It's difficult to comprehend just how close we are to another world war. I swear these articles keep me sane sometimes even if to just help me process the madness bombarding us everyday.

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Kaelan, as even Gary Wills, the author of "Bomb Power" recognizes, it's in the Money and "Propaganda Power" now.

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As always a perfect summary of our shame, of our looking away and not caring about our brothers and sisters. It is very difficult not to despair about all the problems that surround us and wondering why others just cannot or do not want to see where this leads us to. I often think that all these conflicts are just created so nobody has to deal with the real problems: inequality (horrible poverty everywhere) and climate change (for what it might already be too late) and still there are so many people that want to give more money to the military - how to break this circle??

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"... wondering why others just cannot or do not want to see where this leads us to." Here is a quote from the film The International ... "There's what people want to hear, there's what people want to believe, then there's everything else, and then, there's the truth." Sadly, I see this before my eyes more today than any time previously in my life (I'm now 63).

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Yes, of course you are right (it is just my thoughts about this absolute helplessness to change anything when all the people that have the 'SAY' are going mad ... (sorry my English is not too good - German speaker, almost 65 yrs, lived in Austria until 2010 ...). And one more thought, every day I am so glad I had no children, my friends who do, are so worried about the future of their offspring ...

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When Zelenskyy is forced to surrender, does he go from media darling to traitorous loser? The amount of pro-Ukraine propaganda being dumped upon Americans never addresses that the US has zero interest in a peaceful solution, the slaughter of Ukraine is great for ratings and for scoring political points. We can send billions of dollars in aid and weapons to the Ukraine, but can't get a bridge repaired. We can make sure the oil companies and drug companies have record profits, can't give you health care.

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The entirety of the Western masses are glued to channel zero. I have never before seen so many "science matters," "woke," Ukrainian flag waving, bloodthirsty liberals in my life. Never though hippies could be so vicious. Has America completely lost its mind?

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Another in a historic career of great writings. Thank you Chris.

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it's perhaps ironic to call this writing a breath of fresh air and yet it's so refreshing to read such truthful eloquence uncluttered by bias, pandering and manufactured consent...thank you Mr Hedges for continuing on Substack

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The hypocrisy being externalized in all parts of society regarding Ukraine by liberals is overwhelming, revolting, and toxic. Thank you, Mr. Hedges, for listing all of our examples of sanctimonious posturing. It keeps us readers sane, hinged, and prepared to push back.

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These Russian war crimes remind me so much of our US war against the people of Vietnam, but this cannot be mentioned on the MSM. Others may call you unpatriotic or pro Putin. How quickly we forget our brutality in Vietnam against innocent people including women and children killed, injured and displaced by the millions. Then add the Iraq and Afghanistan disasters and it is easy to see why Americans want to forget our bloody, militaristic past, from only a few years ago, or only a few months ago.

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A great foundational summary condemnation of war for the new platform. This is the ultimate point.

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I would like all of us who are for peace to revolt, none violently❣️

The World can expect nothing but violence from America. After all we’re the country that reacts to school shootings even of kindergartners with more access to weapons!?

The media blaming our inflation and ridiculous fossil fuel pricing on the Ukrainians tragedy.

We never negotiated with Russia we just armed the Europeans.

I am one of the many Americans loosing my home because I can’t find a job that pays enough. I hate hearing tips on saving gas, without A mention of our utility bills, adding to the outrageous housing costs.

America doesn’t care about its people, anymore than Russia does.

This time our plant, is on the line, and not just because of the two super powers with the bomb.

Their drive for more drilling to gain more leverage by having more fossil fuels, is going to accelerate our climate demise.

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MaureenB I am sorry indeed to hear of your travails, especially with housing. We both know the situation is not fair (by any description). It seems to me as one not living in the US that the history of America (at least its most recent history perhaps) is that of an economic hegemon, which means simply that the various elites regard common folk as nothing more than units of consumption. Perhaps it has always been thus and effectively camouflaged by the pervasive myth of individual enterprise and freedom - but here's no chance for enterprise or freedom if you are ground into the dirt. It saddens me immensely to see this happening to a proud and generous people.

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Thank you for your kind words. My hope is that the people who have had enough will come together to stand up for nonviolence❣️ And do it nonviolently❣️

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So true. And the belief that we can have "cheap oil" is unsustainable. Our lives have to change. There is no cheap oil--there is only war after war for oil.

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I know they’re out there and I know Chris Hedges speaks to most of them. I’m writing to green organizations who do little more than talk I’m hoping we can all do something. To stop what they call a world war because what it is is a “world crisis”

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I am so so grateful to you and your articulation of all that drives me insane.

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Like anthropogenic climate disruption, the threat of nuclear war is both ominous and sobering. But most choose to ignore either willfully, or in dread. Those of us able to somewhat face this find some solace in someone who can articulate our fears so well. Thanks Chris. God bless you.

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Mar 21, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022

I was raised by prosperity gospel indoctrinated right-wing parents, to learn the truth from Chris has been a profound experience. Thanks for the post!

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Vietnam 2.5 million killed outright, with more to come from Agent Orange. On Laos, quoting Brice Fein on the Ralph Nader radio hour, "Laos is another example of how we use double standards. During a 10- year secret war in Laos from 1963 to 1973, an unconstitutional war never declared by Congress, the United States dropped 260 million bombs on a country of 2.3 million, or 120 bombs per person. It's something that the United States has never redressed. Still today, 80 million of those 260 million bombs are unexploded and they are maiming children and women and fathers in the hundreds per year. Since the end of the war, 50,000 have died from unexploded ordnance."

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I was told by a coworker with family in laos that there was a genocide in laos by the laos govt that wasn't getting any news coverage. Im guessing around 2006-7ish... I cant imagine all the nonsense going on we never hear about.

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Single-payer war for all! For healthcare and education? Much too dangerous!

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It hurts to read this, but read we must.

I tried, more than once, to make a mental list of the atrocities - that we know of - committed by the US in my lifetime. Every one led to another one, or to our support of atrocities committed by our allies. Every time I had to stop because my brain cannot hold all of them and I would have to write them down - which would probably take too much time. At the same time, I would try to list all of the things this country could be doing to help people living here, things that our "leaders" refuse to do, with bogus excuses for not providing us with basic human needs, or to at least make possible for people to access those basic human needs.

It is clear that we are the worst country in the world. We destroy lives everywhere, including inside this country. All for profit and for the illusion of being the best, of being great, of being EXCEPTIONAL.

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Here you go regarding that list of atrocities: https://countercurrents.org/lucas240407.htm

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Thank you for this. It doesn't list Palestine and Yemen (and maybe others?), which are not our intervention but our money and our ammunition. I just found out about Western Sahara, occupied by Morocco, and I am sure there are abuses happening there. Our government is the only entity to recognize the occupation, erasing Western Sahara from the maps. Can't make this stuff up.

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Right on time SC. Thanx

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i agree. the indifference that the elites have toward human life everywhere -- including here in the US -- is shocking. these people have no allegiance to any country. they only care about themselves and money.

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Yes, the hypocrisy is beyond words, though, not your words, Chris. What a powerful and insightful article. Gratitude to you getting up and going on Substack. And gratitude for all the others in this community who make it possible by subscribing to fund your work.

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