Eran Efrati an ex solider in the Israeli army said he thought he was a good guy but HE says HE was the terrorist. He was brainwashed and told lies from his earliest memories. His job was to instill fear in the hearts of Palestinians.
These soldiers eventually realise the sins they have committed against humanity. How do they live with that?
"If you do not respect existence, you can expect resistance."
He has chosen to raise his kids in a secula democracy of inclusion.
Look bud, izrael should be a state of mind. The fact you keep your culture intact through the years is what izrael is supposed to mean. NOT A LITERAL COUNTRY THAT HAS TO ENACT GENOCIDE TO FUNCTION! And THEN have the audacity to say it is not. I'm sick of the hypocracy. TO THE ZIONISTS- HEAR ME LOUD & CLEAR: - FUCK OFF-
My goodness. The hate you're spewing in this post is over the top. Name calling is the first sign that there is no argument to be presented.
You might take a few steps back and consider what it is that is creating this growing strong dislike of Zionist ideology. Then make your own argument rather than expecting a link to do it for you.
Moe, as I understand it, we didn't eat the hominis, most of them died due to ecological changes that they were not adapted for. Plus, they interbred with modern humans, I'm 2.6% Neanderthal and 1% Denisovan which are the ancestors who I'm prouder of because they lasted much longer than what it seems we are going stay in this planet before we kill each other. I'm sure you too are part Neanderthal like most of us with European ancestry.
We are all HOMO SAPIEN even the Idiots like Netanyahu and Hedges. I know that comment will make everyone's skin crawl. I am with Pinker and Harari and John Ralston Saul and Yanis and Zizek how come there are no Americans in my boat?
"How come there are no Americans in my boat?" In simple terms, Moe, it is because we value the wisdom and integrity of Mr. Hedges and that is why we read his reports. As for why you continue reading them, you are the only one who knows it.
The Zionists have a massive advantage that the Palestinians will never equal or even approach. That is he entirety of the western media. They lie and abuse Palestinian resistants and glorify the acts of the Zionists.
Or go on it..........and comment. Without name calling, sweeping generalizations and other fallacies of verbal warfare. Be part of the change. Sure, you get lots of hate mail.......but you also encourage other readers who wish for more thought and less invective.
Hate and a lack of thoughtfulness is still very easy to spot. I don't think it helps the cause, and it certainly can shorten one's life. In Canada..........there are comment sites on our major papers (some of the time). I don't go on very often, as its tiresome....the one liners are so dumb, mean spirited and patriarchal.
But when I do find the time.......I'm getting upvotes now. I notice a lot of upvotes for thougtful comments and more downvotes for the rage farmers.........and this is new where I live. So I think the tide may be turning...........but if good thinking isn't part of any threads.......than hate will win. When hate wins, we all lose. ERGo....
No you are not all for banning hate. Much of what you say about the Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition is true. But most of the believers don't see it that way.............and there's already been too much high minded 'eradication' in the service of one ideology or another.
Far better to call upon the humanistic tendencies in all three religions and point out when necessary the inhuman parts...........Christian fascism is an evil.......Christians should call it out. Zionism is an evil.......many good Jews are calling it out.
Also, the analysis of doctrine is continuing............the Catholic doctrine of empty lands for example is being seen for what it was....
But 'eradication' is always a form of genocide..............we use it against parts of the natural world we don't think we need as well. Like weeds for example......many of them edible.
Funny to hear the Zionist butchers call Hamas "Nazis" because I've always seen them as crypto Nazis for years. Yes, the Jews have taken on the very attributes of their former oppressors! Well, that's how the terrorist cookie crumbles, isn't it? In the end, they just sound like nasty little schoolboys calling each other pejorative names on the playground. Sad. All my life, as far back as I can remember, it's been the Jews and the Arabs killing each other! When a two state solution is the only logical answer to their mutual problems; they fight it like the devil. I am sorry to say I strongly doubt they will ever find one scintilla of empathy enough to see each other as needy, sensitive people. Finally, I still do pray for them, as tragic as all of it is. Tragedy. Sorrow. Futility.
