages had been kiiled. The implication was by Hamas. Is it possible, probable?, it was by the Israelis?

Is that a crazy thought? Did anyone else think that?

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