Though I don't pray, indeed I do : For Julien Assange, a man I've never met but in my heart I know is a profoundly principaled and courageous human being. And Stella Moris, their children, John Shipton, who eminates a gentle strength, their family, and humanity. This is a pivotal time when the forces of darkness in us all may collecti…
Though I don't pray, indeed I do : For Julien Assange, a man I've never met but in my heart I know is a profoundly principaled and courageous human being. And Stella Moris, their children, John Shipton, who eminates a gentle strength, their family, and humanity. This is a pivotal time when the forces of darkness in us all may collectively lurch toward self-annihilation - though the power of grace is with all who recognize the darkness and, like Julien Assange, have the courage to expose it to the light.
Though I don't pray, indeed I do : For Julien Assange, a man I've never met but in my heart I know is a profoundly principaled and courageous human being. And Stella Moris, their children, John Shipton, who eminates a gentle strength, their family, and humanity. This is a pivotal time when the forces of darkness in us all may collectively lurch toward self-annihilation - though the power of grace is with all who recognize the darkness and, like Julien Assange, have the courage to expose it to the light.
Yes. Yes! I want to read your letter aloud to any politician who will listen!