I don't think the situation needed to be as futile as it has become with this current war. We in the west have been complicit with the state of Israel for years.....even though the news coming out of Gaza and the West Bank was anything but optimistic. Fifteen minutes reviewing the history of that region suggests to me that had we acknowledged our imperial theft of indigenous people's lands and livlihoods sooner......we could have seen the horrific similarities between the setting the the American and Canadian west........and the slow but determined theft of Palestinian land.
Now with Climate catastrophes popping up everywhere, perhaps we understand the extent of the crime.......of bulldozing olive groves and Palestinians villages to set up concrete condominiums for 'settlers from away'............but the Israeli government has supervised that theft since 1948. WITH WESTERN SUPPORT AND MILITARY HARDWARE.
It's only hopeless in Palestine Dr Robert............if we insist on equating Hamas with the Israeli military, Palestinians with Israeli settlers..............
Once we see that they aren't two sides of the same coin..........but rather, a drama in miniature, playing out at the tailend of western Imperialism. Once we come to believe in Reconciliation, Restitution, and a collaborative way forward, its just difficult.
Social justice isn't just a fancy a militarized capitalist world its very hard. We've been taught to believe in Good versus Evil, Winners versus Losers.....etc. etc. Social Justice doesn't break down into such easy dualisms....
so its not hopeless. Just complex.
Simplifying everything into two answers, one of them the road to extinction. Especially now as climate disasters and nuclear proliferations become the new frontiers...simple answers are sure to be the end of us all.
Dr Mullane III, It's too late for a two-state solution. The Israelis have stolen enough land to make Palestine a viable state. I pray for nobody; I prefer to act by no voting for corrupt politicians. Following is an example of how our foreign policy is worked out. These are PHYLLIS BENNIS's words from her interview "Ending Cycles of Violence: Israel & Palestine" downloaded from
"...and he comes back to the United States, and he meets with a group of wealthy Jewish Republicans, main donors of the Republican Party and of his campaign. And he looks around and he says, "I, for the first time, recognized Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights." And then he says, "And when I did, I was with your prime minister." And not one of them stood up and said, "Excuse me, Mr. President, we're not Israelis. We're Americans. We don't have a prime minister in Israel. Netanyahu's not our prime minister. You are our president." Nobody said that... And then he went on in that same meeting, and he looked around and he saw Sheldon Adelson, one of the wealthiest funders of the Republican Party, and of Israeli occupation and settlement processes, and his wife. And he looked around and said, when he was talking about the move of the embassy to Jerusalem, essentially the U.S. was recognizing the annexation of Jerusalem, also illegal and recognized by no one. He said, "Sheldon and Miriam, I did it for you." What could be a clearer acknowledgement that he is making his policy based on the desires of wealthy Jewish money?"
I just spent a half hour responding and it all disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
I copied pages from John Ralston SAul's Doubter's Companion a Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense.
HEROES An illusion of Leadership
1. United States Centre of the greatest Empire the World has ever known
2. .................................................................which may mean that, unlike the others it is Rome.
4. A nation given to unjustified over-enthusiasms or infantile furies.............
5 A degenerate civilization . A nation in decline.
6. A highly sophisticated THIRD WORLD country
7A late nineteenth-century state
8 A profoundly divided nation destined for permanent civil war
9 A nation from which the second largest commercial export is cultural products and which , as a direct consequence , treats free access everywhere for these products as the primary characteristics of a free country.
11. Home of Thomas Jefferson, the most remarkable public figure yet produced in the modern west.
THIRD WORLD More a social tthan an economic model.
