I wish. That is what we hoped, prayed and worked for ... after Kent State, during Vietnam, the hope that was Chile, Nicaragua, Guatemala - before all were distorted and crushed by 'empire'. My current hope - is as the truth of what is happening in 'Gaza' - and all the other 'Gazas' happening in our worlds - combined with our ever deepeni…
I wish. That is what we hoped, prayed and worked for ... after Kent State, during Vietnam, the hope that was Chile, Nicaragua, Guatemala - before all were distorted and crushed by 'empire'. My current hope - is as the truth of what is happening in 'Gaza' - and all the other 'Gazas' happening in our worlds - combined with our ever deepening ecological crisis - can motivate us to counter the deep pocketed reactionism that started in spades in the 1990's.
It will take a major mental and spiritual evolution of humans to accomplish this. I too was an anti-war protester during the Vietnam war, and a major road in our town (Evanston, IL, Northwestern University) was blockaded for a week after the Kent State massacre. But after Kent State the rebellion faded. People leave school and have to get jobs, get married & have kids, get mortgages & other bills, and get more conservative & closed-minded as they get older. If you were to look at the anti-Vietnam war protesters now, I'd be willing to bet that the large majority of them are now pro-establishment, as in supporting the U.S. proxy war in Ukraine, for example.
It's good to see these student protests and I fully support them. I'd like to think that this generation of protesters will be better than ours, and will continue to fight the establishment. However, I've seen nothing to convince me that will happen.
I wish. That is what we hoped, prayed and worked for ... after Kent State, during Vietnam, the hope that was Chile, Nicaragua, Guatemala - before all were distorted and crushed by 'empire'. My current hope - is as the truth of what is happening in 'Gaza' - and all the other 'Gazas' happening in our worlds - combined with our ever deepening ecological crisis - can motivate us to counter the deep pocketed reactionism that started in spades in the 1990's.
It will take a major mental and spiritual evolution of humans to accomplish this. I too was an anti-war protester during the Vietnam war, and a major road in our town (Evanston, IL, Northwestern University) was blockaded for a week after the Kent State massacre. But after Kent State the rebellion faded. People leave school and have to get jobs, get married & have kids, get mortgages & other bills, and get more conservative & closed-minded as they get older. If you were to look at the anti-Vietnam war protesters now, I'd be willing to bet that the large majority of them are now pro-establishment, as in supporting the U.S. proxy war in Ukraine, for example.
It's good to see these student protests and I fully support them. I'd like to think that this generation of protesters will be better than ours, and will continue to fight the establishment. However, I've seen nothing to convince me that will happen.