I feel both blessed and cursed to have experienced these realities firsthand in 1967, in Jerusalem. I was very young and was there with my very young friend, who was mixed race, and naive, and who had never experienced racism on anything like this level. Together we travelled around and spoke with the European Jews who pretended to be just and fair as they occupied and oppressed people they referred to as “snakes”, and “Pishpisheem”, (Cockroaches).

When questioned about the death of children we were told: “Well, those Arabs have too many children as it is.”

There are no words for the revulsion we felt, and that I feel to this day.

I will share this interview and continue to try to share my idea of justice, but I believe more each day that Israel must be dissolved. The vast majority believes that last week’s terror attack in Lebanon was a great success. How can Gideon Levy, Ilan Pappé and Miko Peled be products of the same culture as them? There is no cure for this kind of evil. Maybe to dilute it and spread these wretched people around the world will be a solution.

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A large part of UN walked out on Netanyahu and his speech.

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Israel is what happens when you give any group of humans unlimited rights and zero obligations to anyone.

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Fantastic interview, thank you Gideon Levy and Chris. It's extremely depressing but it feels like this is the truth of the matter: Israel has lost its humanity, moving from an apartheid state to genocide. I see a variant of the same mentality in the Christian nationalists and the identitarian left in the USA.

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Yes, a straight line projection of current trends suggests that the Palestinians will become very much like the First People of North America. The broken survivors will live in poverty and obscurity, and the dominant society will accept it as manifest destiny and God’s will 😱

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This is a disturbing interview. He continues to live in Israel. How can he do that with all that he says and knows? How could one not become anti - **** after what he says about the Israeli people, who would be just as happy to kill all the Palestinians and take over the whole of Gaza, the West Bank and beyond. What a horrible thing to hear. Horrible.

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Gideon AND Hedges!

Two of my absolute heroes in the absolute madness we have collectively plunged into.

Telling us the truth over and over again.

Thanks for staying the course and being the best of us.

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Outrage when you shoot fish in a barrel and they fight back is grotesque.

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All of a sudden after 0ct. 7th,2023, both President Biden and V.P. Harris called for a two state solution. Reminds of of when I was a teenager many moons ago, we tardy loan payers became on time loan payers after the ''wise guy'' from the old neighborhood warned us in his deep gravel voice, ''when words is no good, you gotta use violence''. Translation: No Oct. 7th terror attack, no talk of a ''two state solution''.

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Brilliant interview! Have shared it widely. So much respect for Gideon telling the truth from inside Israel. Stay safe please

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