1994 Viking Press
I live in a FULL DEMOCRACY *I can see America out of my window
Hamas is no Different than the many many many liberation movements that have successfully defeated the colonial imperial powers. It is always bloody as the occupier never concedes. One only has to read (or listen) to Fanon
AC, Artificial Conscious, is more deadly to humanity than AI.
It seems SAS [sure as shit], IMHO, that this current cluster eff, of being willing to do anything up to, and beyond any concerns regarding the extension of human life 'in toto' for the purposes of gaining "The Quiet American" Global Empire of power and wealth — was never evidenced by Norbert Wiener in his 1964 "GOD & GOLEM, Inc.”
YES, YES, Guido!
You have excellently focused on many of the deceits, crimes, lies, and propaganda that accompanies the arrogantly self-appointed "Masters of the Universe"!
My highest rated double-sided protest and demonstration signs -- which I employ in ad-hoc, focus-group testing, and near 100% favorable approval in Portland Maine and Portsmouth NH. multiple times per week, simply say:
I also have printed and employ many other truths and pointed signs about "The Quiet American" [Apologies to Graham Greene] along with indicting the duopoly Global EMPIRE that has distorted and ruined the collapsing hulk of America.
And as Neil Postman wrote as early as 1985, "Amusing Ourselves to Death".
One of the side effects of the current debacle is renewed interest in companies that arm belligerents. Not only are they profiting from genocide, they are contributing to capitalism's destruction of our only planet by enabling creation of huge amounts of greenhouse gases. We now see some peaceful resistance to these companies.
I offer in rebuttal Lord Beaverbrook, FDR, and King George and this lecture on the roots of antiSemitism from 1976 and the Jewish Public Library of Montreal where padlocks were put on the doors when I born and books burned because Christendom hates truth. The holocaust began on May 27 1939 when even Gaza and Palestine offered no refuge to Jewry on the Ship of the damned in Havana Harbour.
I think you are falling for a common western That everything is the same. You know, that old saw that 'the more things change the more they remain the same'?
What happened in World War II happened in part because western powers didn't act soon enough........or from a wide enough base. We could have rescued far more Jewish people than we did.........our prejudices were part of Hitler's relative success.
But what is happening in Palestine now, is a very different situation. Turns out, you can be the victim of hatred in one century..........and the perpetrators of injustice in the next.
This shouldn't surprise us. In a world where exploitation of others and massive destruction of the environment for profit is considered laudable........and weapon manufacturers get rich off of the often justified fears we learn about 'the other'...........its not easy to stay the Perennial Victim.....or the Self Evident GoodGuy.
Both Israel and the United States have let their good opinion of themselves tempt them into becoming the Monster they began by fearing.
It's an old story. Defending any part of it now is counter productive..
Some truth here Moe............but I don't have the time to re read Saul. He appears to be a favourite of yours for sure. I am a grandmother of 6 children, working hard to solarize our son's home....and help my older grand babies through school. We also have a garden, try to grow some of our own food........the processing of it takes a lot of time.
And I'm active in the NDP...for sure, they aren't perfect, but I thank God they exist, as the other two parties can lead one to despair. Climate change is what we've been chiefly working to avert these last few years..........and a good part of my disgust with War and warmongers is that nothing fuels the end of civilization and the Great Mother's cornocopeia of life as fast as War.
Our love of it.........and our determination to convince others that our side is on the path of righeousness sickens and disgusts me.
Which is why I love Chris Hedges, whatever faults you may find in him. We agree about War.
It's always been a death engine....but now, its an extinction game. We have to abolish it from our futures if we are to have one. I don't need to re read Saul to know that.
Yes a huge trap. And we have fallen into it, taking the bait, Hook line and sinker. Very ill advised and I fear the outcome. We threw in with stupid 💥🙄🤡
Why won’t Chris Hedges say it like it is ???!! This genocide isn’t “Zionist” or “Israelis” these are JEWS MURDERING PALESTINIANS committing genocide, textbook genocide against Palestine for their land. With Jews it’s always about the real estate Yes backed up and armed by Jews in the US Department of state and US cabinet and DoD contractors…(who are getting extremely rich again by the hour).
