Agreed. The whole madness starts with Deuteronomy chapter 20 where among other niceties Jehovah commands that (verse 16th) "it is only in the cities of these peoples that Jehovah your God is giving you as an inheritance that you not must preserve any breathing thing alive because you should without fail preserve to destruction..." and so…
Agreed. The whole madness starts with Deuteronomy chapter 20 where among other niceties Jehovah commands that (verse 16th) "it is only in the cities of these peoples that Jehovah your God is giving you as an inheritance that you not must preserve any breathing thing alive because you should without fail preserve to destruction..." and so for, and much later Jesus said that he had not come to change the law of Moses.
Not just the Abrahamic religions but most organized religions have fomented wars.
Agreed. The whole madness starts with Deuteronomy chapter 20 where among other niceties Jehovah commands that (verse 16th) "it is only in the cities of these peoples that Jehovah your God is giving you as an inheritance that you not must preserve any breathing thing alive because you should without fail preserve to destruction..." and so for, and much later Jesus said that he had not come to change the law of Moses.
Not just the Abrahamic religions but most organized religions have fomented wars.