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Perhaps you should spend a few years studying virology and immunology. mRNA vaccine research has been going on for 30 years or more since mRNA was discovered in around 1970. Consider countries like Vietnam and Thailand, where the first genome of Covid struck. Proper isolation, masks, restrictions, resulted in 20 deaths in the first year. When mRNA vaccines became available, Asian countries were not allowed to have them. When Delta variant hit, 20,000 deaths in a short period of time. USA did almost nothing at the direction of the idiot president. Over one million Americans died! A record in the world! No nothing and allow mutations was the American way! Do nothing the next time with a more virulent virus and say goodbye to many if not all your friends and relatives. Verbally and scientifically attack Trump, not Hedges!

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Trump IS NOT our immediate problem ...

Ever hear of the World Economic Forum? ... do you have any idea of the pure hell that awaits us if the amendments to the WHO Health Treaty are approved? ... do you? ... Hedges has never had a word to say about either ... and in no way did your dissertation above refute my comment ... the COVID vax was rushed to market after only one year under protection of legal immunity for Phizer, Moderna and J&J ... Hedges knew the risks and rather than just admit that it is in fact a personal decision, he looked us all in the eye and in effect told us the vax was "safe & effective" ... your comment makes no sense! ... and Hedges was an insensitive, self-centered prick for taking sides with big pharma on this matter ...

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I did the course, then Med School and many years beyond. Considering the alternative, I elected to have every available dose of Moderna.

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Then you must certainly know how lucky you've been so far, right? ...

BTW, if you find the time this week, you might post a DIRECT reply to my initial comment because you've now evaded me twice ... the VAX is a bio-weapon and deliberately formulated to kill and injure people ... so go ahead, call me crazy and call the medical professionals who have done the pain-staking research to prove it crazy, and I will bury you with enough hard evidence to keep you busy until Valentine's day ... and if you don't read it, then someone else here will ...

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There's a pandemic, alright. A pandemic of hypochondria, lol.

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You can chuckle, but I'm not laughing ...

Like highly trained clapping seals, Hedges' cultists just keep coming back here begging for another dose of darkness from St Chris ...

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