I’m really sick of it. I’m a Christian man and I am not proud of my country right now as I feel that we are engendering genocide . I hope everyone yes will speak up , Pray and I pray that everyone will Aggressively promote peace through cease-fire and diplomacy Because in my view CHRISTIAN VALUES MATTER!!!
From The Doubter's Companion A Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense 1994 Viking Press
GOD Either God is alive , in which case he'll deal with us as he sees fit. Or he is dead , in which case he was never alive, it being likely he never died of old age.
If God has always been a figment of our imagination, then , given organized society's distrust of the imagination, he must have been created for a reason. At best this figment was probably intended to provide us with a shared ethical relationship. At worst it was just an excuse for a small group of clerics to wield power in the name of an invisible who could not interfere.
There are two more paragraphs but I am having a heart attack rolling on floor and laughing with tears in my eyes.
Absolutely. I will pray to any religion that professes inclusion, love, harmony, justice, kindness, mercy and forgiveness. The idea that religions kill people is absurd but it’s the old old story. Prehistoric.
Eran Efrati an ex solider in the Israeli army said he thought he was a good guy but HE says HE was the terrorist. He was brainwashed and told lies from his earliest memories. His job was to instill fear in the hearts of Palestinians.
These soldiers eventually realise the sins they have committed against humanity. How do they live with that?
"If you do not respect existence, you can expect resistance."
He has chosen to raise his kids in a secula democracy of inclusion.
FUCK THE ZIONISTS; and i say that from the bottom of my heart.
Idiot. Do you fucking know what a Zionist is? We've been Zionists for two thousand years and you bastards keep looking for innocents to slaughter.
For My Brother Jesus Sunday May 16 May 1976 Irving Layton
Enjoy some truth shithead. one hour and seven minutes in a life of swimming in cesspools might be just what you need.
Look bud, izrael should be a state of mind. The fact you keep your culture intact through the years is what izrael is supposed to mean. NOT A LITERAL COUNTRY THAT HAS TO ENACT GENOCIDE TO FUNCTION! And THEN have the audacity to say it is not. I'm sick of the hypocracy. TO THE ZIONISTS- HEAR ME LOUD & CLEAR: - FUCK OFF-
My goodness. The hate you're spewing in this post is over the top. Name calling is the first sign that there is no argument to be presented.
You might take a few steps back and consider what it is that is creating this growing strong dislike of Zionist ideology. Then make your own argument rather than expecting a link to do it for you.
Jeezus I am autistic. I read before I learned my ABCs I still don't know Qwerty and use a multicolour keyboard.
There was an article on HOMONIDS and our origins. There were five or six races Homonids during our devolution. How come we are the only living race?
The answer of course is metaphysical and simple. What happened to our cousins? We ate them.🤣
Moe, as I understand it, we didn't eat the hominis, most of them died due to ecological changes that they were not adapted for. Plus, they interbred with modern humans, I'm 2.6% Neanderthal and 1% Denisovan which are the ancestors who I'm prouder of because they lasted much longer than what it seems we are going stay in this planet before we kill each other. I'm sure you too are part Neanderthal like most of us with European ancestry.
Thanks Julio,
We are all HOMO SAPIEN even the Idiots like Netanyahu and Hedges. I know that comment will make everyone's skin crawl. I am with Pinker and Harari and John Ralston Saul and Yanis and Zizek how come there are no Americans in my boat?
"How come there are no Americans in my boat?" In simple terms, Moe, it is because we value the wisdom and integrity of Mr. Hedges and that is why we read his reports. As for why you continue reading them, you are the only one who knows it.
The Zionists have a massive advantage that the Palestinians will never equal or even approach. That is he entirety of the western media. They lie and abuse Palestinian resistants and glorify the acts of the Zionists.
Let's be part of ending that complicity. Surely there is a Ceasefire Now rally near where you live. Join it.
Or go on it..........and comment. Without name calling, sweeping generalizations and other fallacies of verbal warfare. Be part of the change. Sure, you get lots of hate mail.......but you also encourage other readers who wish for more thought and less invective.
Hate and a lack of thoughtfulness is still very easy to spot. I don't think it helps the cause, and it certainly can shorten one's life. In Canada..........there are comment sites on our major papers (some of the time). I don't go on very often, as its tiresome....the one liners are so dumb, mean spirited and patriarchal.
But when I do find the time.......I'm getting upvotes now. I notice a lot of upvotes for thougtful comments and more downvotes for the rage farmers.........and this is new where I live. So I think the tide may be turning...........but if good thinking isn't part of any threads.......than hate will win. When hate wins, we all lose. ERGo....
No you are not all for banning hate. Much of what you say about the Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition is true. But most of the believers don't see it that way.............and there's already been too much high minded 'eradication' in the service of one ideology or another.
Far better to call upon the humanistic tendencies in all three religions and point out when necessary the inhuman parts...........Christian fascism is an evil.......Christians should call it out. Zionism is an evil.......many good Jews are calling it out.
Also, the analysis of doctrine is continuing............the Catholic doctrine of empty lands for example is being seen for what it was....
But 'eradication' is always a form of genocide..............we use it against parts of the natural world we don't think we need as well. Like weeds for example......many of them edible.
Funny to hear the Zionist butchers call Hamas "Nazis" because I've always seen them as crypto Nazis for years. Yes, the Jews have taken on the very attributes of their former oppressors! Well, that's how the terrorist cookie crumbles, isn't it? In the end, they just sound like nasty little schoolboys calling each other pejorative names on the playground. Sad. All my life, as far back as I can remember, it's been the Jews and the Arabs killing each other! When a two state solution is the only logical answer to their mutual problems; they fight it like the devil. I am sorry to say I strongly doubt they will ever find one scintilla of empathy enough to see each other as needy, sensitive people. Finally, I still do pray for them, as tragic as all of it is. Tragedy. Sorrow. Futility.
I don't think the situation needed to be as futile as it has become with this current war. We in the west have been complicit with the state of Israel for years.....even though the news coming out of Gaza and the West Bank was anything but optimistic. Fifteen minutes reviewing the history of that region suggests to me that had we acknowledged our imperial theft of indigenous people's lands and livlihoods sooner......we could have seen the horrific similarities between the setting the the American and Canadian west........and the slow but determined theft of Palestinian land.
Now with Climate catastrophes popping up everywhere, perhaps we understand the extent of the crime.......of bulldozing olive groves and Palestinians villages to set up concrete condominiums for 'settlers from away'............but the Israeli government has supervised that theft since 1948. WITH WESTERN SUPPORT AND MILITARY HARDWARE.
It's only hopeless in Palestine Dr Robert............if we insist on equating Hamas with the Israeli military, Palestinians with Israeli settlers..............
Once we see that they aren't two sides of the same coin..........but rather, a drama in miniature, playing out at the tailend of western Imperialism. Once we come to believe in Reconciliation, Restitution, and a collaborative way forward, its just difficult.
Social justice isn't just a fancy a militarized capitalist world its very hard. We've been taught to believe in Good versus Evil, Winners versus Losers.....etc. etc. Social Justice doesn't break down into such easy dualisms....
so its not hopeless. Just complex.
Simplifying everything into two answers, one of them the road to extinction. Especially now as climate disasters and nuclear proliferations become the new frontiers...simple answers are sure to be the end of us all.
Dr Mullane III, It's too late for a two-state solution. The Israelis have stolen enough land to make Palestine a viable state. I pray for nobody; I prefer to act by no voting for corrupt politicians. Following is an example of how our foreign policy is worked out. These are PHYLLIS BENNIS's words from her interview "Ending Cycles of Violence: Israel & Palestine" downloaded from
"...and he comes back to the United States, and he meets with a group of wealthy Jewish Republicans, main donors of the Republican Party and of his campaign. And he looks around and he says, "I, for the first time, recognized Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights." And then he says, "And when I did, I was with your prime minister." And not one of them stood up and said, "Excuse me, Mr. President, we're not Israelis. We're Americans. We don't have a prime minister in Israel. Netanyahu's not our prime minister. You are our president." Nobody said that... And then he went on in that same meeting, and he looked around and he saw Sheldon Adelson, one of the wealthiest funders of the Republican Party, and of Israeli occupation and settlement processes, and his wife. And he looked around and said, when he was talking about the move of the embassy to Jerusalem, essentially the U.S. was recognizing the annexation of Jerusalem, also illegal and recognized by no one. He said, "Sheldon and Miriam, I did it for you." What could be a clearer acknowledgement that he is making his policy based on the desires of wealthy Jewish money?"
Thanks for the inspiration,
I just spent a half hour responding and it all disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
I copied pages from John Ralston SAul's Doubter's Companion a Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense.
HEROES An illusion of Leadership
1. United States Centre of the greatest Empire the World has ever known
2. .................................................................which may mean that, unlike the others it is Rome.
4. A nation given to unjustified over-enthusiasms or infantile furies.............
5 A degenerate civilization . A nation in decline.
6. A highly sophisticated THIRD WORLD country
7A late nineteenth-century state
8 A profoundly divided nation destined for permanent civil war
9 A nation from which the second largest commercial export is cultural products and which , as a direct consequence , treats free access everywhere for these products as the primary characteristics of a free country.
11. Home of Thomas Jefferson, the most remarkable public figure yet produced in the modern west.
THIRD WORLD More a social tthan an economic model.
1994 Viking Press
I live in a FULL DEMOCRACY *I can see America out of my window
Hamas is no Different than the many many many liberation movements that have successfully defeated the colonial imperial powers. It is always bloody as the occupier never concedes. One only has to read (or listen) to Fanon
AC, Artificial Conscious, is more deadly to humanity than AI.
It seems SAS [sure as shit], IMHO, that this current cluster eff, of being willing to do anything up to, and beyond any concerns regarding the extension of human life 'in toto' for the purposes of gaining "The Quiet American" Global Empire of power and wealth — was never evidenced by Norbert Wiener in his 1964 "GOD & GOLEM, Inc.”
YES, YES, Guido!
You have excellently focused on many of the deceits, crimes, lies, and propaganda that accompanies the arrogantly self-appointed "Masters of the Universe"!
My highest rated double-sided protest and demonstration signs -- which I employ in ad-hoc, focus-group testing, and near 100% favorable approval in Portland Maine and Portsmouth NH. multiple times per week, simply say:
I also have printed and employ many other truths and pointed signs about "The Quiet American" [Apologies to Graham Greene] along with indicting the duopoly Global EMPIRE that has distorted and ruined the collapsing hulk of America.
And as Neil Postman wrote as early as 1985, "Amusing Ourselves to Death".
One of the side effects of the current debacle is renewed interest in companies that arm belligerents. Not only are they profiting from genocide, they are contributing to capitalism's destruction of our only planet by enabling creation of huge amounts of greenhouse gases. We now see some peaceful resistance to these companies.
David vs Goliath
Hmmm. Ok. Similar. But I’ll stick to my story, thanks. Interesting tho 🧐.
I offer in rebuttal Lord Beaverbrook, FDR, and King George and this lecture on the roots of antiSemitism from 1976 and the Jewish Public Library of Montreal where padlocks were put on the doors when I born and books burned because Christendom hates truth. The holocaust began on May 27 1939 when even Gaza and Palestine offered no refuge to Jewry on the Ship of the damned in Havana Harbour.
For My Brother Jesus
An hour of unrelenting painful truth.
I think you are falling for a common western That everything is the same. You know, that old saw that 'the more things change the more they remain the same'?
What happened in World War II happened in part because western powers didn't act soon enough........or from a wide enough base. We could have rescued far more Jewish people than we did.........our prejudices were part of Hitler's relative success.
But what is happening in Palestine now, is a very different situation. Turns out, you can be the victim of hatred in one century..........and the perpetrators of injustice in the next.
This shouldn't surprise us. In a world where exploitation of others and massive destruction of the environment for profit is considered laudable........and weapon manufacturers get rich off of the often justified fears we learn about 'the other'...........its not easy to stay the Perennial Victim.....or the Self Evident GoodGuy.
Both Israel and the United States have let their good opinion of themselves tempt them into becoming the Monster they began by fearing.
It's an old story. Defending any part of it now is counter productive..
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
If you would read instead of pontificate you would understand John Ralston Saul's "Crusade " against Western Culture and Civilization.
John Saul Jaipur
The Absence of Justice
John Ralston Saul The Comeback
The Comeback
I understand WASP culture
"When a man is wrong and won't admit it; he always gets angry."
Thomas Chandler Haliburton 1796-1865 Sam Slick the Yankee Watchmaker.
Do you understand my distaste for my brother Chris?
Some truth here Moe............but I don't have the time to re read Saul. He appears to be a favourite of yours for sure. I am a grandmother of 6 children, working hard to solarize our son's home....and help my older grand babies through school. We also have a garden, try to grow some of our own food........the processing of it takes a lot of time.
And I'm active in the NDP...for sure, they aren't perfect, but I thank God they exist, as the other two parties can lead one to despair. Climate change is what we've been chiefly working to avert these last few years..........and a good part of my disgust with War and warmongers is that nothing fuels the end of civilization and the Great Mother's cornocopeia of life as fast as War.
Our love of it.........and our determination to convince others that our side is on the path of righeousness sickens and disgusts me.
Which is why I love Chris Hedges, whatever faults you may find in him. We agree about War.
It's always been a death engine....but now, its an extinction game. We have to abolish it from our futures if we are to have one. I don't need to re read Saul to know that.
Yes a huge trap. And we have fallen into it, taking the bait, Hook line and sinker. Very ill advised and I fear the outcome. We threw in with stupid 💥🙄🤡
Why won’t Chris Hedges say it like it is ???!! This genocide isn’t “Zionist” or “Israelis” these are JEWS MURDERING PALESTINIANS committing genocide, textbook genocide against Palestine for their land. With Jews it’s always about the real estate Yes backed up and armed by Jews in the US Department of state and US cabinet and DoD contractors…(who are getting extremely rich again by the hour).
I’m really sick of it. I’m a Christian man and I am not proud of my country right now as I feel that we are engendering genocide . I hope everyone yes will speak up , Pray and I pray that everyone will Aggressively promote peace through cease-fire and diplomacy Because in my view CHRISTIAN VALUES MATTER!!!
"How shall I fuck off Master?" The LIfe of Bryan
Self righteous piece of shit
From The Doubter's Companion A Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense 1994 Viking Press
GOD Either God is alive , in which case he'll deal with us as he sees fit. Or he is dead , in which case he was never alive, it being likely he never died of old age.
If God has always been a figment of our imagination, then , given organized society's distrust of the imagination, he must have been created for a reason. At best this figment was probably intended to provide us with a shared ethical relationship. At worst it was just an excuse for a small group of clerics to wield power in the name of an invisible who could not interfere.
There are two more paragraphs but I am having a heart attack rolling on floor and laughing with tears in my eyes.
Thank you shithead I needed a laugh.
Absolutely. I will pray to any religion that professes inclusion, love, harmony, justice, kindness, mercy and forgiveness. The idea that religions kill people is absurd but it’s the old old story. Prehistoric.